Can we please make Public Profile's the default setting?

There you go.

I dont need your opinion on this

MY account

MY copy of OW

MY choice of character


Dont want to hear from you about how you think I should play.

Once again, private profile fully justified


still my choice, not yours

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You don’t need my opinion, but i’m free to ask and give it to you. A competitive match where the result matters to everyone, and you soft throwing isn’t justification for private profiles.

Data is information. Information helps you to improve and understand why something has gone wrong if it does. All the major Esport games have public data on their players because they are competitive games. Overwatch is Esports crazy. Without accurate data, without scoreboards, Overwatch is falling behind. Capiche?

The literal and only reason profiles have been hidden is because Overwatch has succumbed to PC culture. Generation snowflakes have colonised gaming culture with their incessant whining.


Well you’re gonna loose too.And if you choose to loose because you play a hero you have 0 hours and expirience with,and are taking the rest of your team down with you,that tells me more about you than them.


and I dont need to provide you info you can try to use to back up your opinion that again I dont need or want. Maybe some of your type doesnt even bother trying unless they get the data they want before stating such an opinion, and that means less toxicity for me. Less toxicity, more better

I never throw.

Character choice is never throwing per se.

What you do with that character might be, but the choice itself never is

you public profile folks are so funny with your rationalizations

from another private/public profile thread, and so true:



I play characters I know how to play

Maybe I got my experience with Mercy (in this scenario) on another account, hundreds of hours perhaps?

Once you throw in the fact that there are 11 other people in the match and, in competitive, you all have an informal agreement to try your hardest to win your choice really pales in comparison to the needs of the group.

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use of the term snowflakes proves to me what sort of person you are, and causes me to dismiss whatever point you are attempting to make, regardless of whether it has validity or not


But that isn’t what i do. I’m not a part of a “type” either.
If you don’t care about my opinion, why do you care that i want info to backup my opinion? It doesn’t make sense.
And i don’t want to see who your mains on the go, either. I barely do that. I want your data for Overbuff, not myself. Some of “my type” might be idiots that will shoot themselves in the foot, will continuously lose by doing that and you will never see them again.

Thanks for making my argument for me. Playing a character you don’t have a clue in what playing, is throwing and people can and should ask you to switch to something that contributes more. You’re not a little special snowflake, you’re part of a team of rag-tags that should do their best to win in the face of a 50% or so odd.

This is not my rationalization. This isn’t my thought process, either.

Well you proved my point with this response by choosing to take offence by a word choice I made. Get a grip.

Overwatch is a competitive game and it’s vital for any competitive game to have a database that’s public to its player base.


Just how big is your ego?


What the hell? Why are you even here, then? This is a discussion.

The devs have stated that they’ll make the default public if enough people set their info to public.
The issue with this is that they’re are a lot of people who don’t even know that their profiles are private.
Plenty of my friends who have no qualms with public stats have private profiles because they have no idea that it’s automatically set to private. Most of my friends responses to their profiles being automatically private is “What? Why?”

Kinda hard to get a majority when a quarter of the playerbase doesn’t even know about their profiles being automatically set to private.


That’s a qoute mah dude

Comp has been made objectively worse because in the 45 seconds i have with 5 other strangers i’ve never met , i have to somehow work out what role i should play and somehow work out what these other 5 strangers are good at.

at leased with profiles i could tell that my team has 3 support mains, telling me for the love of god , dont pick support.

I’ve lost so many matches because its taken half a match to work out that the guys that are tanking , are terrible , but flexed because someone else took there favored role.

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I’m aware of it, and my answer is to Megadodo. I just fixed it.

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Like GDPR for EU users for example? :stuck_out_tongue:

“Overwatch is a competitive game…”
Nice joke
Competive mode for me there is just for gold weapons, if that will be out of rankedthen i will never even play it, after all im casual player.

No ego involved

You want to use terms that dismiss people, then I dismiss you

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