Please Stop Saying "Just go to QPC"

As I’ve said, QPC does not provide the ranked experience. Do you have anything against Classic Comp happening?

That is subjective and if people played what they liked the most, they would potentially be happier, though this would happen rarely so it’s hard to tell.

This is still the case with Role Q/Lock

You may not think so, but others enjoy getting achievements.

We wouldn’t know for sure, but it couldn’t hurt to have it put next to 2-2-2 QP.

In my experience as well as others, QPC games are typically 2-2-2 or 3-2-1 with the only games that have more than 4 of one role being 5-6 tanks or supports.
You may not have this experience, but this is what typically happens in QPC from what I’ve seen.

Do you have anything against a Classic Comp?

Do you have any evidence that this is correct?
It may be the case that being in Arcade isn’t the reason, but it couldn’t hurt to put it next to 2-2-2 QP

You have no evidence to support this claim.

You say this…

Then also say this…Jeff has at least acknowledged putting achievements into QPC and yet you’re implying that it probably won’t happen

And yet, without Jeff of any dev saying anything, you automatically assume they’re going to remove QPC

My point is, you absolutely do not know, so you can’t really use those as arguments to back up your case

If they end up taking out QPC, then we can talk about it. But for now, it’ll be in Arcade indefinitely. Same with achievements. Let’s talk about that when Jeff comes out and says “we aren’t implementing achievements in QPC”

Because the only people that use it are players who were completely unwilling to be teamplayers before, so the quality of their games obviously went downhill when everyone that did care left? :smiley:

QPC gets less traffic because role queue is superior in most people’s minds.

You will be able to get achievements in QPC. If they haven’t implemented it yet, just wait a bit, until they do. Not really an argument against it.

Oh, and if I want ranked experience with role queue but no hero limit, can I get that too? Let’s just make 15 different quick play modes for every single type of player preference? Sorry, but it doesn’t work that way. If you really want specific permutations of old and new play rules, you always have the option of custom games. :man_shrugging:

It has been promised to grant achievements IIRC, but it’s likely to happen around Junkenstein. And yeah, I don’t know why people treat Arcade even less seriosuly than QP before. You’d think lootboxes would make them want to win more, but i’s all about picking DPS and running of like it’s OW at launch. Also, QP was “serious” enough for smart people to pick 2-2-2 without being force into it (funny how that works). Now it’s full of DPS smurfs on supports for fast queue.

All because it had to be moved to Arcade instead of being a “sub mode” of QP. You click QP and 3 boxes with “role”, “non-role” and “no limits” pop up same way role select does now. But I gues it would “distract from the serious game mode”.

And why exactly doesn’t it work the way of having different QP sub modes? Because it’s too hard to code a new pop up window? Is it because people wouldn’t play “da way it was meant to be played”?

I think you misunderstood what I said. The first quote is that achievements have not been promised to be a thing in QPC.

The second is referring to what will most likely happen if QPC doesn’t have a sizable player base.

Sorry, but you are completely wrong with this assumption. There are many flex players and tank/support mains that play QPC and most players regardless of role try to at least be a team player. People still care, but not as much as they did before as “It’s just Arcade”

Do you have any evidence to back up this claim?

They have not promised that we will get achievements.

Do you have anything against the implementation of a Comp Classic?

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just go to qpc.
its the truth.

No, it’s the same reason Blizzard doesn’t let us queue for individual game modes, or individual maps for that reason - because the more game modes you have, the fewer people you have playing each individual game mode, and the fewer people there are per game mode, the worse the matchmaking in that mode is.

Blizzard’s vision for Overwatch right now includes role queue because that’s the best way they can think of to ensure balanced games. It’s “da way it was meant to be played”, as you put it. What this also means is that as time goes on, new heroes and maps will be balanced with rolequeue in mind, which means you can’t just put no-limits QP as an equivalent mode to rolequeue QP, because it won’t be.

Much like the game would no longer be balanced if they reintroduced no hero limit and you could have a double Hammond double Doomfist composition, so too will compositions without a 2-2-2 lock be unbalanced a year or two down the line.

To put it simply, as things move forward, the base game will be balanced around Role Queue, which means any game mode without it will get more and more unbalanced, therefor you can’t have both the options presented as equal, because they won’t be.

I’ve played 10 games in “QPC”. I’ve had ZERO with more than one player on a non DPS role, unless I also played tank, in which case we sometimes got a second healer, but mostly not. Please don’t try to sell me :poop: and claim it’s a pile of gold, I can smell it from here.

