Pls mercy mains... don't

mercy needed changes, she is OP, she is the most picked heroes, we all need nerfs to mercy.
Mercy will NOT be dead, she still has res as an ability, and is totally broken.
Dont make posts crying, your hero will be fine.


Oh, she will be played even if she heals at 10hps.

They’re just nerfing the wrong things.


rez on cooldown and valk on q are what broke her. she has no weakness.


Yeah well most Mercy mains realize that she will still be useful. What we’re mad about is how this shows that Blizzard doesn’t know where to take Mercy to make her NOT a must-pick.

REZ IS THE ISSUE. Undoing a critical pick on a cooldown, no matter how much you nerf it, will ALWAYS BE USEFUL.

Make it have a heal meter like Torb’s scrap, or just remove it, or put it back on ult. Nerfing her healing doesn’t help the issue.


as a mercy main i wanted changes.

i’m not sure if this nerf will actually change anything.

moira should have a higher healing output than mercy… since mercy has more utility than moira.

so i guess we will see if that really changes anything.

Mercy will still be the most strong healer just so you cry more.


Jesus Christ we know. But these are the most idiotic nerfs I could have ever thought of coming into existence.

Ask anyone why Mercy is so powerful, and they’ll tell you her rez that’s up at the beginning of the match and chain boost beams in Valk.

I almost hope Mercy is still stupidly over-picked after this. Just so people can maybe get it through their heads what’s wrong with her.

If you couldn’t kill someone while being pocketed before, 10 HPS isn’t going to help you do so.


I for one am excited for the change, she pockets so hard

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Not a chance she would ever be played if she healed 10 HPS.

Mercy has set a new record for the most nerfs to a single character in a row in any game, ever. At this point, she should be getting a complete rework because something clearly isn’t right, but that’s not going to happen any time soon.


If they had damage boost nerfed too, then the patch might as well be taken more seriously.

I downvote this topic.
No arguments, no explanations, there’s enough on the forum.
I just downvote it.


Wonder what the community will complain about after she is still picked 3x the other healers.

My only problem is that she’s actually still very very strong. I’m not sure this will balance her, but hey, I haven’t seen it yet so who knows?

I just won’t play her. Y’all complained until you got this, because you hated the red Mercy. Well, I was healing you too. Go play Hog if you want healing now, I’m out.

You’re a fast typer

playing pocket mercy isnt that bad imo… before the rework that was kinda her role as a pure single target healer.

i think blizz is just being lazy here… they admit that mercy needs a nerf and just change the numbers and hope for the best… instead of looking into the things the community complains about.

50 HPS isn’t addressing the problem.


Isn’t that the point? They nerf something that’s not really actually the issue, that’s why we’re upset. We all know what the real culprit is, a shame it can’t be dealt with because it involves admitting that a change that was made many months ago was actually very detrimental.

Can’t wait to read the new batch of “Nerf Mercy!” posts in a month. My guess is then it’s going to be her GA that’s up on the chopping block.


You are the 1st person i have seen to say she is OP