Power creep, rein insta die. Healers cant keep up

Scatter arrow was very seldom used for barrier busting. Storm arrow is constantly used for barrier busting. Also, there were times with scatter where attacking a barrier with it was not possible, due to map geometry. For example, if the Hanzo was on lower ground.

Hanzo was seldom used full stop.

However, where available, good Hanzos were definitely breaking barriers fast. Perhaps more so on static ones like Orisa’s, but still. Definitely happening.

Not nearly as often as with storm arrow. Storm arrow is much more useful against barriers than scatter ever was. Back then, scatter was Hanzo’s only very reliable way of getting kills (especially if pressured up close), and so Hanzo’s tended to hold it for that moment where they needed it, as opposed to destroying barriers with it (even if the Hanzo had the right angle for it, which was not always the case).

I recall the amount of DPS this game has actually roughly the same as it was at launch I believe and considering shield break the biggest sources of constant damage are more or less unchanged. Hanzo did receive a more reliable burst ability, but… that’s about it? Minimum hitscan damage with falloff helps McCree and Soldier if past the falloff treshold.

One Ana seriously does heal a lot but also needs to fail under focus fire.

It’s true though, Mercy overshadowed all the other supports because she was utterly overpowered and buffing the other healers up to her level of strength would have 100% been healing creep. Blizzard have shown time and time again that they struggle with balancing support heroes and having too much healing means that only burst damage heroes become viable.

Couple that with a stagnant pool of viable heroes that only so many can actually out-damage all the healing effects and you have the sniper meta.

I think this is more indicative of just how big a wrench in the works Mercy was/is when it came to balance, they’ve balanced everything around what Mercy can do so the moment she gets nerfed suddenly we have problems everywhere with DPS creep.

Is there a source on this? Because Junkrat has already received multiple major nerfs and does not need anymore.

I think Blizzard is at a point where they fail to understand their own game anymore and therefore cant balance it and are unable to make good changes. The reworks and buffs/nerfs they put into the game are just made to hopefully change the meta instead of trying to balance characters out.

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“DPS creep” has been a complaint since at least Season 4 Soldier 76 was a thing. It was one of the major complaints behind D.Va’s armor nerf too.

Granted, we have no statistical evidence for any kind of creep, but that doesn’t stop anyone from postulating.

Beta Reinhardt. 600 Hp, 300 armor, 300 HP.
Don’t know why they tuned him down.

So either we get a general Healing Buff or general Damage Nerf but right now even with the support buffs we just have to weak raw healing in the game. Or plainly to much damage

mercy’s healing, while high, was understandably high. If you look at the stats of the support cast, the amount of healing you do is inversely related to how much damage you can do- with a few main (healer) exceptions: Mercy, Ana, and Moira.

Mercy, on average, does a pathetic 408 damage in a single game. This is fine, because she brings a lot to the table- a rez, healing that goes through barriers, and high mobility to get to her teammates. Because of her complete absence of damage, she should have higher heals to make her a competitive pick in the support cast. Mercy’s heals being in lines with the other support casts makes her true weakness as a hero-a complete and utter lack of DPS to give to her team- shine through.

Moira should be discussed next as she’s a bit of an interesting thing too… she has pretty high damage, more damage on average than two of the 3 off healers, but now with Mercy’s nerf pushed through, she actually has more healing than Mercy (who offers no damage, only a rez).

Lastly, we have ana, who still seems to be struggling in spite of the shake up of the support class. Unlike Mercy and Moira, with average healing rates of ~10-11k a match, Ana’s rests at 9k. Unlike Moira, who typically gets 6k in damage, she usually only has 4k. Across ranks, mind you, this gap in both healing behind Mercy and Moira, and in Damage behind Moira persists.

What I predict will happen is for mercy’s pickrate to continue to decline as her winrate rests at 48%, and Ana might enjoy some playtime…before we ultimately settle into a Moira/Zenyatta meta, with Brigitte being played to spice things up as part of a triple heals comp.

Nobody really played hanzo before…so scatter wasnt a issue .

he isn’t, his role is and there’s two options for it.

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yea sure bud, it’s my fault for having 6 people shooting my shield with only 2k hp and it breaking before I get on point

Yup I agree, i Myself only tend to block burst damage, doesn’t mean there isn’t instances where my shield gets destroyed in mere seconds tho

rein’s shield is extremely powerful

its your own fault if you can’t manage it

Rein not instant dying. He only gets deleted if he not managing his shield or puts his shield up in time to get healed. I sometimes tell my Rein to hold his shield for a few seconds until my healing orb goes off cooldown because he is near death’s door, spraying won’t save him and I might not have an ult. Usually, healing orb and spray or orb+ult will save the rein from instantly dying. Not unless he gets anti from Ana. Then I can’t do anything to save him.

Ana is getting played a lot more now too. I see her going for anti on enemies rather than using it to burst heal her team. This can be problem sometimes as it stops the enemy team from healing. Well played, just need to kill the Ana faster.

Haha yes, again, it’s the reins fault that he can’t keep his shield up when he is getting cced or having 6 people constantly shooting him, sure, you said you have 15 hours on rein? Try playing him a bit more regularly and see how fun he really is, I’ve had to play rein against comps including briggy, Ana, hog, Orissa, junkrat and doomfist and let me tell you it’s impossible to keep your shield up

Rein dies a lot because he’s a primary target because of his barrier. You pretty much need to take him out to hit anyone else effectively. If he was really in need of a buff, he wouldn’t be one of the most picked tanks in the game.

Tbh, it’s a problem when they make CC heavy everything then combo that with one hit KO all the time.

(I think that’s why everyone hates doom he has CC everywhere and can kill you instantly)

Rein feels this because high damage everything melts 2000 health. I personally think rein needs buffs to his shield size and healthpool because ranged heroes are stronger than ever making it easy to just melt from distance. Rein is kinda loosing his place because there is so much OHKO abilities and ranged heroes that he doesn’t really work with brawling like he is made for.

I’d say the amount of heals is overwhelming in this game, not dps.