Hi Josh. Thanks for responding. I don’t normally post on the forums but your post literally triggered me to do so.
You mention genji and soldier’s win rates. I found this interesting that you mention their winrates without mentioning their play time (1.01% and 0.42% respectively).
I am one of the many many people who have literally stopped playing the game due to hue unfun it is to play now. As much as communication is appreciated, i feel like your post gives off more of a “Hey playerbase, game isnt broke; just git good 4head” vibes than you think.
Can we PLEASE, PLEASE have more regular balance updates? Is MONTHLY updates really too much to ask for? I know y’all busy with OW2 but damn all that goes to hell if none of your players are still interested in playing the damn game by the time OW2 comes around
This is the same team that said during mass rez Mercy era that the game was mostly balanced, that everyone was complaining about the wrong things, and that it was actually Symmetra and Torbjorn that weren’t balanced.
What concerns me way more is them saying the game isn’t power creeped. Power creep is not a metric. It’s when your playerbase feel power now exceeds what is desirable to play regardless if it’s balanced. They are no longer gaining players and there are mass complaints about the power level in the community.
That’s also true, but the ripple effect of “what happens when a hero with easily available hard CC interacts with low mobility heroes” was never considered… Until after Brigitte was pushed to live.
Balance changes should be considered with the litmus test of “would this be fun to play?”, followed by “would this be fun if it happened to me?” Almost everything in Overwatch is balanced against question 1, and very few are balanced against question 2.
That is really not power creep though. I personally believe there is some… But player sentiment is more player sentiment. It is not power creep just because they say it is.
A major component of Power creep is about desirability of play. If your players don’t want to play it and are unhappy, then that’s a big part of desirability. At some point you do have to take into account the way your game feels to play to your players.
While Soldier is picked in 0.58% of games (according to Overbuff) in GM, Hanzo is the 4th most picked hero at 8.68%. While Soldier is warming the bench, Hanzo gets to be brought out and sees play in almost all games in GM. Hanzo is widely applicable, can do almost anything and fit into any team comp in any map (according to GM pick rates). Soldier, on the other hand, gets played by a tiny, minuscule portion of the GM playerbase, and EVEN THEN the stars have to align for soldier mains to actually pick him.
Why is it fair for soldier to be so niche, when it’s completely fine for Hanzo to be the one-size-fits-all dps?
And if we really want to start talking about statistics, when was the last time soldier was picked in OWL? When was the last time soldier was meta? WAY back at OW release. Since then, other heroes have gotten massive changes. Reworks, even. Meanwhile soldier has gotten tiny buffs here and there that have left him in the dust.
THIS is power creep. THIS is what the community is trying to warn you guys about.
And this powercreep leads to absurdly short “times to kill” (TTK’s) and is needed to get something down. You just get blown out of the game to many times each game and there is no real “play” behind it. I dont get “outplayed” by getting puched into the wall, the other player played me. There isnt even an unfair matchup like support vs dps, its just: You die now because reasons.
I Press ESC -> Exit to Desktop. See you in two weeks… like 90% of my friends did like 1,5 years ago but forever.
Honestly, Soldier IS better than most people make him out to be and they are nerfing Hanzo. The whole reason they do not take us seriously is all the embellishments.
while its a nice dream you cant do it.
in the end everyone is unhappy.
better you guys bite the bullet & just balance for OWL & stuff the rest of us, we will adapt.
balance for bronze & ignore the rest of us.
pick one cause you have been a massive failure at trying to do both
as far as we’re concerned, everything that isn’t meta is the problem and everything that is meta just happens to be meta by mere chance
that strange line of thinking is something i mock on the forum, but i didn’t expect the devs to give the same response with baseless winrate statistics to boot
The developers understand the game better than your average forum dweller. Winrates are all that matter regardless of how much people who want to downplay their hero (ahem Symmetra mains ahem).