Post mercy meta paranoia

They proposed making it so GA went at normal walking speed in exchange. Do you know how bad and easy to kill that would be? I’d rather fast GA.

She cant do both? Although i think that would be an appropriate buff to her ult. Have it both damage boost and heal.

Nah. 1 isntant rez in exchange for no instant regen.

You people keep complaining about her getting stuck in a slow walk for a moment when she uses the most powerful hero ability in game when your other main healer in Ana moves at this speed when she’s aiming down scope.

I question in Mercy mains fully understand how good her kit is

Her normal kit. Her ult is bad.

Her kit is powerful. Did you just read like, 1 paragraph of my post and then instantly go to your keyboard?

There. I literally said it, and I’ve said it in countless posts. Resurrect is powerful - so powerful in fact that it’s so difficult to balance in order for it to be alright for both sides. It’s just as frustrating being rezzed and suddenly “Augh!!” and she’s dead. CD lost, etc etc.

Resurrect is so powerful that it can’t be balanced fairly for both sides. It has to be altered, reverted or removed.

It promotes selfish gameplay, it contradicts the “mobile and anti-hiding” gameplay Blizz promoted, and earlier reinditions were just as unfun for the enemy.

While a revert with major tweaks would be nice, at this point I’d rather have a whole new, more fun and engaging, ability to use.

They will never remove rez.

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Yeah, I know. That would also retcon her quite badly.

I just wish there was a way for Mercy to exist and be fun, fair and viable for both sides. Kind of like Soldier or something, y’know?

(…Probably not the best comparison, as Soldier’s kind of your cookie cutter hero.)

I’m happy they wont remove rez and i dont want a full rework, just a buff.

I still don’t see the issue of giving her 1 instant rez. No bonus rez in valk just one rez every 30 seconds.

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She’s balanced right now from a power point, buff’s would justm ake her OP again

And besides the problems with Valk and E ability rez are at the core of the current design. Rez will never be good for everyone if it is an unearned static ability and valk was designed with every passive powe when as a transformation ult it should beu sing it’s power budget for direct methods.

1 instant rez would not make her op. It would make her more flexible.

With her current play style we could easily just make her character an AI healbot. I mean she pretty much is the most boring character to play right now.

I thought just some minor work arounds would fix Ana right up, things like a wall climb to get to sniper perches and healing darts getting through shields at half effecitveness.

The big problems go beyond just rez.
Valk is a transformation ultimate that overstays it’s welcome and if a single instant rez is the only impactful thing about it…

Any one of those would completely break her. She needs to be killable if she’s playing isolated from her team.

Those are meant to be her weaknesses. Dive literally developed to counter Ana. People seem to forget how insanely strong Ana’s heals can be

Okay. You’re not only being hyperbolic, you’re being dishonest.

My $0.02;

  1. Make Rez earnable. Her E is far superior to the other supports. Making it an earnable ability could help balance it and have Mercys play better to earn more rezzes (maybe give it a cap?)

  2. Change what Valk does. Give something new to her kit that helps break up her play- it’s why some like to just GA-Heal- GA-Bunny Hop-Boost, it breaks the tedium that Valk feels to some. You may know my suggestion-Damage Reduction AoE

  3. Give her a disengage that DOESN’T rely on the pistioning of a teammate. Letting her escape a sudden onslaught brought on by either losing a teammate you were pocketing or they’re a jerk and leaves you high and dry can help with her QoL.

1 instant rez would not make her a must pick since it wouldn’t be a guaranteed win.

… she’s meant to be a sniper but her ideal place is in the middle of the team like a mid fighter like soldier or McCree?
Perhaps we should be looking at a rework for Ana if that’s the case.