(POLL) One barrier limit per team?

Wait, don’t you have the option to play how you want to (you don’t have to play double shields if you don’t want to), but you don’t want others to have a different option (or the ability to run double shield tanks)???


Well, what’s the problem?

I’m not complaining about double shield. I quite like it, considering that Sig, Orisa and Rein are my fav tanks to play (along with Zarya).
But I don’t like the direction the balance of tanks is going to. As mentioned before. Even if they manage to fix the tanks now, Sigma will likely not be the last shield tanks and then we just have the whole situation again, needing to rebalance every shield tank.
Having a shield limit would make balancing so much easier and allow shield tanks to feel like they can protect their team again and not have a sheet of paper in front of them.


I’ve responded to this as well.

Preferably none :))

Let me know your argument then.

Would you like me to spoon feed you as well? Maybe you should try scrolling and reading.


She/he doesn’t want others to have options, because it makes people in her/his matches not take Open Queue serious.

Irony doesn’t seem to be part of your vocabulary.

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Wow, you really showed me now.

Not my fault you stepped in it.

Flotaku: “I want less tank pair options!”
pffft. Okay.



Okay? How about you stop being so snarky. You know you don’t get extra debate points for being snarky right? Because that’s literally all you’ve done this entire thread.

Why would no one take it seriously? It’s still comp. There is no “main mode” now, open q and role q are side by side.

The only reason they wouldn’t take it seriously is because open q attracts the worst kind of people who genuinely don’t care about their team.


I’m sorry you’re reading more into what I’m typing than is actually there. You are assigning these emotions to my text. Not me.

Because they don’t. When you queue quick play or comp, the big ole buttons on the game screen. It doesn’t give you options. It throws you into 2/2/2. Steps matter. How people perceive those steps also matter. This is also the way OWL plays. Which undoubtedly effects the way people perceive those modes.

Is this an issue that can be solved? Not really. Do I miss a version of the game that doesn’t exist anymore? Yup. Guilty as charged.

Should we limit 1 hitscan and 1 projectile?

How about 1 aoe healer and 1 solo healer?

How about we increase queue times even more?


Big difference, don’t you think?
Even with a shield limit, there would still be open queue for double shield.
There is also a difference between “I want less options for the sake of balancing, cause it’s a mess right now and will likely always be.” and “I want to take the option away from others cause I don’t like playing it.”
The game quality is not great for anybody at the moment, RQ or OQ doesn’t matter. It will get worse for a lot of people if RQ get deleted.

I’ve literally already mentioned that I am okay with Double shield and play all the shield tanks.

There is less steps for Open Queue than Role Queue Comp. It does not throw you into Role Queue Comp.
You click Competitive, then you have two options, click Open Queue and you are done or click Role Queue and select the Roles you want, then you are done.

Do any of these cause as massive balancing issues as tanks?
Tanks have been always been notoriously bad in the balance department with 2 of them being the end all go to meta.
DPS always had a few more choices and supports usually had 3-4 good ones as well.

The funny part is you think I want 2/2/2 deleted when all I’ve expressed is my distaste for it’s limitations already. Look, if you start picking apart things like MT/OT, do you think it stops there? Do you think people might complain if 2 main healers end up being perceived as busted together? Where does the baby sitting stop?

You’ve got me there. I haven’t played competitively in quite some time because I am deaf, and that causes a lot of other issues. Issues which have more to do with community attitude than anything else.


I’m not really picking apart MT/OT though. Hammond is considered a main tank, but doesn’t have a barrier. Sigma was considered an off tank for a while.
We are simply talking about barriers. And how it’s possible to make them impactful again on their own. Orisa right now can’t work as a solo shield tank in 90% of matches because it’s too weak. But add a Sigma shield and suddenly she is good again.
That’s not good balancing.
As mentioned above, healer metas have never caused any big issues. We have had so many different support combinations throughout the metas and always have there been good alternative picks.

Okay. Then what happens next? Rein/Orisa? Sigma/Rein? Rein/Winston? You eliminate one option. Others will pop up. Maybe people will start crying for Zary/Rein nerfs. The problem is something is always best. No amount of restrictions or buffs are going to change that. Some people will always have distaste for “what is best” or “meta”. Get tired of playing it. Repeat.


Well now I can’t play rein monkey, rein orisa, rein sigma, monkey orisa, or monkey sigma because of a limit placed because of orisa sigma. This isn’t only restricting us from not playing orisa sigma (the actual comp), but also other tank comps. That’s like saying “well, Ana mercy is meta, let’s make it so only one main support per team”. That would be limiting so many compositions because of only one.