Pls mercy mains... don't

Nawh man its gonna be her pistol.

I just know it :ok_hand::joy:

The community always finds something to complain about it’s nothing new.
Nerf her healing? Well now guess what now her hair is suddenly a problem too OP pls nerf.

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Her healing per second wasn’t the issue though, like at all.


Yeah they’re just nerfing the only thing thwt was still fun

Now I won’t even be able to enjoy doing OG mercy challenges in QP

The reason we complain isn’t that we can’t read a pickrate chart, we complain because she KEEPS getting nerfs that miss the point & make Mercy do less stuff.

This is all this nerf does. It makes Mercy do less stuff. Less healing, because it’s nerfed by almost 20%. Less damage boosting because you need to keep heal beam longer. Fewer ults because you’re not damage boosting/healing as much.

The only thing that’s mostly not affected? Resurrect.

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Now I wonder why I don’t play supports anymore. They can not make the support category right at all. I guess Doomfist is going to be next on the list due to whining players complaints.

Well, I guess we won’t be the ones who’re crying most.

You think that nerf will change anything? It won’t. It’s as pointless as the revert, even with the buffs to the other sups.

… it will take some time until ppl realize how annoying and strong he is on ladder.

Yes…She needed changes…

yes res is too good as an ability


When willblizzard get that rez as an ability DOES NOT WORK


It will be funny to see people requesting for healing when a Winston jumps into them. Sorry pal but you are receiving damage boost as my healing won’t save you from him.


cuz… laziness.

its easier to change some numbers than fix rez.

Of course she will still be broken.

This nerf changes nothing.

Free 30 second revive with 0 effort, 0 commitment, 0 anything put into it. Make it earnable and make that how skilled mercy players can get it off. The current iteration is cheap and forgives Mercy players that play poorly.

Give Mercy an actual skill component.

I can see Doomfist getting a nerf now definitely it’s coming.

She needs changes, but this is not the right change. Everything in her base kit is fine and has always been fine. Valkyrie and rez are the only things that need to be changed.

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Mercy’s skill component was (and should be) in strategic decision making. They removed that with the rework.


The issue with this is on multiple fronts. The biggest of which is that while yes Mercy did need a nerf (revert with tweaks or another rework would be preferable) they are nerfing the wrong aspect.

Mercy with her rework removed all of her weaknesses she was never meant to be an aoe healer she was meant to have strong, consistent single target heals. Valk effectively removed all of this and as it has been said before it’s a failed ult from the beta which should have never returned along with the slow on res, b but that’s another issue which leads to the next point.

Mercy will never be balanced as long as she had res on cool down. Move or incorporate it back to her ult and give her a different E or leave it blank for all I care.

At this point blizzard is being completely tone deaf to Mercy’s actual issues. Look through the many megathreads while there are pointless and bad suggestions there are some gems, such as some of titanium’s posts. As is I see this nerf further dividing the player base and causing some to leave.

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The point being, she is a poster girl. She will be played even if she will be arguably the worst hero in existence.

The only thing such a nerf will do is that suddenly blizzard support gets a whole load of reports of mercy players being “bad teammates” and “unwilling to switch” and “throwing”
You know, because people can’t report people for playing certain heroes, but they do that anyway.

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“I need healing!”
“That’s unfortunate.”


The issue was not and still is not Mercy’s strength.

The issue is the gross lack of communication with Blizzard on how to Manage Mercy in the Valk era.

Including today’s proposed support changes, Blizzard has made two posts regarding Mercy’s state of affairs since the Valk nerfs went live. Two.

This is far, far beyond a balancing mistake. This is quite possibly a PR gaffe.

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