Private profiles aren't going away

Right? You can’t even stay on topic. But if you can’t see the value of knowing what you’re teammates are good at when interacting with them to make a comp as you say, then you’re an idiot. I’m not calling you an idiot mind you, I’m saying that if that’s true, you are indefensibly, an idiot.

EDIT: You’re also clearly a troll, every post in this thread by you has been a snarky inflammatory retort to what otherwise could be a productive conversion.

Again, you’d be better off just talking with your teammates than going through their profiles with Excel. I may be an idiot, insane and a general unperson, but even I know that negotiation is the key to success.

“Hello, I would like to negotiate with you to borrow your car”

But I dont have a car…

“That would have been helpful to know… I’m an idiot”

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Well, that is better than the alternative of

“You have a 1977 Pontiac Trans Am. You will lend it to me now.”

“No. Get out.”

“I will report you to my local sheriff.”

And the fact that you completely ignored the fact that we’ve already established that no demands are being made, we’re just discussing with our teammates, proves you’re a troll.

Good day.

I suspect that you haven’t thought things through. I wish you luck in the future.

You’re also kind of like a magic 8 ball apparently.

If the devs actually read the threads about private profiles here, they will become all the more convinced that they are an absolute necessity. These threads are full of entitled whining by the opponents of private profiles because they no longer can scream at teammates for daring not to play their main is r


You see, I’ve been trying to explain why you don’t need the profiles, but you keep talking about professionals and whatnot. Then you have the audacity to call me a troll. That’s why I no longer consider interacting with you fruitful.

This will end our interaction. You may have the last word to denounce me to your friends and claim some sort of “victory”, as if discourse is some sort of pugilistic tournament.

to OP:

and thank god for that

That is also the truth. Every time one of these threads is made it becomes all the more clear just how necessary player protections are.


This is a ridiculous comparison. OW comp isn’t a professional sport. We are not paid to play it, we do it for fun. So if players feel more comfortable with their profiles being private, they should have this option.

If you play me to play for you, then you can demand to make me stats public. Until then - tough luck.


No need, you’re insistence that I’m not responding to what you’re saying and that you are responding to what I’m saying may be deemed truth in this Trumpian era we live in. So if there is a victor, and it’s you, it’s entirely a result of that climate.

I’m fine knowing anyone who reads the complete interaction and has any measure of comprehension will clearly see I was talking to a wall that just wanted to aggravate me. And I’m good with that.

So in a way, I guess we’re both winners!

No you’re right, professional was a poor choice of words, competitive would have been the correct word. And in a competition for rewards (even virtual) I feel knowing how your opponents performed isnt unreasonable.

Okay im out of banter mode now so this is a serious point.

I dont know if you play comp alot, but pretty much everytime i play this game its comp.

i used to see people getting flamed for being a mercy main or whatever and sucking at dps.

Im happy for those people to start flexing, more people that have large hero pools the better.

but what ive actually been seeing is “damn our mcree suck” checks profile " oh of coarse its private " continues to flame about them having private and assumes they’re a mercy main instead of just seeing they are one.

this is all anecdotal at the end of the day but i havent really seen a decrease of people getting flamed, just a different kind of flame.

Again, the purpose of discussion is not victory, but the exchange of ideas. You had no intention of meeting me half way. That’s a very Trumpian ideal, but it is the time that we live in. Not for much longer, mind you, but that is how it is today.

If you ever want to have a reasonable discussion about things I’d be willing to listen, provided I see a few round of discussion with others to demonstrate that you are doing so in good faith, which you have not here.

If they wanna stick with private profiles, fine, but give us an alternative, like being able to choose 5-6 favorite heroes to display on your profile, so at least it gives each player some identity and you know what kind of players and hero rosters you can work with.

ohhh politics…


I don’t think it is at all likely that the nature of private profiles will be changed, so as I suggested above you may want to simply start negotiating with your teammates.

Honestly as much as i think private profile folk are little pansies.

its had pretty much no effect on making team comps, i thought it would make it pretty annoying but its not that bad.