Private profiles aren't going away

The main reason private profiles were added: so people don’t get yelled at for not playing their main.
The main reason people want them removed: so they can yell at people not on their main.

There’s a few other factors, but nothing that’s gonna change anything.


I mean i really dont care either way.

Shoudnt have made it by default IMO.

Still you have to be pretty insecure about yourself to make it private on purpose.

Thats just IMO though, and like i said, who really cares.


Just an opinion but I actually find it insecure for people to judge others based on their Overwatch video game profile.

To each their own, though. lol



isnt insecurity being anxious about oneself.

openly having your winrates on heros available to the lobby emphasises confidence.

Hiding this purposely shows the opposite, i mean if someone i mega pushing hard that it should be public then they’re a bit insensitive, but i dont see insecurity there, just being a bit of a douche.


I really hate this generation mentality towards gamming, some years ago we used to insult each other every god damn game for no god damn reason, game ends and every onde goes to the next match like it never happened.

Competitive games need stats, those modes are not there to have fun, they are there for you to win, thats where fun comes from in those modes, winning and getting better and for you to get better and win stats are crucial!

People that dont have public profiles should be locked out of competitive.


to be honest its just Overwatch community.

mainly these forums.

games community is fairly emotional and sensitive compared to others.

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That never happened. What did happen is that gaming spaces became such a miserable place to play that people got tired of it, and they started pushing back. That’s where we are today. You all made it this way, and people are taking their games back.


Aaaaaand that’s why it’s private by default.


What games you played? Just wona know what i miss.
Also for me game is for fun, not only win, and comp in overwatch is for gold weapons XD

by the definition of the word how does that equal insecure? I’d understand immature but insecure is something else.


do you think my opinion is the reason.

or because i said private on purpose when its private by default, if so your just arguing semantics.

Ever wonder why at the very high levels of play, from watching streams, you hardly ever see anyone with a hidden profile. :thinking:

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I propose a truce.

Make it possible to hide your profile, but make all comp stats public no matter what. Maybe some people just wanna chill in casual and keep private, cool. But playing competitively is pretty much inherently a public activity, so make that public.

Personally Im a casual and my profile is public cause I like numbers and got nothing to hide. Ya I play Torb… come at me :stuck_out_tongue:

we used to insult each other every god damn game for no god damn reason

That sounds so unbelievably dumb lol. Are 30-year-olds really taking pride in trash talking people in a video game?


Conversely, my profile is private because it is not any of your business what my hours are. This is no different than, say, my Steam profile, where it is also none of your business what my three most recent games player were, or how many hours I have in Cities: Skylines.

In short, it isn’t your concern.

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I think what he means is people do it for banter.

you never have one of those spicy games where both teams are flaming each other in chat?

or someone flames you in a game then you play against them in the next and your both trying as hard as you can for bragging rights over the other?

love me a spicy game like that.


I understand where you’re coming from. But if you play competitively you are entering the world stage to compare your skill to others. Like you couldn’t compete in professional sports and demand your stats be kept private. That’s impossible. YOU are volunteering to compete in public.

Again if you just play QP, by all means, it’s like playing football with your friends and you’re entitled to privacy.


Do you play competitively?

Exactly what i hate about “your” generation.


I do not. I’m a casual, profile is public you can check :slight_smile: