(POLL) One barrier limit per team?

Just interested to see if people think one barrier limit per team (tank role) would be a good idea. Since it seemed the most popular idea in my other thread it would be interesting to see the results.
To sum it up:

  • Double barrier would never be meta ever again
  • Barrier tanks would get solid buffs so that they’re better on their own.
  • More limitations though

(Level 3 gods could you do your thing)


They need to split both tank role and healing role to main/off.

Brig/Lucio/Zen off heal for example


Can we also limit one sniper per team?


Now vote yes :joy:


What if I were to challenge people saying double barrier was never a natural meta but was a byproduct and disease instead of dealing with other issues and from overnerfing shields in the first place.

I’m the end we also must look to the future and remember was sigma was intended to be.

Sigma is not the last of the barrier tanks that was introduced. Sigma was intended to be a main barrier tank and provide options and relief to people who play that specific class.

If we take away his shield that leaves 2. (Winston hardly counts since he uses it more for himself to enable himself to dive safely).

So I opt for limiting not to just fix now but to prevent problems in the future.

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That’s just what this game needs. More restrictions on what can be played at a time. Hey, why you’re at it. Why not limit my DPS and Support picks to only the best pairs for those tanks. Oh! Also limit the OT that can be picked by which MT is chosen. I can’t wait!


The main problem depends on who you talk to. Some say baptist buffs enabled the return of double barrier. Others say its sigma since he adds overlapping shields and utility with accretion and his defensive ability.

I am fine with not changing sigma drastically and changing baptist if he is the cause of double barrier.

It already is restricted and unbalanced because we won’t limit.

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A sarcasm just flew over your house. That being said: I hate the 2/2/2 lock we already have. I don’t need less selection. I need more.


without role lock we would be back to most game with 4 dps.


No, and anyone who votes yes needs their head checking.


Good thing you’re not restricted then because there’s open queue if you prefer that type of mode then.

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So? If that’s the way people choose to play then so be it. Want something other than 4 dps? Make some friends. Ya’know? How games use to run. Instead of the Devs choosing what I play. Why not let those who play correctly choose to play correctly and rise above the rest.


I shouldn’t have to shift modes to just play the game the way it use to be.


There is open queue luckily

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Remember, the options basically are:

  1. You can’t play Orisa and Sigma on the same team.
  2. You can’t play Orisa or Sigma at all because they’ve been nerfed into utter trash.

I would argue 1 is less of a restriction than 2.


While I agree that’s how it will likely be handled by this development team. I would rather not see either option implemented.

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The problem is, how else do you fix it?

Reworking Sigma into a non-barrier tank or something is just a bandaid. I think people would play Rein Orisa if Orisa wasn’t terrible. I would also argue that we’re going to have more barrier tanks added someday and we’ll just be right back here again.


Why fix something that isn’t broken? Something is always going to be best. Nerf them. Something else comes along. Restrict the choices, something else is the target next. It never ends, unless the developers end it, and allow new hero releases to shift metas instead of complaining.


Yeah, limiting to one anchor tank (because, inevitably, there will be some tank added that doesn’t have a barrier but is busted when combined with Orisa/Sigma/Rein, and on the other hand, Winston + any of the above is hardly broken) would be considerably preferable to what we have now, of course assuming they received all necessary buffs (probably nothing short of a full revert to Sigma’s release, then maybe a few small nerfs to Sigma and Orisa). Individual tanks would feel impactful, and we might actually get to see some variation in the barrier tanks being used without overtly forcing them in and out of meta

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