Her consistent healing shouldn’t cause her to only have mobility from her teammates, it’s almost like making a hero to only depend on their teammates can cause them to not be fun (i.e., Orisa and her questionable tanking ability)
She is strong in her consistent healing compared to other healers, but has no burst healing. Think of how many supports have some form of burst healing either from an ability or from an ultimate, now think of Mercy’s abilites.
She has a movement ability that is dependent on her teammates positions and is buggy, she has an ability that stops her from performing her basic functions for 2 seconds to bring someone back from the dead. Her ultimate just heals a few more people at one time but cannot help against any form of ults from the enemy team.
So, are you saying that you want her to have the biggest healing output in the game AND a burst heal also? And a mobility ability with no drawback?
And then you don’t want people in this thread saying you just want an OP Mercy?
I think he’s saying she needs more burst healing potential… by giving her that potential during her ultimate they could shorten her ultimate drastically. Triple her healing output while using Valkyrie but reduce the duration from fifteen seconds to five seconds.
No, I’m saying that she doesn’t have one and could have used some form of it (like an ability that increases her output for a few seconds) or an ability to allow her to move in a direction with her wings without her teammates. And then you don’t want people in this thread saying that you just want Mercy players to suck it up?
This is straight up just a false statement. I usually play at aroun 4,3k+ and you see mercy now in every 2nd game or even more often than that. Meanwhile Ana is pretty much never picked. Please stop assuming stuff that you have no idea about just to prove your point.
Her entire ultimate is amp it up with super charger thrown in. There is nothing special about it but if this is how it is going to stay at least give it the ability to save teammates. If she can’t bring them back from death allow her the ability to prevent the death in the first place through burst healing.
I don’t really agree that she is in need of buffs. The problem I have found is that her power is too much power over time instead of momentary power. The other issue is the power in the case of Valkyrie is mostly done by the ability with low input from the Mercy. Valkyrie is sadly doing to many things and for too long for any part of it to really feel impactful. I think another way should be pursued, but with the lessons learned from the past and the rework.
I would like to go another path that makes for more reasonable risk in her play which results in making counter play opponenties. That makes for a challenge that makes overcoming it feel good.
Right now I feel marginalized from the fight during Valkyrie, and feel don’t have much say in what is happening below me see the Preamble above.
I’ve discussed this with you before (made a few edits too), but not in this topic, I’ll post it here to for others…
Ult rez just needed the same limitations as Lucio’s sound barrier for (additional) counterplay. That alone would have fixed the majority of grievances with it (aside from the tunnel-visioning “muh killz” cod crowd).
Using ult rez to save the fight/game was a play on its own - you had to survive what killed your teammates, and to do that required seeing what’s about to happen before it goes down and planning accordingly.
No, that would make it feel stagnant/boring/horrible. Mercy was also in a horrible spot in the meta during 1.0, outclassed by every other hero. Giving her old ult and nerfing it would make her the worst healer in the game. She’s one of the best right now.
Hiding behind a wall and flying out and press Q wasn’t hard…
What, so Lucio’s ult feels stagnant/boring/horrible? Mercy 1.0 was only in a “bad spot” because she had no E and overall had no way to make a play with her base kit. That’s not mass rez’s fault.
Neither is dropping down from a ledge as Reaper and pressing Q.
Or popping out from behind a wall as Mcree and pressing Q.
Or pressing shift as Dva then pressing Q.
Or walking towards a clump of enemies as Zarya and pressing Q.
See, I can play this game too. All Ultimates are designed to be mechanically simple to excecute.
I hate to break it to you, but Lucio can’t shoot/amp it up while casting Sound barrier. And who’s saying Mercy wouldn’t have free movement during casting too?
As for “having backup”, most Mercies didn’t wait until their entire team was dead to use rez. They preferred to “tempo rez” and raise 1-3 people just to keep the momentum of the fight going. Adding a cast time/etc. to mass rez wouldn’t phase any of the good Mercy players.
Reaper can have Death Blossom mitigated by a Barrier or Defense Matrix. Also, CC completely stops the process of Death Blossom.
Deadeye is countered the same way as Death Blossom and even then, it’s even easier to avoid and counter than Death Blossom.
Self-Destruct can be countered by standing behind a wall or a barrier.
Graviton Surge can be negated by Defense Matrix and even then, Graviton Surge doesn’t team wipe, it’s all about whether or not there’s follow up from Zarya’s team.
All of these ultimate abilities have reactionary counterplay, unlike Mass Res where you either killed Mercy before she got her invincibility frames or even got her ultimate or you continued the cycle of having to constantly burn through an enemy team with two lives (four if D.Va was on the enemy team).
Regardless, Mercy was statistically weaker with Mass Res on PC, if she were to receive a revert back to Mass Res she would undoubtedly go back to the position that she was in before, where everyone wanted Mercy-Mains to switch to the meta healer of the month.
if this were to happen, the entire cycle would just repeat itself.
Mass Res actually had those limitations at first…it was bad and was the prime reason why she received invincibility frames in the first place.
I hate to break it to you, but most Mercys hid and rezzed. I played comp on three accounts, gold through GM, from the launch of the game. Hundreds of overs in the game, and the majority of the Mercy players I saw used hiding as a strat several times during the match. I saw a game once where both our Mercy and the enemy Mercy got over 30 rezzes off from hididng (ironically the POTG was a solo rez on Zen…). You can’t lie and say “only SOME Mercy players hid and rezzed” because if that was true, they wouldn’t have changed her. It was largely used.
Mercy’s original mass rez was instant, but it rooted her to the ground for a second.
She recieved invinciblity frames much later, when she could move freely and instantly cast mass rez.
I’m suggesting a cast time while still letting her move freely (as well as a LoS check and blockable by barriers). Kill or stun her during the cast to proactively counter mass rez, and for an additional layer of insurance put a barrier between Mercy and the corpes, forcing her to overextend just to cast rez.
Hide n rez would fail miserably, because of the wall check and the cast time making it a bad idea to rez without any teammates still alive to cover your back.
Blizz could also adjust Mercy’s SR gains for mass rez. No incentive for bad play = less bad play.
Well, I see it as a common sense solution - like Zarya not using her grav in front of Dva: don’t cast rez next to a hero with cc.
Plus, this is under the assumption that Mercy is also getting an E ability that gives Mercy the opportunity to make skilled plays with her base kit, which lessens the need for mass rez to be so darn powerful. If Mercy gets Valkyrie on E like a portion of the playerbase wants, it gives her many more ways to approach using rez.