Power creep, rein insta die. Healers cant keep up

Are you thinking of that resistance that Orisa and D.va has while shooting? That would be awesome for Reinhardt since he already walks slower when shielding!

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Yes, deaths mean nothin in the meta, especially for tanks like Reinhardt who’s plagued with bugs on top of that. Saying anything different is absurd.

Pretty much but as a passive ability that he just has all the time. A constant knock back resistance, then while swinging or charging it could be increased even more.

A lot of heroes lack passives and I think it would be a great way to make a lot of characters better and fill out their kits more


They’re also not main tanks. If they die before Rein, they messed up.

Rein is just a hero who requires a lot of support. This has always been the case. If it’s causing you trouble, pick a different tank instead, Orisa and Winston are both more independent than Reinhardt.


Orisa and Winston are, they die less. See, I could do this all day… plus, Zarya has much lower health than Reinhardt, so if he died there’s a good chance she die too.

As I said, Orisa and Winston play very differently.

Like… Just consider a Rein vs Rein, a Winston vs Winston and an Orisa vs Orisa fight. Winston and Orisa barely hurt each other, but Rein DESTROYS Reins. Obviously when the meta is to mirror match Reins, lots of Reins die.

But Winston got good pick rates this meta too, and dies less. As I said before, Reinhardt sits at 8.5 pick rates and Winston is at 6.3 the difference is only 2%. Mirror matches isn’t the thing anymore, Dive is seeing a lot of play in GM right now.

If your shield gets fully destroyed within 3 seconds (its happened to me) you cannot merely shield manage your way through all that damage no matter what, you’ll get shredded to pieces, also him being meta is because of zarya, hanzo and briggite

Agreed. Hanzo is one of the main culprits since storm arrows sent his dps through the roof.

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I’d really like to see Reinhardt get a rework, the only fun aspect of rein is when you get those fat earth shatters. It’d be great to feel less like a clunky shield bot and more like a brawler.

if your shield gets destroyed within 3 seconds you’re either playing againts a bastion or road/orisa comp

which if you lose that is your own fault, rein has 1700 effective hp with a zarya + healers that heal you, it should take a while to break your shield if you manage it well

i have like 15 hours on rein total and i can play him at low grandmaster because managing the shield is not that hard

I wouldn’t mind Rein getting buffed a little bit but it seems to me that his value is way more team comp dependant (and map dependant to some extent) than other tanks.
Pick a Rein with no Zarya or Brigitte and he’ll be way more scared to take his shield down for instance.
I’d also like to point out the fact that a lot of people including tanks just stand there and take pointless damage instead of using objects to hide behind.
You really don’t need to prove your team you’re a good Rein by absorbing 30k damage of which 70% was actually random pointless damage, worst case scenario you won’t have your shield when you need it.

Yes you can. The forums seem to want to just be able to walk forward and win the game tho. You need to learn how to engage and initiate properly. There’s definitely a power creep but you need to learn what damage is worth soaking up


Hanzo’s barrier busting is objectively better now. He has storm arrow now, a faster base rate of fire due to faster draw speeds, and you have arrows that fly faster, making that arrow land on the barrier just a hair earlier. How is he not better at busting shields now?

he did that at the blink of an eye before but was hardly picked cause duh, he had no mobility!

As lame as this is, I think he needs fortify like Orisa. I think his right click is free. Or Blizz can bind FS to right click and put fortify on shift.

No he didn’t. Nobody used scatter for barrier busting. And even if they decided to (which very rarely happened) it had a longer cooldown. Which meant less barrier busting potential.

And he was actually seeing play right before his rework. Quite a fair bit actually.

true he just straight out oneshot the rein before :smiley:

and imo after his cooldown nerf i feel a drop in his pickrate like how all the widows vanished all of a sudden.(btw junkrat is getting major nerf soon)

Scatter did 450 damage on a 10s cool down, took one shot to use it. Rapid fire does 420 in 2s.

His draw speed change was before he became viable.

It’s still similar, if not slightly lighter on shields due to lower burst.