Poll: What's your favorite Arcade Mode?

Mystery Duel even if you’ve removed half of the roster. Why removing Reinhardt, Brigitte and Bastion?

Chateau FFA, map is perfect size for the mode.


I love Mystery Heroes so much! But please consider trying it with 1HL!!

I know this is a divisive topic. Can you do the following poll?:

“Which do you prefer, 0HL or 1HL in Mystery Heroes”?



It would be Mystery Heroes if that mode in itself wasn’t a giant RNG dice roll. So I’m going with No Limits.

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Just like CTF we need Lucioball as an arcade mode even when the event is not active


But no meantion of the old arcade modes? Okay…
Mystery heroes it is!

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Though there’s only two** that have been made so far, I’d love to see a Competitive Arcade Modes menu appear. Some Arcade modes can be quite easy to give a Competitive Mode to (Total Mayhem comes to mind, and so does Mystery Heroes as long as a 1HL is enforced with the randomization).

**Note: It’s two assuming you don’t count the High Scores for Uprising and Junkenstein’s Revenge for competitiveness

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Mystery Heroes by a long shot and I would argue it would be better than qp or even comp if you got rid of the hero stacking…it absolutely breaks the game mode…it’s the only game that can be decided instantly in the middle of the match by something that is completely out of the player’s hands…get rid of it…itll remain random and awesome and more importantly fun


I really wanted to pick more than one haha


I just hate Mystery heroes, you don’t get who to pick and when you get someone you play, half the time the game ends right after.


I’d rate CTF a lot higher if the flag carrier was immune to friendly status effects (particularly speed boost). Speedy NanoHog is such an OP strategy that any team not doing it seems to just lose.

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where is 4x4 DF? :rage:


Jeff PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let 4v4 be a more permanent mode, it’s the reason I and my friends play overwatch daily…but it goes away for weeks sometimes


Under team Deathmatch

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I miss “All Brawls” Mode!


Total Mayhem and Mystery heores, but this last one it’s f***ing frustrating at times.

I understand, ‘‘mysterious heroes’’, but fight a team with 3 tanks 2 Moiras and 1 Mercy with Hanzo/Widow/McCree, no healers and not decent pick until 20 deaths is super stressful.

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No limits, FFA, CTF and low gravity are the modes I enjoy in the arcade.

My fav one is between FFA and no limits, I can’t choose :frowning:

I miss All Brawls too! Especially Justice Rains From Above!

Here are my top three arcade modes:

  1. CTF (I know that I’m in a minority but I do love it)
  2. Mayhem
  3. Low Grav

oh god why do people play mystery heroes, its horrible RNG where the team who ends up with the most tanks and ~SOME~ healer wins


CTF just became my fav gamemode tbh, and that’s coming from someone who absolutly HATED old CTF.