Post mercy meta paranoia

Because the mercy meta was so bad people are afraid to buff mercy to a better spot because they fear the return of the mercy meta. If mercy is to become fun and not have a weak ult people need to overcome the dread of the mercy meta.


Usually, what is ā€œfunā€ for Mercy players means ā€œcancerousā€ and ā€œlacks counterplayā€ for everyone else.

So, yeah. Iā€™d prefer we keep her like this where sheā€™s obviously balanced but not busted.


bc she doesnā€™t need to be buffed to a better spot?


If Mercy was underpowered, everyone would agree she needs a buff.
She is the 2nd highest support in the OWL, she is very much picked in Ladder play. She is balanced. Valk is a very good ultimate to push in with, and an opportunity to rez every 30 seconds makes Mercy a very good and balanced support. Why do you want to make her op?


Valkyrie probably needs a very small nudge, but Mercy is currently perfectly fine, if a little bland to play.

She doesnā€™t need baby Transcendence and the ability to instantly make a 6v6 an 8v6.


She dosenā€™t need a buff
At best she needs a series of nerfs to the poor parts of her kit and buffā€™s to the good parts of her kit
At worst she needs a new rework, this one given the care they are apparently giving Hanzoā€™s rework

(Iā€™m still so jealous of Hanzo, the devs are willing to take their time with him to deal with Scatter and still keep him fun but balanced but Mercy got a cancerous rework that any level of care would have told them to not even put on PTR


Itā€™s never unanimous that a hero needs a buff or nerf. It is the weakest healer ult by a mile and in higher ranks her pickrate plummets.


I donā€™t see why Mercy would be lower than Ana or Moira in masters/grandmasters matches, since her healing output is the most consistent by a mile. Sure, her ult is a little weak compared to Transcendence, but letā€™s not go crazy and buff Valkyrie to match Transcendence, yeah?

You mean in YOUR opinion?
Valkyrie is a pocket to your whole team. In Grandmaster, THATS INSANE. That wins fights. It makes you have a huge advantage if the enemy doesnā€™t have Valk. Also, mercy is the 6th most picked hero in GM. Please stop lying about pick rates. She went from mandatory to healthy and a good pick.


With a build that goes against everything in blizzards design philosiphy at the start of the game.

So because Melke thinks Mercy isnā€™t impactful, they should buff her?
One time on Horizon my Rein died, and I asked my Zarya to bubble me as I go for a rez. Mind you I play in GM, so they did break the bubble and kill me, but I got the Rez off. My Rein shattered and we won the game. Nobody in this community can convince me that Mercy isnā€™t impactful right now. Sheā€™s SUPER good.


Soā€¦ you died even with a tank babysitting you and you think thatā€™s a fair thing to do impact wise, that that kind of crap is expected?

Dude I donā€™t want a buff I want a rework that Blizz actually gives the same care they are giving to Hanzo and his rework. Instead of this rushed mess that left us with an uninspired hero who has power in all the wrong places for a game about having a skill cieling.

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LOL, so I am supposed to be able to go for a risky Rez and get out alive? I play at a higher rank. You are asking for op mercy, thatā€™s all it is.
Mercy gets really good OWL playtime, and she sees good ladder playtime. I play her in GM as my preferred support. I respect your opinion but very much disagree.


You say that as if I think rez should be available outside of ult?

Iā€™ve given numerous detailed ideas for reworks and Iā€™m going to sumarize them here

  1. The removal of rez as an ability, in some way it is now connected to the ult and only the ult
  2. The ult gets nerfed in duration, no more then 8 seconds
  3. The nerfing or outright removal of AOE effect, and the buff ing of single target effect in valkyrie

These are the three things i kept constant in each of the several rework ideas Iā€™ve suggested. So yes if itā€™s tied to an ult and only an ult I think risky rezzes should be survivable.

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Itā€™s very easy to overpower itā€™s healing and negate its damage boost. It even helps the enemy with free ult charge. Its the worst healer ult by a mile. It helps you lose fights.


Itā€™s a pocket to every teammate on your team. A damage boost to every teammate on your team, while you yourself stay safe in the sky with constant regeneration. Nice to see you THINK itā€™s underpowered, but maybe tell your team, ā€˜ā€˜I have valk guys, letā€™s use it to pushā€™ā€™ and use it as you push. I do this and let me tell you, we completely destroy them unless they have ults.

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because where she is is really fun :face_with_raised_eyebrow:?

Her ult is the most boring thing in game (as it lets you fly andā€¦hold mouse buttonā€¦which you do ALL gameā€¦

on valk topicā€¦

Name ONE single other ultimate that PUNISHES the hero for using another skill?

Using rez during Valk is bad.
WHy would you get shafted from mobilty and group supportā€¦to spend a lovely slug crawl of time to rez someone?

I am not agaisnt her being ok, but its the fun and the counterproductive kit interaction that bothers meā€¦

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Which your healing helps the enemy farm.

If your team is losing with a 60 hps pocket, and a 30% dmg boost, maybe tell your DPS or tanks to step it up. Valk is an very good ultimate, itā€™s unfun, I agree, but damn it feels good to see my team use it to initiate. :slight_smile:


Itā€™s the weakest ult because she has the strongest E ability in the game. She doesnā€™t need a strong ultimate when she has a natural ability that apparently more than makes up for it, given her respectable OWL pickrate.