Please Nerf Sombra

That is worse than the last set.

Oh wow

Sure. But it just started too.

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you have teammates to interrupt her. I won’t believe that is always hacking you with all your teammates all reloading at the same time. Even with poor aiming, it shouldn’t take more than 0.6s reaction time with the audio cue and line giving away sombra’s position. If they do take longer, than your teammates are the type that do not take the time to train their aim using third aiming software if they are playing competitively.

When I use to play QP often, I would always warm-up using those software, training on 0.4s small moving targets. These days I don’t since I just want to relax playing on ai and turn off my brain, thus killing my aim and reaction.

Sombra is literally the worst hero in the entire game. That’s an actual fact. She needs buffs.


If they nerfed Sombra into the dirt then Doomfist and Hammond would eat everybody alive.

Ooooh, another pointless anti-Sombra thread.

The OP just sounds ridiculous, it’s like he can’t think for himself :unamused:

Asking for nerfs that would send a character straight to hell when she’s always been bad. Yikes.

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Sombra is annoying.
But at least you can fight back.

Doomfist is more annoying.
And if she gets in, you die.