Please nerf Sombra. I can't take it anymore

Much like what Doom has over Zen?


As much as I hate Sombra, her hack is needed to keep hammond and doomfist in check.

Sombra is good for who? People who use this game as a job, have a professional coach, and train together for hours upon hours a day? I’m sorry, but that’s far from a “good hero.”

Sombra’s entire existence depends on the follow up or coordination from 5 other strangers. When you play this game on ladder, you get people who are only good with certain heroes, or people stacked together in their own Discords, or people totally not in comms at all. And ladder is where 99% of the player base plays this game. Go boot up Overwatch, click Comp, then DPS, and join into a game with 5 others and pick Sombra. That’s how 99% of people play this game, so go replicate that, and tell me how it works out.

If the entire core design of a hero is dependent on that to win or to be completely nonexistent in a game, that’s a huge problem. The players of this game aren’t in this utopian world where all the stars are aligned, every one is in comms all congratulating each other, all making call outs, swapping when needed, etc. That’s not a realistic version of what this game is. Sombra needs to be re-done for the ACTUAL version of Overwatch, not this philosophical version that exists in the heads of the devs and pros.

Until then, Sombra will always be a throw pick, and you can get 110% better results by picking literally any other DPS and just holding m1. You can pick Junkrat and spam with better results.

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Zen at least he has an escape unlike Doom who literally dies because he cannot ult out of a hack.

So this is titled biasness then.

Yes, which is what makes me think this person just gets tilted that their one hit kill gets interrupted and they can’t think of how to play the game beside button mashing. Literally, get hacked and you still have primary. If that primary sucks, as Doom’s does, then either switch or get better at playing against sombras via this route.

90% of Sombra’s who play this game have no creativity and are easily predicted, most of them only switched to Sombra because you might’ve been a problem otherwise and don’t actually play her outside of that or watch hit streamers who main her. Use your full brain and not just your monkey gamer brain that wants kills without any strategizing.

Right, because that TOTALLY doesn’t make it is one sided matchup :slight_smile:

I mean, I am happy to have Sombra reworked, as I have said many times, but… like… I don’t think the argument you are making is going to convince a lot of people here :slight_smile:

And He CAN ult during the hack. Or shoot her. So, like, it isn’t even a good example.


Maybe switch. (20 characters)

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HAHAHAHAHA You’re so Funny!!! no you really aren’t, listen up, If they remove hack from the game then literally she would be a HORRIBLE hero. If they remove it you might aswell remove sombra aswell. Hack is LEGIT her ability to make her a character.


Yes let’s listen to the 1000 sr bronze player who’s a Mercy one trick.

Mei is the best counter to an annoying Sombra Or Tracer. :rofl:

Statistically this is nonsense. Sombra has one of the lowest pick rates in the entire game and a negative win rate in every rank except GM.

Learn to counter how and stop complaining.

i too as a sombra main have run into the god-level doom. it CAN be done, that even if i make it my lifes mission to stop the doom, a god-tier doom can outmaneuver me. it was an amazing game to watch (thank you blizz for the replay mode) from the dooms perspective

we had zarya, hog, mccree and sombra and the man was still unstoppable. i learned a lot of cool tricks about doom playstyle that day


That’s not how it works. Also, for Sombra to hack something it takes 0.65 seconds. Go hop on Doom and record yourself counter all of the hacks.

You’re only correct in that they’re close fight abilities. Enemies with stuns will specifically go out of their way to hard focus you if you’re any tank, Genji, Doomfist, Tracer, and maybe more DPS (I don’t know, I don’t really play them).

I have been sleep darted, and then flashbanged as soon as I woke up. In fact, there’s matches where I’m sure the entire enemy team is saving their stuns for me.

This is fine, as Sombra has to counter someone. Its fine that she counters ability heavy characters while characters who don’t rely as much on their abilities can fight her with ease.

Characters like Mcree, Hanzo, Ashe, Roadhog, and more can easily 1v1 Sombra while their hacked. But you can’t do that when you’re stunned because the enemy will just shoot you while you can’t fight back.

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Some of the things his momentum allows him to do are ridiculous. You think he’s going to get caught on something, but they let him move past it. Like he has movement assist for getting around objects or something.
If you communicate with your Zarya and others, he’s really hard to stop even as Sombra. A spare primary fire hit easily interrupts hack. Just don’t go in 1v6 and she won’t be a problem. Make sure the team is following you.

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If you can’t play around her or out play her just switch to a hero that isn’t ability dependent man.

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Play another pick, you know ?

Sombra is fine. Don’t remove her ^^

hack has literally no cooldown and mid fight getting focused by hack is not fun when your hero can’t do anything when you’re hacked

That’s because a lot of players, for whatever reason, don’t want to capitalize on free kills.

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