Please... please do something about power creep

It exists. It’s the biggest problem with the game.

Nerf heroes across the board. Nerf everyone down to the level of the worst hero instead of buffing up heroes who are a little behind the curve.

Each patch has felt consecutively worse on balance because of power creep. Swallow your pride, admit it exists, and do something about it!


Wait, what do you mean? They reverted armor recently, drastically reducing the amount of damage people can put out against armor. I’d say thats a pretty good start.

As for nerfs…the game has had a significant amount of nerfs rather than buffs. I’d say a lot more heroes need buffs than nerfs right now, especially with underperforming heroes.

The problem is many heroes are still way too strong.

Like Mei’s spray being able to stun multiple heroes. That’s a change that needs to be reverted.

Hitscan buffs need to be reverted.

McCree rate of fire needs to be reverted.

Orisa’s move speed while firing buff needs to be reverted.

So on and so forth. All that’s happened is a wider and wider gap between the meta heroes and the f-tier heroes.


Well I did think of one.

Make it so Hanzo spirit arrows from StormArrow deal 1/3rd damage to barriers.

Still means he can dish out 235 damage on a barrier in 1.5sec.

So Mei should be useless in a teamfight?

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Blizzard: Proceeds to contribute to power creep


She wasn’t useless when she was like that before powercreep.

Which is exactly my point. Her left mouse button does almost what only her ulti could do before. THAT IS POWERCREEP.

Looks at her pick / win rates from before that…

Kinda she was. They buffed her because she needed a buff.

Actually her pickrate was pretty abysmal before her buffs.

Before her buffs, after the buffs of other characters. In beta and at launch, Mei was a VERY strong pick.

Literally the only reason you picked her in the past was to be irritating on Hanamura. Outside of that well no reason to pick her over other heroes.

Even now she’s not as good as everyone makes her out to be, people need to actually shoot her for once rather than just let her stroll on through the barrier with Reaper because half the time I’m the only one firing at them.

Agreed, this game has been suffering from power creep in a long time. Before that we had mobility creep and the devs decided to sweep it under the rug and buffed counters to solve it. Same has been happening now but they buffed heroes because of how broken tanks and supports specifically were when stacked together.

Things like Mei multifreeze, Reaper 40% lifesteal, Cree’s fire rate, Orisa’s dmg output have no place in a game where tanks no longer stack like they did before.

The biggest reason for power creep is that the devs make new heroes bloated with abilities, and to help old heroes compete they up their dmg/cooldown numbers. It’s a pattern for every new hero release.


With a horrable win rate, and a terrable pick rate - when they needed to buff her?

Or are you saying, this hero was once OK, before they nerfed the hell out of them, so they never needed to be buffed back up?

Because that makes no sense what so ever.

Of course she was strong when nobody knew how to play the game.
When people did learn she fell like a rock and they had to buff her.

Lol, not really.

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lol, you realize that’s still well after balancing changes had been rolling for a while, right?

Also way to be pedantic jerks instead of dealing with the actual F***ing topic.

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and you realise that

was ALSO

Like, I get that powercreep is a thing, but, damn, you really didn’t pick a good example.

Having a Hero buffed after being trash for over a year because they were nerfed into trashdom isn’t a bad thing.

You know, you were the one to make about that topic.

Ok, lets get back to powercreep.

I think an actual policy on how they want to run balance is WELL overdue.

Like, they should say something like “We are going to balance for win rates, in Masters”, then each fortnight nerf the high win rate heroes, and buff the low win rate ones.

or something like that, because balance by whining streamer sucks pretty hard.

This way everyone knows what’s up, and what to expect.

To be fair, I am a bit concerned for Mei, considering either Mei/Hanzo or Mei/Reaper is looking like the next meta.

And the formerly “flimsy” icewall is looking more sturdy than Orisa barriers.


Yeah, but you know people won’t complain about the wall (her strongest ability) but about the freezygun which is pretty much the worst thing in her kit.

I don’t think Mei/Hanzo, since the wall ALSO blocks Hanzo. Since the ranged DPS will be strong, I don’t think Mei will see a lot of play honestly.

Also I think Ashe is stronger hero than Hanzo is.

Ya see I just saw you saythat pharah has more counters than sym so I am not gonna believe like anything you say off face value. May wanna give reasons and examples