Pls mercy mains... don't

winston is about to be a lot more dominate lmao.

her healing isn’t the problem lmao!!! it’s the rez!!!

She’s a main healer. There are only 3 of them, and at least one is required in every team.

Yeah, her healing was higher, but that came at the expense of her not having anything to her kit other than healing. Ana has hitscan damage, anti, and CC. Moira has punishing, highly accurate, barrier evading damage. Putting Mercy’s healing on par with the other healers is a huge mistake. Why would anybody want to take her over another now?


We know. Any and everyone who plays Mercy knows. When did you ever see people complaining about her healing too much?

Every complaint for the past 6 months has been about rez.


Malfurion in Heroes of the Storm and his 5 reworks and many changes in a year would like to have a word with you

trust me they would with another main healer (either moira or ana). Her press E TO REZ is broken.

I’ve said this once, I’ve said this countless times this year:

Just because A change is needed does NOT mean that ANY change is good.

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I am fine with the nerfs ‘-’

Mercy main here, she kinda of needed a nerf, not sure if that was the right nerf but let’s see how it goes

Hey folks,

Going to go ahead and lock this thread up as we want the discussion on Mercy in that thread.
