Post mercy meta paranoia

This. This, this, this. I think these suggestions would be good ways to give something back to Mercy, especially earnable Rez.

A rework should be a last resort.

I know, Iā€™m making the point that saying Ana would be unkillable by making it possible for her to get to sniper perches like widow and Hanzo would scream poor design. Her core design was to play far away from the team

Sheā€™s meant to have long range capabilities, yes, but that does not necessarily make her a sniper.

Thing is, back when static tanks were meta, she could afford to do that since it was hard for them to contest her and flankers were out of meta + she was pretty hard to dispose of even if you were running a flanker.

The idea right now is that she - if sheā€™s playing isolated from her team, she should be contestable. Which she is, due to her damage nerf. Single flanker can punish her for that. Giving her access to high ground mostly removes that. But, if she plays with her team, it becomes much harder to touch her since she gets peeling.

Because, if you leave her uncontested, you simply wonā€™t be able to outdamage through her heals without an anti-heal or an Ana of your own. Enemy tanks become yellow all the time and you simply wonā€™t be able to kill them.

you donā€™t actually need to match transcendence level to make it a good ultimate or make it fun.

letā€™s say you amp up the healing on the primary target to 80, then reduce the healing to the changed targets to 55. right now she heals 60 to 5 healers so thats 300hps. with those changes itā€™ll be the same (55*4)+80 = 300hps. but with the increase at the primary target you have incentive to change primary targets so the gameplay isnā€™t just hold mouse button and pray that your team has good positioning. also if you combo the ult with anaā€™s biotic grenade, the primary heal caps at 120hps allowing you to potentially counter ultimates like dragonblade.

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Iā€™m giving her a wall climb to get to places Widow and hanzo usually shoot from, if that canā€™t be contested then why the heck are the aforementioned heroes not must picks?

Because hitting shots as Ana on allied tanks is significantly easier than consistently hitting shots with snipers (Due to how her allied hitboxes work) on enemies, which is what you need to do to get value out of them.

And Hanzo doesnā€™t actually work well at long range. Heā€™s a mid-range character, more comparable to a McCree and Soldier than to Widow.

Not talking about giving her an instant rez. Iā€™m talking about you claiming that valk gives the enemy team free ult charge.

No itā€™s not. Iā€™d rather have an Ana on my team than Mercy.

Mercyā€™s kits been the same besides ult forever.
Ult changed and mercyā€™s no longer fun.
Ult was overpowered.
Overpowered = fun.

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Mass Rez had to buffed because it was weak. How is that OPā€“

Oh you mean Valk? The same ult I saw many Mercy Mains say that it was OP and should REALLY be tweaked before it goes live?

Current Valk feels tedious. Itā€™s why some prefer to GA-Heal-GA and Bunny Hop-Boost-and so on. It breaks up the tedium of hold M1 or hold M2.

This, very much.

But yeah, people who are against any slightly positive Mercy change should open their eyes. Some of the suggestions made in the megavoid do have merit and should at least be experimented on PTR for a while, rather than silenced and not even acknowledged or read on an official level.

Let me break this down for you
Due to the nature of quickly shifting focus in Mercyā€™s healing kit and the less dead focus mechanical skill that is unique to the FPS genre she requires Mercy grabbed a lot of the players who came to Overwatch from the RTS or the MOBA genres.

While the base kit still gives all of this everything not bunny hop that came out of this rework no longer appeals to that kind of playerbase because of how few questions need to be asked.

Mass Rez originally required a lot of thought, 2 dozen questions being asked every single second someone was down ranging from potential ults of the enemy to the positioning of said enemies, or ally ult charge and their positioning etc etc. Now Rez only has one questin of can I survive since there is no varied value and Valk not only dosenā€™t have the same decision making it outright TAKES AWAY decision making from the base kit with the chain beams. Put simply itā€™s a transformation ultimate that overstayā€™s itā€™s welcome.


Usually, what is ā€œfunā€ for Mercy players is having an ult that actually feels good to use. Pre-Valk and during the Mercy Meta, Mercy felt fun to play because she had abilities that made such an impact in the game.

As Ana you nade and heal up a target fast, as Lucio you amp it up and get environmentals, as Zenyatta you pop Transcendence and heal everyone or shoot a volley into someoneā€™s head. As Moira you heal your teammates with an orb and pee.

As Mercy you rez someone every 30 seconds and cannot move, you do not have any form of burst healing and your ultimate is just healing a few more people at once.

Her abilities arenā€™t based around healing, which seems odd as ā€œThe Best Healer :tm:ā€

Iā€™m not even gonna bother responding to this.

Just gonna mute the thread so that I donā€™t get any new notifications

Itā€™s literally like slamming your head into the wall when discussing anything with you people

Have fun with that, having to hear that Mercy is in a fun-to-play state from you people is like shoving your face into a cinder block.

I love how funny is when Mercy mains who only lives in the Mercy cave of her thread and is convinced that sheā€™s underpower come to the outside world and see that the majority of players (including other Mercy mains) thinks sheā€™s fine right now.

Fun is relative.

I just hope what some people call ā€œfunā€ isnā€™t op.

We donā€™t want Mercy to be op again. If that happens, Jelly is out of this game for good.

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I love how funny is when I believe that she is balance for the other healers, not for herself. I love how Mercy mains asked for either an ability for self-defense or for burst healing and instead got a rework that ended with 8 nerfs.

I (and other Mercy mains) think this is the case

Yeah, itā€™s not like she has the most consistent heal output in the game and the most consistent mobility of all the healers. She really is weak in those aspects.