Poll: What's your favorite Arcade Mode?

Please bring Team Deathmatch as a permanent game mode. It wouldn’t hurt to add it into Competitive either!.. It would be nice to be able to just focus on kills rather than objectives all the time.


It’s a legit game mode, deserving a more permanent spot! Jeff we aren’t alone!! Consider this!!


YES!!! i agree with you 100%. Or put team deathmatch into comp!

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Anyone else who wants 4v4 to have more time in Arcade, upvote and quote others who want the same. Let’s make a big stink about it, now the chance to get noticed!


Jeff. lets do “Mystery Heroes” with special rules !

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Honestly I liked the Uprising brawl the most, and since it was in the arcade, it counts as an arcade mode, right?

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Wouldn’t ‘none of the above’ simply be not voting?

But then how would Blizz know that some people think all of the modes suck?

Touché. :crazy_face:

I personally don’t see the hype about Mystery heroes. A random element that decides the victor in most outcomes.

I played enough of league’s “All random” mode(s) to the point where random is no longer a fun factor. BUT on the + side.

Its still better than lock-out elimination hahaha. Now that’s a joke mode if I’ve ever heard one. The main aspect of playing games is playing them. You die in lock-out and you are forbidden to play for the rest of the round.

though that’s just my opinion though, if other people like it then they are free to do so, as by their freedom to have whatever opinion they like.


Are we ever going to see the return of All Brawls/the other more gimmicky brawls? Things like Charge! or This Is Ilios were a nice break from modes that can feel a bit unfair (Winston/Mei spam on Total Mayhem for example)


Where is Lucioball and Yeti Hunt?

( T . T )

Mystery heroes by far, but it’s incredibly frustrating at times and prone to completely imbalanced matches that are no good for anyone, especially whoever is losing.

I’ll keep hoping for some ult carryover on death, as well as some logic being hero selection rather than pure RNG (it’s not called Random Heroes, now is it?) to ensure we don’t see tons of hero dupes and to ensure teams will trend towards having all classes represented (particularly noticeable when a team never gets a healer for a whole match).


Interesting results indeed. I always thought total mayhem is boring af.


Total Mayhem is the definition of an “Arcade” version of Overwatch. It blends rapid pacing, explosive damage and right now healing as well as Winston’s shield (eff ewe Winston Shield).

Make Total Mayhem permanent, please.


I really wish we could rank these instead of picking just one.

Mystery heroes is my favorite, but I’m sad to see 6v6 lockout so low on the list.


20 Characters 20


I guess I’m just lucky, because my winrate in the mode is better than most.

Total meyhem is good as a rotator… not a fan of it being permanent at all

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Oh no, I misclicked. I wanted to vote for Mystery Heroes but I clicked Mystery Duel.

I like to play mystery heroes, it gives me a room to play a hero I am not comfortable with. And everyone else does the same so the game is balanced enough.

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