Please nerf Sombra. I can't take it anymore

Why? Literally why? There are SO many other heroes that take care of Doom. Brig, Ana, McCree, Hog are already hard counters. She literally does not need to, she’s annoying and needs a serious nerf. She’s actually stupid.

Even with hack you might as well remove Sombra at this point TBH.

so…you are upset you forced someone to swap to counter you?

then…swap to someone she doesnt counter well?

sorry if you didnt mean it but your opening post is entirely entitled feeling.

i’m pretty sure if u forced someoen to swap they werent having fun fighting you.

fun is subjective.
NEVER ask for balance around fun as its never universal.

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20 ch

Wrong. Hack has an 8 second cooldown if it’s successful, a 2 second cooldown for an unsuccessful hack that was interrupted with damage, and the only ‘no cooldown’ hack is when the hack is unsuccessful but not because of damage interruption. The target is hacked for 5 seconds, but still has access to primary fire. It takes 0.65 seconds to hack a target, during which 1 point of damage could strike the Sombra and thus the hack fails, leading to a 2 second cooldown but most Sombras will TP out of the area at that point, mainly if their target is say someone like DOOM with a one hit kill move.

OP is just mega mad that their reaction time isn’t fast enough to interrupt their main counter and instead are asking for the character to basically just be outright deleted. OP seems to not realize they too can switch to counter, they can actually get better with Doom, or simply use their brain for more than button mashing combos like it’s Tekken but in first person form. Overwatch is about game sense, which includes thing like enemy cooldown and ult tracking. If you know they have a Sombra, assume she’s going for desirable targets, such as OP playing Doom. At a certain point just always assume she’s going to be behind you and be ready to 180 yourself, and spit on her. It’s not difficult, you’re just lazy or a crybaby.

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Lmao i want to sr shame your dps but that would be rude so i won’t

Go on ahead. I’m a bronze DPS player, oh the shame. It’ not like I’ve played this game for hours and hours and especially as Sombra. It’s not like I play support who are likely to suffer from flankers but understand that it is what it is. It’s not like I’ve played many hours on tank as well and have gotten hacked by Sombras.

Gold one trick Doom mains crying about hack when it’s only successful every 8 seconds, of which they are actually only hacked for 5 seconds, are totally a much smarter and better player than I.

I’m not ashamed of my DPS sr, or any of my sr because comp is a joke in this game, lol~

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Wrong. Stop using “literally” when you mean “practically”.

Even then, saying “hack practically has no cool down” is wrong too.

Right. Just like if you get slept, and then someone decides to stun you again. Only, with hack, you still get to move and shoot. Even by your comment here, Hack is less annoying.


I mean are you varying who you play? It seems like you’re frustrated that you can’t play ability reliant heroes but this game is about matchups.

If you aren’t willing to switch then you’re the problem not Sombra.

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I have tried, i have played zen for almost half the time i played doomfist, and tbh, i only get in trouble when my team dont peel for me, and then thats a team problem, not a doomfist/zen problem.

No. All heroes should be playable, some are better than others but ALL should be able to be played. I mean look at support, which heroes you play in low ranks matter so little it’s hilarious. I got to Plat almost Instantly playing what i felt like. That’s not the case for dps

I’ve also noticed this forum really hates Doom, it’s kinda sad considering he sucks right now

They understand the game better than you, and were at a lower rank, I’m not sure it is them who should feel the shame there.

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I can tell you’re not a dps player. I hate this response

I’m a Ball and Doom main. Man you can read people easily eh?

Tell me what about my post do you disagree with?

I am a Mei/Sombra and I’ll am willing to step in here.

I want Sombra to be viable, but I don’t like hard counters. I don’t agree with the matchup between Sombra and Doom/Ball.

I would rather her strength was more across the board, rather than spiky as hell towards a very small select groups of heroes.

If Sombra is weak vs most of the lineup, and super strong vs a small section, I don’t think that is good balance, and it isn’t Doom or Ball players fault. It is the Blizzard dev teams, because they made the choices.

If the Doom or Ball players don’t want her to be viable? Then they are also a problem, but not the same problem.

I disagree that the game should be THIS much about matchups.

I’d make hack shorter, EMP smaller, and her gun a lot more dangerous, by giving it normal falloff.

Doom and Ball would survive the fight more often, because they won’t be hurt for so long.

Sombra would be more useful in the main fights.

Right now playing Doom into Sombra without Zarya backing you up isn’t like, the play I would do :slight_smile:

People don’t realize how insanely stupid and overpowered hack really is. You right click a target that takes .65 seconds to complete, it’s hardly possible to interrupt/cancel. You then proceed to disable a target COMPLETELY for 5 seconds. They can’t use any abilities, can’t ult out of it and the target is visible through walls. Hack has a 8 second cooldown, tell me that isn’t broken.

And let’s not forget if you hack a flying target that uses an ability you cancel the ability mid air and they fall to the ground even if you’ve already cast it. It’s SO DUMB, you get outplayed with so little effort it’s laughable.

Because totally it’s better than actually killing someone huh?
I think you should take up Sombra :slight_smile:
You seem to think she is strong, you should play her.

Hack is a free kill.

Sounds like you should switch mains, if you think it is so good.

You would make a REALLY good Sombra. Until you don’t.

At worse, you will learn how to play against her effectively.

I have played Sombra, it’s funny because you’re immortal, you can just teleport out of anything if you know you’re going to die. Stealth through the entire map and hard focus the ones you want with ease. Hack enemies and proceed to get wallhack to make it even easier to kill targets. It’s actually hilarious how bad of a design she is.