“She has a high pickrate, she’s fine.”
There are 6 supports, out of those there are 5 healers. Moira, Ana and Mercy are the main healers, and out of those three Moira and Ana are the most viable.
“She’s not underpowered or op”
No, she isn’t. But hear me out here: Being glued to the ground for near 2 seconds? Valkyrie isn’t as awful an ult as some, but honestly? Look at rally. Rally is what Valk should have been. But instead, it’s used for cleanup and escape - even then, someone with a half decent shot can pick you right out of the air due to hitbox increase.
That’s understandable as it’s skill based for the most part, but have you ever been solo-coalescence-d out of the air? Not fun.
Valkyrie can be useful, but it’s a little tiring doing the same thing over and over - press Q. press space. press M1. press M2 if you have another healer. hide if you’re being focused. ult over.
I think if Mercy had had this kit from the beginning, we wouldn’t complain as much. But we know what it’s like to be able to have more of an impact, to have a better kit. It’s like going from a high end home to a run-down shack. Once you downgrade, you miss what was better. But if you never knew, there is nothing to miss.
Mass rez had its problems, we all know that. But as I say time and time again, there is one fundamental flaw: resurrect can not be properly balanced and enjoyable for both parties while it is on a cooldown - it’s too powerful of an ability.
Current rez feels okay for enemy, but for the mercy player and their teammates, it feels… bad. It’s sluggish, it’s a chore, etc etc etc. You’ve all heard this before. And we know how big daddy jeff is about things that feel bad, apparently.
Insta rez/shorter CD rez/etc felt a bit better, but it promoted selfish play. Oh, your resurrect is off CD? Here, let me just overextend into the enemy and die - it doesn’t matter, you have an eraser as your E! - what’s worse is that with the current state of her E, that’s basically a death sentence to the Mercy unless you’re being babysat or someone’s distracting the enemy.
“Hey, Widow, want a free shot!?”
And let me state something - I’d bet that most people who are against anything for Mercy that isn’t her current state only focus on the enemy. How many of you get team wiped and wonder to yourselves, “Man, imagine if Mercy could come in and rez us all?” - as a Mercy, I’ve thought that countless times. Man, I wish I could bring my team back so we could have another shot at winning.
Let me repeat - resurrect is not able to be balanced on a 30 second cooldown. it’s either not fun for the mercy and their team, it’s not fun for the enemy, or it’s not fun for either.
Resurrect has to be - put as an ability with charge, reverted to ultimate with balance tweaks or simply removed. I highly doubt the last option will happen, but if it has to then so be it. I’d rather have a new ability that’s balanced and enjoyable, but the sad thing is that it’d retcon a lot of the lore.
And lastly, here’s some advice since people can’t grasp this even though it’s such a simple solution - learn to actually use an ult for team wipe after the rez. stop complaining you can’t kill the mercy. stop wasting 4-6 ults at once when you know she’s alive. it is not rocket science.
If it’s so easy to get that 3-5 man kill, how come it’s suddenly so hard once Mercy rezzes? They’re still for a couple frames, throw in a D.Va bomb or a RIP-Tire while they’re glowing. Easy.