Private profiles aren't going away

I disagree. It’s a step in a different direction, for sure.

Okay. Well, thank you for the discussion.

Private profiles also affected the tournaments. You can easily scout your enemy teams for information such as skill level, hero choices, roles, play styles.
There was a low-level OW tournament in our country. And I was able to predict the outcome of every match just by comparing average sr of teams. With advances in analyzing and technology people can extract some serious amount of data about person just from his stats.

this i agree with, you should be able to see the enemy teams stats.

private profile kinda protects one tricks in that you cant super ruin their day from the start.

They made it default to avoid issues with GDPR, etc. Makes perfect sense in that light, and it gets around the bully problem by making it a privacy question.

huh, is that actually true?

seems like every single game with a combat record is breaking GDPR.

what private info is in your combat record?

They are. That’s the issue, Blizz and I can’t remember who are trying to just stay ahead of it. They can’t release your info without your permission, so in effect you have to make it private and let the person decide to make it viewable…

It is private info, because it’s yours… your teammate is not automatically entitled to it any more than seeing your bank account or medical records… because it’s yours. That’s effectively how GDPR and those regulations work.

what info?

your hero select is protected as private personal information LUL.

I haven’t really looked this up much but ill be honest it seems super bs, sceptical would be an understatement.

happy to be corrected though.

Did a quick google, you may not actually be far off, i still find it hard to believe thats the reason as its probably in their terms and conditions or some stuff.

but that GDPR definition is super open to interpretation.

I just don’t understand why every competitive esport game like League/Dota have open profiles but Overwatch doesn’t. We don’t even have a scoreboard for data. And it’s all because people are too sensitive and seem unable to use the mute button. Generation snowflakes really did win.

As I said, there is a feeling that GDPR and such are being used to help make the decision on the question of comp bullying by making it private. If there is any question, why wouldn’t they make it private by default and let you open it up? I think they are just playing it safe tbh at this point.

EDIT: Here’s a thread discussing this and mentions Blizzard specifically: https ://

Normal thought process of someone hating on Private Profiles:
“We’re losing! Gotta see if anyone is not playing their main so I can blame the loss on them!”


Yeah i get what you mean.

its probably a bit of both, honestly if it was open by default then people who change it would defo get flamed more.

cant wait for the lawsuit about someone laughing at my K/D in call of duty though.

i mean that does happen.

and most of the time in that situation its probably due to that person.

bad game design if you ask me, you shouldnt be able to one trick or main your way to a rank where you cant flex.

Not in my opinion. For me, private profile are suspicious by default, regardless of whether it even defaults to that setting or not.

i mean this is true.

but it wouldnt even be suspicious if it wasnt default.

you would legit just know that person is hiding something.

True. So for me, it’s quite simple; Someone has a private profile. That means they’ve got something to hide. Now, if it were QP, I wouldn’t really mind, but in Comp, you really need the profile data to be able to help decide team comps and strategy. Not to mention, private profiles even hide the SR and things like season/career highs, so you can’t readily see if you’re dealing with de-rankers or smurfs. Which is why you see a plethora of “Public Profile Required” in LFG and most hosts are pretty adamant that the people joining have public profiles.

If you’ve got a private profile, you’re better of Solo Queueing.

“dey terk er gaem!!” lol

Considering Overwatch attracted a lot of people who have never played fps game or even competitive game of any kind, I don’t think it’s a case of those people having “their” game “taken away.”

Wow, thanks for making the rest of us in the older gen look like jerks.

There is a huge difference between simple trash talk and outright bullying people based on their stats.

Hey folks,

This thread has devolved into trolling and toxicity. Before it spirals further, I’m going to go ahead and lock it.

Thank you