Power creep, rein insta die. Healers cant keep up

Well again, that just feeds back into comparing power to other heroes or alternatives.

People would call this hypothetical Mercy “underpowered” because they’d compare her to both her previous state, and the rest of the support roster that was snapped out of existance.

If Mercy was like that and all supports didn’t exist from the beginning, people wouldn’t have a metric to define power because all they know is her and her current state.

I agree with you that the recent buff isn’t exactly what Ana needed. It’s nice and if fits her kit well, but i think Ana needs some way to help teammates that are behind enemy shields but with some kind of penalty. I always thought maybe only heal shots at reduced healing should be able to go through shields. especially with the Sym change. If enemy team has a Sym she can completely make Ana’s life hell for an entire push.

I think the only reason Ana is so strong now is because of Mercy nerf not Ana buff.

My question is if reins shield feels like paper…how can brig be overpowered with her shield lol

what is a tanks job? not just overwatch but what is a tanks job in general? To grab attention so dps and heals can do their job. But in overwatch if you do that you’re dead. look at hammond, he has an insane amount of health but hes still just dying all over the place. too many stuns

I think armor is the problem, and hanzo dealing too much damage for body shots.

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If your Rein is under heavy pressure, your best bet is to Ana nade + Moira. Not much else you can do if you need a lot of raw healing.

Give Armor an additional mechanical effect: Cannot be affected by CC. Remove armor from non-tanks, change Baguette’s ult.

Kinda hard to have a “dps creep” when the 7 most played heroes in gm are all tanks and supports, with many comps running 1 dps or just 3 tanks 3 heals.

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i dont think the only reason brig is op is bc of her shield. although i dont know why it needs 600 hp. The reason reins shield breaks faster is ez its blocking his team with 2000 hp. brigs only protects herself with 600 hp… if rein was blocking for 6 ppl thats 333 hp. per person. and all damage from enemy team is going to hit this huge shield.

but brigs survive is insane with no counterplay besides hard counters and range. What i mean by that is in overwatch you should be able to outplay your hard counter. for pharrah its widow, if you can close the gap and take her out, thats great! you’re a good pharrah! good job! now you can kill everyone else. for genji its winston, save your dash to get away from him and do dmg as you can and kill him if possible, cool! if you can still kill people while staying alive NICE.

Now here comes the tricky part, before brig tracer never REALLY had a hard counter. you could play a certain comp or play meatball, get yourself a mccree and hog yadda yadda. but that wasnt a HARD counter since a smart tracer can just bait out the stuns than just go on in and kill everything. so brig is good for that. but i just dont see how a tracer on her own would kill a brig while still being effective. shield bash hit box is too huge and CD too fast and with that shield? 600 is alot of hp for tracer to burn. than the self heal just too much

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Just because most played heroes are tanks and supports, it doesn’t mean the composition is not going to be 2-2-2 90% of the time dude.

It just means each individual dps is chosen less because there are far, far more dps than support and tanks combined.

Dps power creep is a thing. Or have you not noticed how Hanzo got extra 4k damage per match for free? How bastion, soldier, mccree and mei got their falloff damage reduction lessened and thus are all doing 20% more damage at maximum distances? Junkrat rework and how he got his second mine and better riptire? How Sombra got her spread tightened? Mccree’s ulti became faster and Genji + Hanzo got wallclimb buffs so they can charge and shoot instantly after wallclimb? How Genji’s dragonblade was changed so it consistently swings 7 times? How mei can now freeze multiple targets at once? Reaper’s rework and how he can now reload after he uses wraith and go faster to chase people? And all the bazillion buffs that indirectly help dps deal more damage like widow hook cd reduction? And then there’s massive doomfist damage buffs so his seismic slam minimum damage was raised and handcannon spread made tighter and now he has 100% ohko on every squishy with a combo?

We only need pharah buffs and then the dps powercreep is complete. It is pure ignorance to deny that dps powercreep is not a thing at this stage.

And then there’s other damage sources outside dps category to boot which add to the damage sources, like Dva’s micro missiles and her ability to fly while shooting.


even then, the real bread and butter of rein is his shield. sadly you cant heal that. and if you’re pumping all this healing into rein that’s less time healing others

If the team has a problem hitting brigs shield I think they have bigger problems than brig being op. 2 people targeting her shield destroy it very quickly. As far as tracer I see good tracers outplay brig all day. If the tracer is smart and plays at 7 meters she can out play her or at the least take her out of the fight by keeping her busy

If Rein has the most deaths, then he’s doing his job, by getting killed before his teammates are killed. That’s the purpose of a tank. They’re the outer layer of armor that has to be dropped before you can hurt the squishier members. If Rein wasn’t dying but all his teammates were, then that’d be a sign he’s underperforming as a protector.

I feel for Orisa…she had so much promise but ended up being overshadowed by rein and winston due to her…uhh her…something…maybe one day she’ll be usable in a meta again

Does this means other tanks don’t do their jobs? Because they all have 8~7 deaths while Reinhardt has 10.

Thinking emoji

Blizzard’s hero balancing leaves a lot to be desired and makes me conclude they really don’t know what they’re doing.

Well most tanks aren’t really main tanks and don’t do the same thing that Rein does. Orisa is really the only one close. Besides that the others don’t have that same effect of being the one you must take out first or you can’t really hurt anyone else. And DVa’s stats are just way off because she gets a second life from ejecting.

Cool, compare Orisa and Reinhardt then.

Not really sure what the purpose of that would be. Rein isn’t underpowered, he’s meta. That’s just a fact. If this were a buff Orisa thread, then maybe the evidence of comparison might be useful, otherwise I don’t really see much point in it. Claiming Rein is weak by any means just is flat out untrue, proven by his current place in the meta.

Rein does not need buffs. If his amount of deaths mattered that much, pros and high-level competitive players wouldn’t be picking him.

Rein and orisa both need a shield health increase. Orisa especially. 900 is way to little and any coordinated team will burn it down making you a easy pick