Post mercy meta paranoia

WTF!! Why wouldnt you have ONE drawback during valk??? You get faster flight speed AND chain heals AND constant regeneration AND chain dmg boost and you want AN INSTANT rez during valk??? I’m convinced some of you Mercy mains just want Mercy to be uncounterable.


Valk is better than:
-Nano Boost (mostly due to Ana’s status in the game)
-Sound barrier in certain situations (Sombra comps)
-Many non-support ults
Valk is worse than:

All of this is exactly the same, but with added strategy (bunnyhopping, ensuring a rez is safe, etc)

Because, while it’s not necessarily ideal (because you’re not chainhealing), it’s still viable. You can get clutch rezzes in and out of valk. It’s not punishing. If you were punished for rezzing in Valk, the movement speed would be cut even more and the cast time would be longer. But it’s exactly the same (in fact, you’re slightly more survivable due to constant health regen)


Ults are meant to be powerful. Simply saying its ok cause her normal kit is good isn’t how it works either. Widow has a high skill floor and her ult compliments that. Mercy on the other hand has always had a powerful ult and simply yanking that away is bad game design.

Or maybe it was bad game design to have it in the first place


Oh you mean the healing that can be negated easily the damage boost also stopped easily so you can sit back and watch as your team dies?

How does one stop damage boost?

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Thats a really really big lie and sterotype you have there…


Valkyrie IS powerful though. 15 seconds of being insanely hard to kill, ensuring your team won’t lose it’s main healer, it charges very fast, and it’s very flexible.

Not to mention it gives your ENTIRE team pocket Mercy heals/damage boost. Valkyrie makes dive useless, it completely shuts down Winston/Dva/Tracer and sustains her entire team through teamfights.

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Reworking her in the first place was bad game design.

Arguing with you is literally like arguing with a wall. I guess we need to buff transendence too, because Ana nade COMPLETELY negates it, and we also need to buff Sound Barrier because EMP and hack can COMPLETELY negate it
Let’s ALSO buff Nanoboost because if you get stunned while pressing q, there’s a chance the nano doesn’t go off. OH OH, and coalesence too because HACK, EMP, Mei freeze, Hook, Flashbang, Mei Wall, Brigitte stun, Doomfist punch, can completely stop her from using it.


Nope. Sorry but Mercy before the rework was a must-pick (and even a while after).

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Yes :^)
(/s, tho Lucio needs some sort of help)

Having rez in the first place wasn’t a good idea. It is bad for the game by existing. There’s a reason why Auriel’s Rez in HotS is usually the inferior ult option. It has to be situational.


Ahem. Ana nade, moira ball, sound barrier, amp up, rally

Again… how does any of that negate damage boost?


Plenty of games have a rez mechanic OW isn’t special.

And none of those game have mass instant rez. Almost all are single target and cast time/channeled. Counterplay is necessary for a healthy game.

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So what makes Mercy special? Why should our dear Mercy have an uncounterable ult while every support ult has counterplay except Brigitte. What do we do? Buff every support? xd


All those things can overpower the damage boost easy.

But none of them had rez as impactful as initial mass rez. I just used an anecdote about a rez in another game.

Rez in HotS is single target with a cast time where the target revives at half-health a few moments after the cast time. Mercy’s rez simply had to be less than it was.


What? Why do you keep using this straw man that i want mercy to be OP?