So lets say the ptr is released with the Anubis Map Head Changed (At it is a 1st “hint”?) (Early Hero Release Possiblity))
to review: đź›° Can we please get clarification what the hidden Anubis Head is?
PTR was release on the 7th
Avg PTR time is usually 3 weeks
So the “Hint” would be released = 28th of Jan.
Compared to Last year Hero 27 (Brig) was first hinted (Operation White Dome) Feb 22, 2018
Now if we check what we were doing in Late January of Last year, it was the release of Blizzard World: Reddit - Dive into anything
But this year, we didn’t get a map to test on the ptr (So we can rule out a new map this month.)
So if we are getting an early hero hint… does that mean we are get a hero in February.
It’s 50% Possible (Pretty high % from me)
We really do need more heroes this year.
(But if you been paying attention to the forums, which I know is hard, you have likely heard this already. Since there is a rumor going around since November that 4-5 Heroes might be coming out this year because of Balance reasons.) If you want to listen to BTC on that: