Please nerf Sombra. I can't take it anymore

I don’t see any point, it should be common logic to not shoot the bubble if you don’t want to give Zarya charge.

That’s why I said on average you just get some ult charge.

So what, you just don’t shoot him when he doesn’t have a bubble?

So which is it?

You are not hacking because of the bubble.

so you 5v6 them? By doing nothing?

You have an enemy doom, he is bubbled, he is jumping someone…

Doomfist primary has a shotgun spread which should be the easiest option for chipping Sombra during hack. You’re saying you cant play with your team at all when the other team has Sombra? You deny hack just by existing.

Both. He doesn’t have a bubble both when he engages and disengages. It doesn’t last that long.

2 seconds for bubble
He is in in less than one because slam.

If you are there shooting, you are decloaked, so you CAN be the target, so it is risky.

If you are not the target, you won’t get enough to kill him, and mean while, EVERYONE ELSE will be pushing out a lot more damage.

You are STILL not winning that fight. They are NOT running a Sombra, they are not putting out the pitiful damage you are.

They will be getting kills with the damage they are putting out.

You counter Doom. but you don’t counter Doom + Zarya.

In this case, you would LITERALLY be better off being ANY other hero.

Yes, you MAYBE got Zarya to burn bubble. But she was likely to do so anyway.

Like, even IN your good choice scenario, she is STILL a bad choice.

In the Doom jumps in naked and alone, AND doesn’t shoot you on the way in, or target you as the target, then YES, you do well.

But if THAT is your entire strategy to do ok, you are going to lose.

Slam doesn’t go that far, he needs to use punch to engage in most situations.

No Doomfist in his right mind would focus a Sombra since she can teleport away.

You don’t need to kill him, you just need to farm him for ult charge.

You are more than them if your Zarya also bubbles.

HAS it been placed?

While he kills the rest of your team. OR you could have been anyone else and won that fight.

Hack I note, sucked. That strong power? REALLY sucked.

THIS is the “strong” case.

Her gun is garbage in the main fight, and hack just isn’t as strong as you think it is.

It is worst than ANY burst damage the game has. It is Annoying, but it isn’t strong.

It is like people who think Mei’s left click is strong (hint, also garbage, always has been).

Why wouldn’t it have been?

You Zarya uses bubble on the person he Dive. If he tries to stay longer you hack him.

Cooldown, or she wants to use it for mobility, because… main fight, she needs ALL the help she can get.

Which he won’t.

Look, go play her. Seriously, you don’t have a clue on how the fights go.

Play her, and play ANY other DPS who is not garbage.

See how it goes.

As much as I hate Doomfist, hack is one of the dumbest abilities in the game, and on such a short cooldown as well, with Sombra’s stealth and mobility, hack is really unearned. At least make it a wind up projectile like Ana’s sleep dart.

You generally use it as an escape option

Then he won’t kill your team

I seem to know more than you since you don’t even know that you don’t have to shoot at a bubbled hero.

Try playing Zen into a DF… same experience. And Sombra is actually the only one who can hard counter DF and only when she completly play in her own backline.

I mean good luck with that when you are playing Hammond or Doomfist…

Hard-counters exist okey but Sombra literally makes those 2 heroes useless…

Game is idd unfair for everyone being on the receiving end of a non hacked doom. Nothing else is more of a bore. I take hack over that any day.

A doomfist player peeling for his teammates is rarer than a unicorn hahahaha.

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You are the one saying to shoot them on the way in and out.

I was telling you why it was a dumb idea.

Except she isn’t. Having a pickrate that is basically the same as nearly half the dps and less than the dps heroes with an actually high pickrate this meta is not higher in any significant way.

When it comes to win and pickrate she is average. If you want to go by other metrics like meta capabilities, then sure she’s doing better. But when it comes to ladder pickrate and winrate, she’s not.

Such useful advice :sparkles:

If you want Hack removed,then you better freaking also ask for hard nerfs or reworks to Doomfist and Ball,cause I’m not playing a game where those two run around uncontested :clown_face:

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Let me explain. All the things you just mentioned are close fights except sleep dart. None of the heroes will go out of their way to completely hard focus you. Meaning they won’t leave their team to chase you around the entire map. If you’re a good Doom player you can take out Ana, Lucio no problem, Brig is kinda hard. But the point is you can play around them and do good rollouts. With Sombra, she’s always going to have an advantage over you, you can only predict where she’s coming from and you don’t have enough time to cancel hack (usually).