  1. Sentiments from people on the forums. Even with the fact that vocal minority phenomenons are common on all game forums (basically, someone who’s happy with the game has much less incentive to come to the forums compared to someone’s who’s dissatisfied and needs a platform to complain on), you can just go from post to post and compare the number of likes on posts in support or opposition to role queue and you’ll see that supporters far outnumber the detractors.
  2. Response from people on other websites where OW players congregate. Go to the twitter post announcing role queue, and you’ll see 100 replies praising rolequeue to every post complaining about it. Go to the youtube video announcing rolequeue and you’ll see a 95% like to dislike ratio. Go to the comments section and you’ll see that there’s not a single negative comment among the most popular comments.
  3. Sentiments from streamers/pro players. It’s very hard to find any that aren’t in favor of rolequeue.
  4. Just personal experience. I’ve talked with dozens of players on my friends’ list about rolequeue and only one of them was vehemently against it, while the rest were ranging from neutral to positive.

Now, none of those are conclusive evidence, but they are pretty damn good circumstantial evidence, and contrary to what movies would have you believe, circumstantial evidence is actually admissible in court, so it’ll have to be good enough for you too. :smiley: Now what kind of evidence do you have to disprove this claim?

Yes, they have. You’re just spreading misinformation at this point.

Granted, that’s not a binding legal contract, but it’s about as firm as anything they ever give us unless it’s a feature already in development.

I do, it splits up the playerbase and makes matchmaking worse.

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This demonstrates a desire for an echo if ever I have seen one.

Not only did you jump to the conclusion that Socrates and Mega are the same people (after all, how can ANYONE else possibly disagree with you) but you are also labeling a different opinion as trolling.

So sad.


Admittedly, no one who wants to practice tank or healer has any reason to play QPC.

The only people who hate the new system are people who previously insta-locked dps and were playing more than their fair share of dps and mooching off people willing to play tank and healer.

Well, you can still practice shooting people in a 6 dps v. 6 dps game.

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You must be unlucky (or lucky, whichever you prefer). I have personally had no more than 4 DPS on a team in any game. Most games would be 2-2-2 or 3-2-1 with the only games that had more than 4 of a role being 6 Supports or 5 Tanks.

Forums make up a small portion of the community.

Not everyone uses twitter, for all you know most Pro 2-2-2 people use it.
The video likes could be due to many reasons, not just that they agree. Some people may just be glad to see some communication from the Devs, some may have liked it because they like Jeff. Some may only like the Role Q part and not the Role Lock part. The point is you can’t be certain that everyone that liked the video likes Role Lock/Q

It’s odd that you should say this after the sudden surge of multiple popular streamers speaking ill of Role Q/Lock.

We like to surround ourselves with those that we identify with.

They have not promised it to my knowledge. The actual response was that they are looking into it, which does not guarantee that it will happen. There is a likely chance of it, but you can’t be sure until it has been confirmed to be in the game or not.

Different MM and the player base is already split up as it is.

This is false as I prefer to play tank in QPC since I can switch off when there is a Doomfist instead of feeding.

I am a tank main.

… so? Every study takes a small sample of a population to make predictions about the population as a whole. If I go to a country with 1M people and talk to 1000 randomly chosen people about their religious beliefs, I’ll have a reasonably accurate representation of the religious beliefs of that country. It won’t be 100% accurate, obviously, but it’s still relevant.

:man_facepalming: Why would that be the case? You have no evidence for that belief and let’s be honest, you don’t really believe that it’s disproportionally populated by pro-2-2-2 players. It’s just a silly argument, sorry.

Sure, but youtube thankfully also has dislikes, and there’s barely any of those, which is very clear evidence about people being positive about role queue (at least at the time of the announcement, you could argue that that changed after the patch went live).

I know of one. Even if there were multiple (which I’d love links for if that’s the case), that’s still raindrops in an ocean compared to hundreds in support of it.

Not really. I like to surround myself with nice people. I don’t care about their political views, religious beliefs, taste in music or their opinion on role queue for that matter. And how would I surround myself with people in support of rolequeue… before rolequeue was even a thing? What a weird argument.

Again, they never promise things in more concrete terms than that, unless it’s something that was already developed, tested, and is just having it’s final kinks ironed out before release.

I have no idea what that means.

This is the kind of half-baked, non-productive, and largely redundant response that is yielded by clowns who jump into a conversation half way through. Girl. Bye.

