Private profiles aren't going away

i mean your delving a little deep there frued.

Ya in a casual setting, I don’t care for private profiles, but I understand why someone might want them and I guess Im ok with it. I DO miss being able to say “Oh wow we have a real problem with Pharah right now X, you seem to have a lot of time on hitscan heroes, can you switch?”

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Making them private by default is the ONLY way they could have added private profiles in my opinion. It creates plausible deniability. If they were public by default then anyone who had opted to have their profile private would automatically be suspected of hiding something, which in many cases would result in cyber bullying, the very thing they sought to reduce by adding private profiles.

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Bro people can’t play every time the hero they want I mean everybody plays genji bcz he’s cooland in comp you can’t just play a hero because it’s cool flex main btw

Yeah they did, the irony of this is that they added taunts. So all chat was bad because you could taunt the opponents, therefore the solution was removing it and adding emotes, voice lines and sprays to taunt them in a completely different way. It’s the fun way so that’s okay! : D

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okay if someone planned to hid their profile if default was public, then that seems insecure to me.

i feel like everyone else got that point from the wording i used…

seems like arguing semantics to me.

i understand most people have private just due to laziness and stuff.

Again, maybe you’d all be better served just asking for people to switch than sitting in spawn making spreadsheets of your teammate’s statistical performance.

My issue with private profiles, is stuff like people that are trowing matches. Before you could check their winrate, throw stacks usually had really low winrate percentage on a specific hero. 10% for example. So you could be completely sure that they were throwing and thats gameplay sabotage report for you sir, or if they were just playing bad and diving as winston into 6 people just to die 2 seconds after, which does not deserve a report.

Oh I do. But apparently you have beef with informed decisions lol

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Man, you really must be fun at parties. :man_shrugging:t2:

It’s also funny how you say that you don’t care either way and yet you not only gave your opinion about it being default, but you proceed to put a label on people who use the private profile system.

Phoenix Wright can spot this contradiction from a mile away.

I am fun at parties actually.

Just because i dont care doesnt mean i cant have an opinion.

Thats not a contradiction.

you need a dictionary.

What is there to be informed about? You are not in charge, so just ask if anyone is willing to switch to hitscan. There is no reason to order people around.

Interesting hypothesis… But it is still not a 100% guarantee that your teammate throws, just for itself. Guess thats why you said really low percentage, but people can get unlucky still, have a streak of leavers/throwers themselves as a hero. Don’t forget that we are in the same boat here, losing streaks can and probably will happen to everybody. So watching the actual performance or behaving pattern of the teammate in the actual game would be still more precise, imo,

If you don’t care, then why bother posting about it? Also never said you can’t have an opinion. Obviously, you do care considering your long list of posts here and committing to either label or insult others.

Holy cow, I hope that bridge you live under is at least comfortable. Yeesh.

I never said I ordered anyone, I’m saying someone asking me to go Genji is a really bad idea, I don’t play him at all and it’d be a disaster. However, if our Mercy could play Genji well, they could say “Oh hey Brick, can you Mercy so I can go Genji?” And I would say “Why yes my good man! Make short work of that Bastion whilst I support the team!”.

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Then if you are not ordering anyone, clearly there is no need to have the information so that you can say “Genji, you will switch to Soldier 76 now to counter the Pharah”. You can ask “does anyone want to switch to hitscan to counter the Pharah, I can switch too if needed”.

You don’t need access to the profiles of others in order to get what you are looking for here. In fact, your rate of success will probably be much higher if you do the latter instead.

Im bored and doing nothing in work but wait around at a desk, thats why im having a laugh on these forums.

you said it was a contradiction, its not a contradiction.

you just agreed that i can have an opinion, which means you now dont think it was a contradiction either…

even though you said it was…

make your mind up.

Why do I keep responding to you? haha

Probably because after all your bluster, you know that I am right. You don’t need access to people’s profiles to make a comp, or to handle switching. All you need to do is be able to interact with your teammates, and if you can do so respectfully I think you’d be surprised about how often they’ll be willing to swap.

The other side of that is that you need to be willing to do the same.

dude you need to learn to spot crazy earlier.

only respond in this forum if you like the memes.

if you want to actually talk about the game seriously use one of the sub reddits.