Please Nerf Sombra

I think that’s your real issue then. It’s not Sombra. It’s how big a deal playing against a premade stack is as a solo queue player.

Is this a typo or am not seeing the question.

Im asking you to name another ability then hack that is cancelled by so many thing then they are. Espacially hack.
To name what stops hack
0.1 Dmg
LoS (including shield)
Movement abilities like blink or dash etc

I see, no other ability but no other abilitys let you go fully invisible. Also hack sure it can be cancelled but if you’re in a team fight and your rein maybe, you ducked. Also this is one part that really annoys me about Sombra how fast her hack comes back after its cancelled.

Yea both are stong abilities but both have weaknesses they aren’t unstoppable game winners.

In a teamfight you have 5 people in front of you and 1 behind so it shouldn’t be a problem for atleast one of your team to turn around and take care of her if you force her to tl she will be away from the fight and you have a 6v5 situation for quite a few seconds.

For the topic of hack comming back fast is you already blocked it you know where she is why do you let her hack you again.

A little think that takes more than 0.65 secs on most heros, reloading

Reload out of los or fake her out by easing up on fire then when she goes to hack you, shoot her. You’ll now have 2 seconds to reload.

That above^ or abilities ie cooldown management.

Being countered is a part of the game. Being dead strips you of all gameplay and being dead - however you get there is just that.

Just stop being salty because you’re playing a hero that’s countered by her, which obviously you’re not used to because she’s rarely played.

If someone is going Sombra to counter you, and they’re good enough to secure the W on that basis then you got outplayed, pure and simple.

She’s a bad hero, stats say that, that makes her also a difficult hero to get wins with. And she’s not exactly easy to play off the bat.

You’re losing your fun to a difficult hero, played by a better player, who knows what they’re doing.


Rank shaming? Check, calling one of the worst performing heroes overpowered? Check. This has the potential for a great thread


When “broken” is just not enough :

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Some hero’s can be changed and it will be the same meta. A meta is not a set if heros its a stratagy. If you get people in gold to pick goats, they wont play playing goats they would just be playing the hero’s from goats. This is why a lot of pros originally calling in deathball when goats started getting popular.

Sombra has the lowest winrate in the game BTW.
BTW the currently the hack cast time is still too short, it would need to be basically instant for Sombra to actually be a threat to Doomfist and such…

So? I aint in OWL and I still play scrims with a T3 Coach. The most broken heroes are easily Brig, D.Va and Sombra.

There is no statistical basis for that assessment of Sombra.

Yeah, because statistics apply to custom games? No.

She has negative winrate even in GM and OWL

Git gud

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No. But custom games also can’t be used as evidence because they are not a reliable source. They aren’t aggregated. And the beliefs and therefore play of a small group of people are overly represented.

We do have league stats. Which is the highest level of play in OW available. She has a low single team winrate the entirety of season 2. Maybe stage 3 will change things but she’s not off to a good start.

Actually she’s off to an amazing start. The teams that were literal trash took out Sombra and might become really good (Houston).

36% single team winrate this stage. You don’t judge a hero by one person’s performance.