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That is a country, the forums aren’t a country. The forums attract people that want to complain, as you’ve said. This is what happened before Role Q was announced. The people that complained as to how it should happen gradually came in and now that it is here they are gradually leaving.
Now, people that don’t like it are gradually coming in, you can look at posts from a bit ago and see that the amount of likes an Anti 2-2-2 post gets has increased as well as the amount of Anti threads that are made.

This may not be true, but it is possible.

The point of saying this is that you have no proof of the opposite as well.

It isn’t as I have stated.

This is true as some people’s minds have changed after they have experienced it.

You have no evidence to support such a ratio.

We could just go the boring route and say the people I know think Role Q is horrendous.

As I’ve said before (maybe not to you) I hope they add achievements.

The system can have a different MM system to the current one if there are problems.
The player base is already split.

People are “less serious” because QP classic is full of all the people who said “It’s just qp” when the team comp was horrendous. Most of the people who wanted to try in the old QP are now playing 222. So you’re left with a very large percentage of the undesirables that 222 players always complained about and stubborn people holding onto flexing but wanting decent teammates.

You can’t have it both ways because you can only choose the experience you’re willing to have for yourself. You can’t choose for me or anyone else. You can choose to play “freedom queue” or 222, but you cannot force either of the playerbases to play in a mode that they do not want to play in.

We don’t want to play with the instalock 3-5 DPS. If you want the freedom to pick any character that’s the people you’re going to be playing with.

Do you have any evidence to support these claims?

The devs have already forced those that want a ranked experience without Role Q to either suck it up or leave.

On the basis of Role Lock, I want the ability to flex between roles mid game in Competitive.

I never claimed the opposite, because I know it’s not true. It’s silly to randomly assert that pro or anti-RQ players congregate on twitter without giving any reason why you think that’s the case. So if we accept that an equal percentage of pro and anti RQ players use twitter, and yet the response to the tweet announcing Role Queue is overwhelmingly positive, that’s evidence that the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Not a hard concept to grasp.

Nonsense. The video has 42k likes to 3,6k dislikes. Even if you allow that some people just like the fact that devs are communicating or like Jeff, you can’t ignore that of the 46k people that reacted to the video, 42k liked what was said in it.

There’s no argument you can make that those 46k people dislike rolequeue. They were either positive about it, or neutral about it, if they though it was a bad thing they would have disliked it. It’s common sense. So we have 46k people who are at least fine with rolequeue compared to 3,7k who are against it.

And btw, you’re making the claim that the 46k number is unreliable because people can like it for other reasons, but are completely fine with accepting that 3,7k people disliking it dislike rolequeue? What about the people that, to use your examples, just dislike the video because they dislike Jeff, or because they haven’t been happy with the way developers have been communicating recently? At the end of the day you’re still left with the fact that the overwhelming majority liked the change when it was announced.

The simple fact is, when you have a video that has a 93% like/dislike ratio, you can always make the claim that the topic of the video has been positively received. You can spin :poop: around as much as you want in an attempt to make it seem like that’s not the case, but you know it is. Maybe if you remove all the people that liked or disliked the video for other reasons the percentage gets a bit higher or lower, but it’s still massively in favor even then.

And you completely ignored the fact that I also pointed out - if you go through the top comments, you’ll see 100 comments praising role queue before you see one in opposition. How does that work in a world when the overall reception isn’t positive?

Is it true?

You’re missing the point. The more players there are in a single game mode, the better the matchmaking is, because it has more players to choose from at any given time. If you split the playerbase further by introducing another new game mode, the matchmaker will have fewer players to pick from, so it’ll more often have to match you with players that have a considerably different MMR from you. Having a different MM system for each mode has nothing to do with it.

I never said you did, I just said that claiming the opposite would have the same effect as the original claim.

Neither one of us has any evidence that people on Twitter are predominantly Pro 2-2-2 or not. I can make the claim that they are and you can make the claim that they aren’t and both would mean nothing.

You cannot prove that all the people that liked it did so in agreement of what was said.

I never said I was, for all we know, they just don’t like the game in general or do not like Jeff.

I never said it was. There is no concrete proof of either side being the majority. Also, for those numbers are not recent enough.

For the sake of progressing the argument instead of going in circles, why should the minority be ignored in this this scenario?


That makes more sense.
You cannot tell how many people would go into either competitive mode if a second one hasn’t been added yet.