Private career profiles were a mistake

Explain what purpose you would have for seeing others profiles. Like why do you wanna know my heroes so bad?

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Or if your on PC there’s always text chat :man_shrugging:


You can literally just ask them. It’s not that hard.


The much larger issue is handicap matchmaking.

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Either that or he’s purposefully trolling and we all fell for it. Either way, the argument is pointless as private profiles aren’t going anywhere.


It would be nice if it somehow showed ‘most played’ heroes (like a top 5 or something) but in no particular order and without showing the actual time played on them :man_shrugging:. Perhaps 3 settings;

  1. Private profile
  2. Partial info
  3. Open profile

Although the community would flame people over that also :sweat_smile:

Honestly I do this all the time It is hilarious I am usually right 80% of the time and My friend doesn’t know how I predict their team comps
though blizzard please stop this from being able to happen

This is a weak argument, just like the, you can’t have everything you want. Even though the inclusion of this was what a minority asked for. The excuse of not being harassed, implies there isn’t an ability to block/report/ignore specific people. It really does come down to insecurity. If I want to play widow and I am terrible at it and someone rages, I don’t cry about implementing a “private setting” to my in game stats. I just block the person.

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If they’re not good after your observation, then at that point you’ve already lost.

Not sure why you’re trying to defend yourself, you’re both taking insecure sides. If you want to observe people’s profiles to make sure they know what they’re playing then you’re being insecure because you’re uncertain or anxious about how someone else is going to perform. But then while the observer is being insecure about this, the person picking something they don’t know how to play leaves the person in an uncertain situation and low confidence, resulting in insecurity.

From what I’ve seen, the only time anyone has ever brought up someone’s profile in game is to be toxic.

Better to encourage people to focus on their own game play and improvement than frantically dig through people’s profiles to find someone to blame.

I know there is non toxic reasons to check, but the cons heavily outweigh the pros with public profiles.

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Define what you see as toxic, because what I see from your definition of toxicity is insecurity that generates directly from private profiles. Toxicity is overused just like the word literally; most people have no idea how to use them anymore. Toxic is a very emphasized word to use; especially if you’re using it to use it replace the word insecure. Just like using the word nasty, instead of distasteful to define food as good or bad.

Not really. It created the SMURFF epidemic.

" Gonna Create an ALT account, so I don’t get harassed 24/7 about my stats".

Glad its gone. 1 of the best choices staff made for this game!

No, it’s because the people who look up profiles when they are looking for someone to blame when they are angry heavily outnumber the people looking them up to play around you.

Factor in how quickly people are to abuse the report system these days on top of that it’s pretty obvious why most players opt to leave them off.

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I found that the moment I picked a hero that wasn’t my most picked people would immediately get tilted and playing poorly regardless of what I was doing. I find that private profiles ends up protecting these people from themselves :man_shrugging:t2:


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I dunno if it’s trolling when you make a claim then get piled on by reasonable arguments… :man_shrugging:t2:

just ask him if he can open or not I guess

You are creepy and people don’t like your creepiness. Mind your own business.

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Bc we wanna see if the tank only playing onetricks her like 90% of the people who play her.

And what insight that would give you?