Please Stop Saying "Just go to QPC"

It has already been proven to not be equivalent to what QP was before the implementation of Role Q/Lock.

For those that do not know

  • QPC gets less traffic since it has been placed in the Arcade
  • Since it is an Arcade mode, people are less serious about it (For people that say it wasn’t that serious before, just imagine how much worse it is now since “It’s just Arcade”)
  • QPC does not allow you to get achievements (has not been promised yet)

QPC is also not a valid response to those that want the ranked experience without Role Q/Lock


It is a valid response, because that’s what QPC is for: to give people who want to avoid role queue a place to play. Outside of custom games, of course.

The achievements do need to be extended to QPC.


Still quicker than RQ.

Much like how QP has always been.

Come on, honestly, who actually cares about achievements?


Dps that want quality games also get shafted by RQ unfortunately.

It gives them a place to play, yes, but QPC isn’t enough for those that want the ranked experience without Role Q/Lock


But that is the only reason the mode exists, to tell people who are dissatisfied to go play the worst mode in the game that makes Mystery Heroes seem competitive. Duh.


I won’t speak for anyone but myself but when I say go play QPC I mean that it offers what you are asking for, “Freedom Queue”

Of course the numbers wont be the same, most tanks and healers want a reliable comp

That is unfortunate, maybe those players should have taken it more seriously before we had 2-2-2. They had 3 years.

While it has not been promised it has been stated that they will be looked into by Jeff on Reddit.

If you want to play competitive you must play the current form of the game or hope they bring Comp Classic to the arcade. People had to deal with the same thing when Hero Limits were imposed.


My point is not queue times, it is that less people play it which will most likely cause it to not be permanent

Read what I said in the parenthesis.

Achievements are a big part of the game, I care about them.


Please leave your bias out, this topic is for a civilized discussion.

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An unfortunate side effect of the game shifting to a new direction. At least QPC is there. They could have simply instituted role queue without adding the QPC option.

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Not just achievements, stat tracking. If QP classic was actually fun, I still would not play it because your hours go wasted. A blatant deal breaker which makes it about as valid as an alternative as playing DPS support. But you do not see anybody recommending that. Ha ha ha… :rofl:


They could fix that.


They most likely don’t want to go that route since putting those side by side will make less skilled players carry over bad habits from QPC over to comp. Putting it in arcade says “This isn’t actually how you play competitively”


The whole point is to be biased. If we stick to objective fact, those people are absolutely correct. Go play QP classic if you are looking for an unlocked experience. Stop being biased. The mode is right there despite your petty grievances, Socrates. :smirk:


A cost for everyone else to have quality games


It does, but unfortunately it isn’t a good enough equivalent for those that want the ranked experience of Freedom Q

People wanted to have a better experience in QP, many got that, but many have been left out.

I do hope they implement it

I would be all for a Comp Classic put next to the regular Competitive season

Hero Limits was imposed before a competitive season happened.

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I figure it would still also be a panel for QPC in arcade, but it would also be listed under Quickplay.

And the benefit is that the more DPS in QPC, the better the queue times get in QP222.

Have been queuing as DPS almost exclusively and my games have been really good. Even when the estimated time is 9 minutes I queue for about 2-3 before a game pops.

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your 2 years to early to ask people for that. “IT JUST QP lolol fun, YOUR NOT MY DAD, i do what i want with my 40$”.


Wait… You want QP to offer a ranked experience? I am confused. :confounded:

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