Please Stop Saying "Just go to QPC"

thats because tank/healer mains dotn even touch it.

Why should we be forced back into the clown fiesta?

2-2–2 was forced because of two things

-pro OWL
-DPS mains

you made your bed, now lie in it.

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I am a tank main

I am also a tank main. I even play world of tanks.

I am extremely disappointed in the new 2/2/2, not only does Blizzard say “Nope” to any form of creativity or new think. But this is why Hots is a dead game and why Overwatch to me is starting to be boring to play. Blizzard tells us how to play. They removed stuff from hots, now they had restrictions to Overwatch.

No thanks, I rather have the old option of picking characters I am not great with like Widow and then swap to a tank or healer to support the team or pick something else we need in the end. Not tied down to a stiff 2/2/2 meta that they will balance everything around now.

Boring, no way to be creative. “Go to Arcade”, I do not want ot go to arcade. Blizzard should stop trying to “control” the community like this, it won’t make people less keen on not going tank or healer. They just bloat the queues on DPS anyway. It be liek queues in WoW. “How fun”.

Free swapping was half the fun in it to me. Not this locked down sh*t.


HOTS is a dead game because
-they murdered their own e sports
-poor balance changes
-ranked system was very buggy

Yeah sure, but shiet like this won’t keep Overwatch alive. Forced measures to make people “Play” like Blizzard want us to play. JUst like how their changes in Hots murdered it.

The game wasn’t fun for tank/healer mains
You have no idea how frustrating it is to play a game as tank only to watch as the other 5 people insta lock in DPS

average COMP game had at least 3 DPS

I fail to see the relevance of this reply.


That is wrong and Jeff even stated the the average Competitive game already had 2-2-2.

I can ask you the same exact thing

That is relevant to your reply as you gerneralized all those in QPC saying everyone there is DPS and tanks/supports don’t play it

In which I then stated that I am a tank main and play QPC.

Yes it is. There’s very little reason not to go there.

It is not a valid response to those that want to have the ranked experience without having to deal with Role Q/Lock and QPC does not provide a ranked experience.

You call it creative, I call it annoying.

Tell me something, which team wins statistically, the one with a balanced 2-2-2 composition or the one with 5 DPS and a, that switches to 2-2-2 when there’s a minute to go?

I don’t know about you, but I’m putting my money on the 2-2-2 team. In other words, all your “creativity” is doing is ruining your team’s chances of success because you insist on playing the Widowmaker that you are - by your own admission - not great on, instead of whatever your team needs.

You call it creativity, I call it selfishness. :man_shrugging:

It’s not 222 so the experience isn’t related to rank regardless.

Adapt? a good concept for put in practice

I am a support main

I strongly prefer qp classic

so we should force people who want to play the better game to play the inferior? If people want to play it so bad they will, maybe it’s that not as many people agree with you as you think they do

yea and quickplay never was ranked… ???

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  • Having less traffic does not make the game mode, itself, represent Pre-RQ QP any less. The game mode still delivers on that promise even with less players.
  • Wasn’t this the main argument people made against RQ in QP? That QP shouldn’t be taken so seriously?
  • I was under the impression that it had been promised but since I don’t have a direct source I’ll concede here I guess.

For that last bit… literally what?

I’d be hard pressed to think of a reason that a person would want a “ranked experience” that doesn’t involve RQ.

In what way does Pre-RQ QP resemble RQ Comp in any way?
The fact that all heroes and maps exist in both?

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You miss my point, That is not what I mean. But sometimes, picking 1 extra tank or an extra healer or going for a quick swap in the end can win a game and is much more fun than this locked down.

When I insist on Widowmaker, when I do not do good, I swap. to a tank or healer most the time. I get punished for others who refuse to swap.

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