(POLL) One barrier limit per team?

Before Sigma, we’ve had plenty of metas with only one shield.
And Sigma will likely not be the last shield tank we get. Even if we reach perfect balance (which doesn’t exist and will never happen), the next shield tank will just completely mess things up again because it’s such a difficult thing to balance as the current situation is showing.

Of only one for now. As soon as another shield tank comes up, it will likely be the same thing all over again. Or even worse, we won’t get a new shield tank because the devs don’t want ot deal with it again.

222 caused wait times to balloon. You force someone to have to play barrier that doesn’t want to then Tank population will be on the endangered species list.


Alright. For arguments sake let’s say you get what you want and NOM meta happens. Dva/Sigma. Now you have a barrier and two abilities that eat projectiles. What happens when that’s next on the chopping block?

One anchor tank yep. Otherwise we’re stuck in double shield, or we nerf shields enough that off tanks replace them. Orisa Sigma synergy is too much. Rein Orisa is just for bastion comps and has no synergy. Rein Sigma is a sort of enjoyable comp, but I’m fine with seeing it go if we get to have genuine tank balance. One anchor tank is fine. Besides as a roadhog zarya player I absolutely don’t deserve the same queue time as the rarer and normally more desirable Rein/Orisa/Sigma player.


I mean, no one is saying that 1 barrier has to be picked, just that 1 barrier is the maximum.

That’s not even close to comparable. Unless we get an absorb character which allows it to be up almost all the time.

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It’s not right now. But what about people who get tired of playing, sym/mei/beam team into Sig/Dva? Remember, this is hypothetical. Something else will always come along. Some people will always not like the meta picks. Not their mains. Character’s they can’t play well, find boring, whateva. It won’t stop.

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You could simply just add more heroes that benefit from multiple barriers in the enemy team. It’s not rocket science, and the whole point of counters in Overwatch. We just didn’t need heroes like that yet because we never had enough tanks for more than one barrier.

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The reason for double shield is the fact that both orisa and sigma can deal damage at a good range WITH THEIR SHIELD UP and their defensive ability (succ, and halt). Not just their shields, which is the reason ORISA SIGMA WAS META and not Rein orisa/sigma. So as long as blizzard won’t add a tank with RANGE, SHIELD, AND DEFENSIVE ABILITY, then we won’t have that problem. So no, just adding a shield tank won’t make double shield again, it is if they make a shield tank that has the 3 things above (most importantly the last 2).


The difference is, so far every problem was able to be fixed through balancing. And it is very clear that this is not the case with double shield.

The problem is. Something hasn’t been introduced yet that makes that comp not as viable. At least that’s my hot take.

Or just make shields regenerate slower the more they are on your team

or, they stay broken longer

or, both

Right now is a definite nope. Only way I could remotely push that to a maybe is with OW2 and addition of multiple Tanks and we’d have get more than two, which is unlikely.

But in the end, I think the price would be far to high to pay. Restricting barriers would lead to too much unnecessary homogenization within the Tank role and restrict choice far too much.

And personally, I strongly don’t believe the barriers themselves are the problem here. The issue is how flexible the barriers and their owners kits are as well as them having long range.


Well that’s still going to make for obvious problems and cause people to leave tanking.

It’s easier to throw because if these tanks ain’t balanced for 222 then it’s gonna be a party with someone going one barrier against all that buffed damage.

Why would Orisa even be met with this restriction when her barrier melts in under a second.

You’re doing what the devs are doing. Adding more problems that will need more buffs and nerfs than delivering the fun gameplay we had from 2016-17

Looks like the overwhelming majority of people think it’s a bad idea.

This “would” be a good idea but a fundamental problem remains: too few heroes.

it is the lack of variety in the various categories that makes the 2-2-2 balance destructive

Or the lack of an option to shield pierce. Think old Sym right click fire.

Double barrier is different. You comparing DVA Sigma to it is like me calling Rein Winston double barrier and saying people would demand they don’t get stacked. Obviously they don’t operate the same as double barrier at all. Double barrier is incredibly static, and has near endless damage sponge.

Orisa started with 900/8 seconds.
Sigma had 1500 that took 9 seconds to fully recharge.
Cycling them you could take 2400 damage every ten seconds. That amount of focus fire meant making a two second opening every ten seconds would require 300dps. Realistically it took more because because of grasp. The game genuinely devolved into shooting rectangles, or attempting to bypass barriers as a mechanics at all because you could never create an opening in them. Obviously shields were gonna have to get nerfed in this situation, and its led to what used to be strong tanks having paper shields… all because we allowed them to stack.

They also have the synergy of being the best shield breakers in the tank category due to their long ranged damage, so not only did they put out the most shielding, they also were the best at breaking them. And obviously if the enemy team only has one shield they’re always going to be fighting at a shield disadvantage.

Comparing two seconds of matrix on DVA to what double barrier did to the game doesn’t feel genuine to me.

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What I am actually doing is: Saying it won’t stop at Orisa/Sigma. Something else comes along. This process starts all over again, for all the reasons I described in my previous posts.

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Except such a matter has never come up before. No one cried DVA shouldn’t be stacked with shield. No one really cared before Sigma because Orisa Rein have no synergy and only work to defend like a Bastion or something.

No one is going to come with a pitchfork after Rein Winston or DVA Sigma. You make a poll with that as the premise of the topic (should we ban DVA with Sigma) you’re gonna get 5% agreeing or less, not 40%. Slippery slope is a fallacy for a reason. You’re comparing apples with crocodiles.

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GOATS omg I hate GOATS please blizzard please! Limit us to 2/2/2 that will solve it!

Dive OMG! I hate dive. Please blizzard please! Just introduce something that stops dive.

Moth meta. I absolutely CANNOT play Mercy every game! Fix this please!

You don’t see it?