Post mercy meta paranoia

Forgot to put that one in lol.

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Did i say instant rez? no.

I never said anything about wanting it buffed.

It is entirely her kit not working together that needs looked at.

and constant regen…isnt gonna save you when you are wide open and able to be headshot from literally everyone and their brother.

Mercy has regen out of valk…incombat regen will save her from a few hits but if your beign hit already then you will likey:
a) die b4 its off.
b) die moment it is finished.

Both are NOT ideal.

What kind of buff do you think rez could use during valk that won’t make Mercy mandatory pick again?

1 instant rez in valk is the best way to go. It makes the mercy think of who to use it on by looking at the battlefield and making a critical choice. If you used it like before the mercy would be squashed.

Alright, give her complete normal flying speed and 1 instant rez. She is in NO need of a buff.

They reworked her partially because she wasn’t enjoyable to play against. They succeeded on this
Her ult was unintuitive too: a single, instant button press and it was over. Like it or not, Valk is more intuitive than mass rez.

They bettered her mobility. Bunnyhopping is a flat buff even with the Valk speed nerf; she can still have free Z-axis movement during the entire duration. Flat buff from her original state.

If you’re getting killed 90% of the time you try to rez, you’re rezzing wrong. Bottom line cut and dry. It’s also an arbitrary statistic; we need numbers.

Subjective; I find Ana’s and Sym’s SIGNIFICANTLY more boring. Even Zen’s is sort of boring but zipping around’s fun.
It’s not too much. She’s balanced now.

It’s rather short, she’s locked out of her escapes, she has to aim it for effectiveness (unlike Valk) and its damage is paltry compared to a team-wide damage boost. Not to mention that she’s in a worse position when using it than Mercy while valking

I said into Sombra comps only.

Unnecessary patronizing. Less likely to win me over here.

Yes, that’s why you’re not necessarily SUPPOSED to rez during Valk. It HAS to be a high value Rez to justify not healing for the duration of the cast. But it happens.
Do not belittle me again. I don’t tolerate disrespect.


Nah her speed is fine.

It’s still really easy to get a rez up while using Valkyre. However, you are not and SHOULD not be able to just pop in and rez a teammate without any chance for counterplay. The constant healing is nice though :slight_smile:

Moira has higher speed and regeneration plus insane range.

And so is the cast time during valk. We don’t need her flying in and being able to erase a pick with no drawbacks. You want her to be op. Just say it.


But can’t fade. Thus, is an easy target to pin down with no escape options.

But there is counterplay to instant rez any kind of stun or hack.

By ult standards, it’s weak as hell. Valkyrie is just Mercy’s regular beam but chained, which equates to a dramatic equivelant of discord for her damage boost, and her regular healing (60hps) (which can be outamaged by something as simple as good aim, and is destroyed under focus fire) spread over several people… which requires them to clump up, which is just begging to be faced with an enemy ult that Mercy will never be able to counter.

Valkyrie doesn’t do anything that a skilled Mercy can’t already do with her base kit. Proper use of GA and beam juggling are just as good as Valkyrie.

So you are back with the straw man again.

You can’t hack Mercy as she goes in for an instant rez. That is hhow you counter current rez with cast time. Nice try tho.


She does very little healing and damage though. Why are we comparing ults from completely different heroes? I thought this was about Mercy, not about Moira being OP (which I’d like to disagree).

Sombra has faster hack.

She can’t fade, has a HUGE telegraph, and is on the ground. She only regenerates when hitting targets as well. Mercy’s Valk range is just as “insane” for what it does: an easy-target teamwide heal.


I’ve played with eeveea before and never before have I seen her chain heal her whole team without valk. You learn something new everyday…


Not if it’s instant. Hence the word instant meaning “happening or coming immediately”. Sure you can try to hack the Mercy before it happens, but her speed is so high and there’s very little time.