Please nerf Sombra. I can't take it anymore

It’s actually very likely for a Zarya to bubble someone that gets jumped.

That’s Zarya 101

Sure, but Hack still fails, and Sombra didn’t get value, but doom did.

Sombra wasn’t even involved in that fight EXCEPT for burning cooldown.

Like that situation is Sombra failing.

Or your team bursts the bubble and you hack him, or, as I said earlier, nothing happens.

Unlikely, since it needs hack to have been applied FIRST, since if it is applied at any point during hack, then Sombra has already lost.

Unlikely, since it needs to be fully gone in time for a hack to take.

If bubble happens then Sombra also loses. Because she is VERY VERY unlikely to be able to get a hack.

Or it can be applied after

Plus, she doesn’t lose, nothing happens.

Your team member died unless your team ALSO bubbles.
She lost.

She has burnt time in the fight for 0 damage.

Pretty sure we established that they do

Plus you can still shoot him as he is engaging or disengaging.

Sometimes they do.

But EVEN if they do, then Sombra has lost out. She may have as well not even been in the fight. it is 5v6 up to this point.

She hasn’t done any damage, got no abilities to work.

AND if she wasn’t there at all the same fight would have happened without her. Literally she has done NOTHING.

Yeah, they do it quite often. It’s Zarya 101.

If you shoot, you lost your chance at hack. So you get to what? spray after him giving his Zarya charge on the way out?


In this case, she has less than 0 value.

No point in trying to hack when he’s disengaging. If you know the Zarya will bubble him, better to shoot him as he engages instead of trying to hack him

To give her charge? You know her gun is awful right?

You want her to fire at someone who is going to survive the fight to give the enemy Zarya charge?

You know when I say she is bad in the main fight. Like, with your choices, she is literally throwing.

Her guns isn’t as awful as you make it out to be.

EMP > Zarya with some extra charge. Plus you can just stop shooting the bubble.

Yes it REALLY is.

You are shooting bubble, do you REALLY think you are getting charge?
Do you think get charge from shooting Rein barriers either?
No, ALL you do is give her charge. You get nothing.
The moment Doom is bubbled, it was over for ANY kind of gain you get.

Don’t shoot bubble kids, unless you can ACTUALLY drop it, AND drop the hero in it.


Despite my best efforts, I lost this game.

Are you two still going at it?

Go to bed you two.


No it really isn’t. If you have good aim you can farm EMP pretty quickly with it.

Why are you shooting the bubble if you don’t want to give the Zarya charge?

I don’t know, you said to do so. I wouldn’t. You can’t drop bubble in time for the doom hack, the bubble hits, and you are out of the fight, unless you want to make the situation worse for your team.

That was the point.

AT BEST you do nothing, and 5v6. You can have less than 0 value if you work at it, which you seem to want to do.

If you don’t plan on hacking the Doomfist you shoot him as he engages and when he disengages, that’s what I said.

No, at best you kill the Doomfist, but on average you are just able to get some good EMP charge

Ok, lets run the numbers.

VERY unlikely with a bubble.

You get NOTHING, all you do is charge THEIR Zarya.
Barriers DON’T give you charge.