Please... please do something about power creep

Lucio is literally an extra diver, and antiheal is just as good as discord. And lucio does more for the dive heroes than mercy does because he has more utility. While Ana does more for the dive heroes than zen because of nano and her healing.

The comp just has higher peak output

Also it was meta when they balanced mercy to 50 and before brig took over the whole game

Heh, what if Discord applied a 25% antiheal, in addition to it’s 25% damage boost.

Well, that’s sort of the sad thing.

He’s power crept as hell… but is still useless because of the other DPS that are just far more power crept than he is. Widow/Hanzo also make 90% of the DPS roster useless.

ok, lets take the antiheal thing apart first.

How long do you think a dive target lasts, once all 4 attackers arrive (hint, less than a second).

How much healing to you think they will have applied?

Why do you think Dive never contained any big healers? Because low TTKs made healing irrelivant.

You can’t heal dead, and you can’t save someone from twice their health in damage in under a second.

It was why Brigitte had INSTANT healing, and pre healing. Because it was the only way healing could be relivant.

He is a lot strong than he was before, for SURE, but I think the buffs were damn well needed. I mean, they were huge and he is STILL bad.

Like, they couldn’t leave him as total trash, he isn’t Sombra.

Which is why anti heal does the same thing as discord but can hit the whole team getting more value out of cleave. They die the same speed with either one, but antiheal is aoe and can boost your own healing

Yeah, but let’s say you got a 65hps Moira heal, dumbed down to 49hps.

Or a Mercy heal down to 37hps.

All the sudden, that 75DPS Winston is outpacing healing considerably.

Oh? using Nade as a damage source is fine, but anti itself did nothing when healing is not effective, even when doubled it did nothing.

Here we go, this is during dive.

See how Ana’s pick rate goes down in GM? and Zen’s is quite a lot higher than hers? it was because she wasn’t nearly as effective as Zen was.

You can see the only 3 dps getting play in GM are Genji / Tracer and S76.

They had pushed out the entire rest of the DPS roster.

“I got proven wrong so everyone else is a jerk”

That’s all just because mercy was op. As soon as she got nerfed and lucio got buffed the comp changed

See how Mercy’s pick rate in GM here is quite low?

This is before the Moth Meta. Mercy’s rework came later.

Here is what it looked like in mid moth…

Mercy is now the most picked hero in GM. (This is after a bunch of Mercy nerfs as well, she wasn’t balanced yet)

Zen is still picked over Ana, but it is much much closer here.

Once she if nerfed, and falls out of the Meta, then Zen takes over again, until Brig shows up and the entire meta vanishes out of existance. A couple of months later, Goats starts up, and the rest is, as they say, history.

Lucio of course stays in the mix, but, as a way to help the tanks engage, and get focus on people, rather than as an escape for the other support.

No. Her ability to freeze one target at a time would still be really good. The multifreeze is too good imo.

The other day used her ult and spammed cryo ray and frooze 3 targets instantly. Thats a bit much.

With less shields mei will go from being annoying to op. Multifreeze is a remenent from goats that needs to go.

She’ll still be BA without multifreeze, and still a S tier pick in the next meta imo

Actually multifreeze was something from after Dive meta, during the Moth meta.

And with the upcoming game focusing on a bunch of close range brawls, if you aren’t capable of dealing with more than 1 enemy are a time, the hero is gonna be dumpster tier.

Pretty sure that was added in the goats era.

And i highly doubt it. Mei’s wall will be one of the best “shields” in the meta. I believe mei will be top tier.

We’ll just have to wait and see

Well, GOATs wasn’t a thing until July 2018.

And this is from April 2018.

This is exactly what power creep is.

Except he was always pretty bad.

S76 was surprisingly heavily picked in dive and McCree wasn’t.

I just think again, he isn’t a good example to point at.

It would require that he was once good.

You obviously don’t remember snipercree or mcbastion.

I do, wasn’t that cleared up in the beta

Didn’t it get nerfed out of existence?

Nah there was a period of time during… I want to say Ana’s launch, where they changed his fall off back to the beta values

And he was pretty much Ashe with CC lol

I’m guessing that got nerfed out.

Saying someone was stronger in then past and they are weak now works for showing powercreep only worked if they were not nerfed between.

If anything it shows that they cared about power creep and stopped it.