(POLL) One barrier limit per team?

Honestly I don’t understand the hatred for shields. Even before the nerfs to shields I never found them to be overbearing.


I personally have little problem with double barrier but it’s apparently a huge issue on the pro level, and the developers hate it because it makes for boring games to watch.

So just keeping double barrier is not an option.

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Sounds silly, but I would like to see Attack and Defense heroes again, which… If I’m not mistaking, Widow and Hanzo were both Defense heroes.

Why not just play open q then

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Though I do feel like OW2 should do away with 2/2/2 and move to a more open-queue style game. With the addition of new heroes, and with a few reworks, I feel like separating the roster into 8 roles, only being able to pick one hero per role would work.

For example, two tank roles, two support roles and four damage roles. Might get a lot of 1/4/1 games but it’s better than the old ‘six dps’ we used to get.

I’ve already responded to this very statement. Why does it keep coming up?

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If I had it my way I would revert all nerfs to shields and let snipers do punch through damage. Shield would mitigate 50% of the damage from snipers and block 100% of the damage from anything else.

Oh and I would switch baptiste ult with his lamp. Revert the window size and have it on a long cool down.

I would rather try a total shield HP per team.

Say 1400 total HP.
If you have just 1 shield tank (Rein, Sigma or Orisa) then their shield is 1400hp.
If you have 2 then their shield HP is split 700hp each.

Clearly more adjustments would be needed as well. Maybe if 2 shield tanks then increase the CD on being able to use your shield again if it’s destroyed.

In short, force the 2 tanks to work together. Using both shields at the same time could result in no shields for a long time.

Winston wouldn’t be part of these shield tanks though.

The funny thing is. Sigma’s and Orisa’s barriers together are less than 1400hp.

First only one hero type per team, then only 2 of each role per team, then only 1 shield per team?
How many times are we going to add more limitations to delete a meta?
I can see people asking 1 hitscan DPS per team or 1 sniper per team, 1 AoE healer per team, 1 projectile shotgun per team


Sigma would need to be almost reworked into a main tank though. Having an off tank with a barrier would have always been problematic. I don’t know what Blizz were thinking.

Totally agree. Well said.

Limiting the game to always having 1 main tank and 1 off tank would remove double shield and double off tank comps, basically making the game 10x better

I heard the samething about 2/2/2. Totally forgetting 1/3/2 or 3/2/1 are totally viable and fun options.


And then what? We just never get another shield tank ever?
“Fixing” the tanks we have at the moment means nothing for the future.

Then play Open Queue, that’s literally why we have it.

What even is this argument??? “Even though I have the option to play how I want to, I don’t like that others have a different option” ??? What?


A separate option. With a different queue, and players who don’t take the mode seriously because it’s not “main mode”. How do you not understand?

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People don’t even take Role Queue Comp serious. Not much of a difference there.
Yes it is a separate option, but it is not presented as a lesser option. It’s literally right next to Role Queue under the same “competitive” tab.
You literally want to take options away from other players just because you don’t like those options.


Yes, it’s not intended to be a lesser option. But in the eyes of people who don’t even play RQ seriously it’s even less serious.

Even though other combination could be fun, it was never fun for me who either was healing alone or tanking alone.

Depends on the setups and who’s doing which roles. I agree. But it’s not an option we really have anymore unless we queue with the trolls in the other modes.