Post mercy meta paranoia

Okay. One is an ultimate, but can still be shredded with damage boost. The others provide enemy healing that damage boost can plow through.


I think they’re saying that because you implied you wanted mercy to be “buffed to a better spot” when doing that would undoubtedly make her OP since she’s balanced rn


Because you are saying Mercy is weak right now and needs buffs but she is literally extremely strong. So yes, you want her to be OP.


All of the things i listed can halt damage boost for enough time for the enemy to take out the tanks or dps.

Because nothing ELSE makes sense. You say these abilities counter Valk ( which they don’t ) but then ignore that some of them COMPLETELY negate other support ults. It doesn’t make sense and it isn’t fair considering Mercy is SUCH a good support.


Her being consistent doesn’t equates to her being enjoyable to play, which is the whole reason they reworked her?

Every hero is supposed to be enjoyable to play, that’s the whole point of there being different characters with diverse abilities and play-styles.They reworked her to be more fun to play(making her OP in the process), then removed everything that made her engaging in the first place.

After the months of nerfing, she’s left with crippled mobility(speed during Valk, Guardian angel during valk), an extremelly situational Res that will get you killed 90% of the time, and the most moring ult in the game. Thats the issue.

Things had to change with Mercy, but this is too much and the people that do play her aren’t satisfied with it.


The ole PTMD post traumatic mercy disorder. She left too many scars to heal on her own.

Mercy’s problem isn’t with balance. She’s fine in that area.

The problem lies in the user experience. Mercy has become all grind and no payoff, with no room in her kit for clutch/skillful plays. Sure, she’s an excellent healbot and an asset to any team… but who enjoys playing as a healbot?

No I dont. I want valk to be an ultimate again rather than a glorified ability. Simply saying I want her to be OP doesn’t make it true.

Name 1 hero who is punished for ANYTHING in their ult?

WHy does she deserve to be only one punished for her ult…which is literally enhancing all her stuff?

wrong on all counts.
Moira’s heals and damages anyone in its LONG range.
Ana’s is situational. it can be a godsend or a flop.
Lucio will save you from team wiping ults whereas Valk will NOT.

Transcendence is similar to lucio except in opposite…it will keep you alive from steady damage over period of time instead of burst…and has a larger coverage and (iirc) faster healing ticks.

sigh… let me walk you down this SLOWLY…

Valk, has a duration of 15seconds…are you with me still?
Rez has a 1.75sec cast…you ARE understanding this right?

If you choose to rez during valk you are losing over 1/10th of its duration.

May seem like a tiny issue, but in gameplay that IS a big impact. (ppl can die in that time)

While you rez during valk, you have a better chance of staying alive because of the constant regen. Instant rez during valk is uncounterable. No.

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That’s not what Casc has been saying lol.

Roadhog can’t heal or hook.
McCree can’t dodge, stun, or shoot.
Genji can’t shoot range.
Pharah can’t move.
Zen can’t attack or discord. can’t defense matrix.
Winston can’t bubble.
Reaper can’r wraith form.
Moira can’t fade.
Junkrat can’t do anything.


But it is. Hack or any kind of stun stops mercy in her tracks.

It’s almost like completely negating a pick every 30 seconds should have SOME counterplay. HMMMMMMMM


It hurts her main kit which youa re supposed to be able to use during ult.

Here’s how to use her Ultimate best.
Genji coming at you with Dragonblade? Then fly out of there. Multiple teammates with Critical Health? Pop those #WingsOut :slight_smile: Your team about to start a big push? Have the edge in the fight by pressing Q. The enemy team approaching with a couple of ults? Make sure your team is healthy throughout the battle.


It kind of is.

I have a guilty pleasure of using valk to kill a Widow who’s bugging my team. :frowning:


But you ignore the part where they call valk weak? Wow. I’m baffled.