Please... please do something about power creep

Think of Mei as more of an additional offtank, instead of an additional DPS.

My guess, if they do nerf Mei, it’s probably going to be less Slow effect on her primary fire.
Like 20% Initial Slow, instead of 30% Initial Slow.

Or a tiny bit less Freeze, such that the double icicle isn’t possible.
Like 1.3sec Freeze, instead of 1.5sec Freeze.

Across the board nerfs are always a horrible idea:

Genji is totally untainted from power creep
As is Zenyatta
As is Lucio
As is Mercy

These heroes along with maybe a few more shouldnt have to face blanket nerfs since they are all really well balanced and shouldnt be changed. Just because a few bad apples were enough to spoil the bunch, and itd basically be the same problem but with different numbers, itd fix nothing.

Always do, but with the changes to Barriers ranged DPS will be stronger, and Mei won’t really have a place there.

If she is, it is because Rein’s extra speed makes the game brawly, and she fights close up well.

I figure, if your Rein shield breaks, you can throw up a Mei wall to let people get to cover.

Also putting a wall up between teams while approaching, so you don’t burn up the Rein barrier.

Maybe, IF we see Mei, it will be part of Goats 2.0

Mei / Reaper / Rein / Zarya? / Lucio / +some other support (Zen?).

Yeah, as the way to join the fight.

The second Support will probably be Baptiste. Which also supplies a Pharah counter, and additional “don’t die when barriers are down”

Also barrier shredding on par with Soldier.

Mei just does not need to be in the meta. She prevents people from playing the game. She doesn’t outplay anything, she just stops people from outplaying her. Same problem brig had until she got reworked

It should all be based around whoever makes a play wins engagements, wins team fights, 1 v1s. Whatever.

Where as right now it’s based around heroes that are hardest to make plays against, but don’t make plays themselves. Compare orisa to the other main tanks. Compare mei to the other dps. Compare Moira to Ana. These heroes strengths is preventative instead of being active

Maybe, Discord is still amazing in these comps. But Baps could do well.

I honestly don’t think she will be. But if she is, it is likely in a goats 2.0 way. I can’t see her working another way.

Likely as not, she will be in a game full of her counters, and is practically unplayable.

Some Pro people on GosuPeak’s interviews are thinking it will be Lucio/Bap on attack, and Zen/Bap on defence.

Although I’ve seen teams combo Bap Mercy on previous metas. For double the “prevent death”

Makes good sense.

Lucio will only be there if they expect slower tanks used. No need for speed boost if everyone moves quickly already (unless it is JUST to save Zen)

Lucio is great with dive tho.

He was good in dive for saving Zen (it was the only defence Dive had).

IF we see a return to dive, and we have Zen’s discord as a major part of it, then yes, I expect to see Lucio.

Heck, imagine if the meta becomes Mercy/Bap/Orisa/Rein

So many damage boosts

Unlikely, though…

Mercy / Baps has a lot going for it. Field + Rez is a damn good combo. And Baps is more than capable to keep the tanks running while she looks after the DPS.

If they ever balance the game the meta will be Ana lucio dive

I think that’s one of the better things about this patch.

It’s so fundamentally different, with so many good options, it’s hard to tell what will be “best”.

We didn’t see Ana / Lucio dive before.

The reason Zen was used was because discord, and you will see why.

Dive means 4 of your heroes are fighting a single target right? So, you discord them, and now, they are all getting an extra 20% damage.

All of them. It is almost like having an extra diver there, AS WELL as any damage / healing he can pull.

Ana can’t compete with that kind of value. Which is why she wasn’t used in dive 1.0

I don’t think the game as a whole has been power crept, it’s more specific heroes have just been hard power crept. These include:

  • Mei
  • Reaper
  • Hanzo
  • McCree
  • Tracer (not as much, but she’s heading down that path)

Well, they could bring back Dive with one simple change.

Allow Zenyatta to place Discords through barriers.

Or by pushing the value of discord back up.

But I expect they would revert the JJonak nerf before that.

Is this the same McCree in the bottom 4 of win rates at all ranks?

You can say a lot about him, but, sure as hell, having him on your team is almost a loss before you leave spawn.

I wouldn’t put him in the “damage creep basket” as just in the “bad” basket.