Please Nerf Sombra

High elos still have trash Sombra winrates the gm winrate sometimes falls even into negative which is pretty bad for gm.

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Here we go again. Is this how many thread about how hero ā€˜ā€˜xā€™ā€™ is unfun/broken? Lmao

Theres a reason why this game is balanced around the top 1%/owl, not for plebs like you & us.

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Put away the stats for a moment even though low ELO players effect them too. I also said " She makes the game unfun" and as a sombra main you donā€™t see that. It is so annyoing to just be striped of one of core gameplay features, abilites. Even then, when you get an ability off, hack for 0.65 secs and its gone.

ok, will do.

That is fair enough. Nowā€¦ Your job, if you wish to accept it, is design a Sombra which will have an average win rate, and keep her Essential Sombraness, where she uses abilties to tilt the battlefield in her teams favour - and not turn her into a budget tracer.

You have to take stats into account - because you need the average win rates.

You wonā€™t be able to just nerf her, because it wonā€™t give you the win rate, and you canā€™t just buff the gun, because it will turn her into Tracer v2.

Bonus points if you can make her not counter Doom / Hammond as hard - extra points if she has more interesting gameplay after the changes.

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Its balanced because its all the same thing, its just mirror comp basically, you go goats i play goats, that OWL at the moment.

Everyoneā€™s definition of fun is different. Some people donā€™t care about being hacked and some people it drives them up a wall. Some people see the enemy Sombra and think free win. Others would rather spend all their time in-game dead than play against her.

It depends on the person.

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Replace goats with other metas and thats actualy how OWL works at all time not only at this moment :man_shrugging:

The stat I linked you was sorted by single team winrate. So mirror matches are discarded. If you have a Sombra on your team and the enemy doesnā€™t, your more likely to lose in league.

Other metas where fun to watch, GOATS isnt.

Mayby for you
I prefere to watch goats over dive :man_shrugging:

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I did at first but now Iā€™m tired of GOATs too. I want to see something that isnā€™t GOATs or dive.

I think triple DPS is coming.

I think you might be a bit biased at the moment because you lost to team running Sombra GOATS. But I feel like if it was you winning game after game with sombra, you wouldnā€™t have the same opinion :man_shrugging:

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Welp everyone can have opinion
I dot watch OWL, but i like tank heavy compositions.
Mayby because deep inside i wish to play it more ofter over 3 dps comps but who knows :man_shrugging:

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Didnā€™t realize how many posts you had till now. So close to that 10,000 mark XD

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There are stats for every rankā€¦ And every single number is only affected by there rankā€¦
What are you talking aboutā€¦
But okey lets put them aside.

Unfun is subjective btw I find it fun playing against a Sombra whenever im on or not for example.
And unfun also isnā€™t a reason to nerf at max to change a Hero In Sombraā€™s case that would mean less cc relied but what would we do then? We canā€™t buff her gun all to much because she would end up as a invisible tracer. And stealth and tl are both non combat ability (you can use tl a bit in combat but it isnā€™t intended too) so there is a limit to how strong they can be.

also name me an ability other then hack or stealth that is stopped by so many different things then hack is just curious.

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Dont remind me. XD

Iā€™ll probably be over the next meta too really fast. Donā€™t even know what it is yet. But I know Iā€™m gonna get bored of it.

OWL has too many mirror matches is the issue.

But thatā€™s hardly a problem of GOATs. Itā€™s always been the case.

I also prefer to play with 3 tanks than 3 dps. Mostly because the 3 tanks more likely to group up

It also doesnā€™t help that since no ones plays OCE PS4, if there is a 4-6 stack going around, you either get off the game or lose SR. They will just use GOATS with or without sombra and use the benefit of communcation to win. Which brings me around to where the hell is solo queue blizzard.

I wish the game didnā€™t even have a meta, because just imagine a game where every hero and every comp were equally viable. Unfortunately, that is a dream that shall probably forever remain to be a dream.

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