Private career profiles were a mistake

Hey you know how people learn to play Zen? They don’t enter into the game knowing, they play him first and that gives them experience on zen.


the problem is not that Private Profiles exist, the problem is that it’s the default setting.

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Na, you’re just being shortsighted.

Some people don’t like people like you (potentially) attacking them for what they play. Some people want to be able to play tank even though they have 1000 hours on support without being harassed.

So, sorry, but as long as people use the profile to harass, attack, belittle, and create toxicity in general, a private profile option is necessary


To look for a reason to tell you to switch or to blame you when it’s not going well … obviously.

Private profiles were one of the best changes they ever made.


Oh jeez, not this again.


Yes, I am insecure (20 chars)

And why would you want to do that?

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Very true, these people just want their excuse to be toxic to others so now they are pissed that they don’t have it.

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Nah, it is great. Too much toxic people in OW. Like you

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I follow the wisdom of the great OW thinker Aerocrypt, who once said that
private profiles are the third best thing ever added to Overwatch, right after maps and heroes

not at all

no insecurity here

I simply prefer to deny information to folks who almost invariably use said information in a toxic fashion

not at all

the initially setting of private protects new players – who dont even generally know they have a profile or profile settings – from predatory players

choice of character is never throwing

theres no such thing as a throw pick, as one can throw just as easily with any one of the many OW characters as any other

players throw, not characters


I don’t understand. You can see the hero I’m playing once the match starts.

Oooohh…! Silly me. That’s not the issue, is it? What you actually want to do is to police the game, and go into my profile, and check to make sure that I’m playing one of my top 3 heroes. And if I’m not, You want to demand that I switch.

Now I understand.


Profiles being public or not makes no difference. They will either play competently or not.

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And why does that matter?

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It’s one less scapegoat for the toxic players to fall back to when the defending party has an actual point, so I disagree.

If you start telling people what they have to pick it’s more likely “or not”

Oh look, a low skill random Overwatch nobody making a thread designed specifically to insult people while pretending it’s a valid topic.

Literally every single person that has ever complained about private profiles is absolute trash both at the game and at being a decent person. You’re literally crying about people stopping you from being abusive towards them nevermind the fact that it’s a default setting. Nobody cares what you think of them. Grow a pair.


Yeah I agree completely.

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Not according to Blizzard.


Imma be fr, it’s none of your business what people choose to play.

Wanna be in control? Form a group of your own. :wave: :door:


Using private profiles means: its none of your damn business

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