Power creep, rein insta die. Healers cant keep up

I’m an Ana main with 330+hours but I play rein every now and again as well, i’m starting to think the amount of over-all DPS is overwelming and i’d like to hear what the community thinks about that.

We all know there are tons of things right now that makes playing rein feel badman, I’d like to talk about power creep. I feel like reins shield is made of paper sometimes, it can be completely melted in just a few seconds, as Ana I wonder to myself how would I keep my rein up and still use the rest of my kit if I only had say, oh idk… 50 healing per sec lol. And sometimes its completely pointless for Rein to have a shield bc some crazy un-killable redhead comes up to a rein in a good position with his shield up and screams “the best offence is a good defense”, than stuns him thru his shield where the rest of the enemies can pretty much insta kill him with no chance of healing.

I have experienced this as both rein and ana and its frustrating as both heros. As rein its frustrating because, whats the point of playing tank if you cant control your hero and you just die stupidly fast to something you cant really do anything about. As ana its frustrating to lose my main tank even if I toss a nade and start healing. Ana is all about burst healing and if I see that someone is about to take damage I SHOULD be able to keep someone up. They may need to get to cover but i should be able to keep them up while they get there.

The job as a tank is to absorb damage and keep attention on themselves but in this game right now i don’t think that’s a good idea. Hanzo has his one ability that does 420 dmg in total (that’s not taking head shots into account ppl) if he lands all shots, and on a stunned rein that’s ez.

Instead of nerfing hanzo more they buff all hitscan. And then they nerf mercy but idk if that’s the right move. Now mercy cant damage boost as much.
Its almost like blizz understands this though because they buffed lucio’s ult. But think about that for a second. WHY did lucio’s ult need a buff? Power Creep.


Reins in a weird spot. You typically need a “Barrier tank” in your team to get anything done, especially on offense to fight through defenders, but we only have 3; winston, orisa, and rein.

We all think rein is powerful but really he’s underpowered. He has an essential role to fill though so people feel like they see him alot cause he;s good but often he’s first to die in any fight no matter the healing.

I would love to see rein get buffed but that wont happen till we get more main/barrier tanks in the game that can actually protect their team.


I agree rein has alot of issues. I think for him specifically, some kind of passive stun resistance would be nice. If he had his shield up for instance.


The issue has always been that dps constantly get power creeped and the supports constantly get nerfed and I’m not just talking about mercy either, these recent support changes were a step in the right direction though, although the Ana change is nice so you don’t waste your ult anymore really, I still don’t feel that really addressed the problem with Ana.


rein doesn’t insta die if he manages his shield and knows how much damage the enemy team does by looking at what they are playing

that’s just rein’s weakness, he is really powerful if he is played right

orisa is better at sitting and taking more damage because her shield is on a cooldown while rein wants to do his job before it breaks


It’s kinda funny how we constantly had people going like… “Don’t buff the other supports! Don’t create healing creep!”
Other supports got Buffed, Mercy got a “tiny” nerf to her healing and we find us in a DPS Creep situation.


The problem is that bad players use Rein as a crutch. Stand behind the barrier while he walks forward, and you and him get close enough to the enemy to where even most idiots can’t miss while still being safe behind said shield.

Except there’s so many ways to negate a rein shield, not just damage, that the ‘strategy’, if you can even call it that, is useless.

Honestly, you’re better off playing Winston, Orisa or even Hammond as main tank, and hope your team play smart. Oh, and hope your ally off tank is D.va. She’s never a bad pick.

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Rein is a good hero…just a pain to play as due to the amount of cc being implemented. But for Ana, you can keep the healing up but the problem is that her healing is inconsistent unlike Mercy. The moment you missed a shot with Ana, panic mode activates. With the Mercy nerf, it’s really hard for her to someone up for a long period of time. But yeah tanks and dps also have to play cautiously more, like cover to cover. If done well though, you don’t feed enemy team’s ult charge that much at all.

It does put her in more lines of other healers though. People find Mercy too reliable because her healing is consistent and can go through barriers also. If all Supports gets buffed, then nothing will die. If all dps gets buffed, then why play healer if you can just kill. IMO both healers and dps are in a good spot. For tanks though I think they’re in a good spot also although I’m kinda worried about Rein with his bugs and Roadhog since I believe he got hit harder with Ana being played more.

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If you find that Reinhardt keeps getting his shield broken too often then you either need Orisa or you need to change your composition completely to something like dive to deal with Hanzo.


I don’t really feel like damage has been powercreeped. I think all we’re seeing is high damage heroes being made viable.

Junkrat and Hanzo were meme heroes for a long time, and their dps against barriers hasn’t really changed much. It’s just now they’re viable.

CC has been powercreeped, but that’s meant to counter Rein. Might as well give that passive to Genji too then, if we’re arbitrarily removing counters.


This is true.

You see a lot more Junkrat’s and Hanzo when before it was all Genji snd Tracer.

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Maybe making him more tanky is the solution? 300 armor, 200 health…

Or 300 armor, 300 health…

I have been practicing reinhardt and my feelings are that he is VERY VERY VERY team contingent.
Sitting there with a shield and a hammer and no teammates in sight, or dancing in front of me, I just switch asap Orisa, DVa and Winston work far better for me in those kinds of teams.
With a healer and couple of dps beside me and an off tank pushing and disrupting it can often feel like an easy win.

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Maybe they buffed Sound Barrier because it was trash and even with 50% more shields it’s still a bottom tier ult.


You can’t be essential AND underpowered, because OP-ness is in comparison to whatever realistic alternatives you have to use. Soldier isn’t underpowered because his biotic heal can’t compare to Moira’s sprays, he’s underpowered because Hanzo and McCree are better at mid-range fights, and that’s what you actually pick soldier for.


They did nerf him. (ufsf)

The problem With overwatch’s tanks is they’re expected to be bulky, but they also hit HARD.

Half of them are practically chunky-dps


They won’t do that cos of what happened to D.va. Plus that’s not his problem.

His problem is that knockback turns him into an aeroplane. Seriously, tiny DPS aren’t effected as much, and Rein weighs at least 10 times more with his armour. That’s not even taking into account how much stuns just straight up delete his usefulness. He needs some sort of CC resistance with his shield up, and his physics model look at cos I think he’s bugged at how far he gets flung.

Oh, and changing his shield to be on a meter like D.va DM would help make it more flexible too, and not just an inconvenience.

D. Va has defense matrix.

It feels like the stun is Brigitte’s fault not RH. RH Can’t be stunned by McCree from the front, the shield can take almost anything and he’s decent enough to get to cover.

I think what we need to do is to stop Brig from being as effective a stunner. Brig stun should be diminished against tanks. Like, if she stuns Rh, for example, he stops moving (for longer) but doesn’t drop the shield.