Please Nerf Power Creep instead of Nerfing Defense/Support

I mean you heard what he said, they have higher pick rates and win-rates so they must be :crazy_face:

Also, I would like to note how inaccurate Overbuff is, considering we literally have a Dev here giving us statistics themselves. Patch 1.43 was released on December 10th, just under a month ago. On overbuff, for “This Month” in GM, it says Soldier 76 has the 3rd highest DPS winrate and 4th highest out of all Heroes, while Genji is a 7th highest in terms of Damage Heroes, which should actually be higher than Soldier, of I’m assuming correctly that those placements are said in the same order the Heroes were.

Sorry if I kind of put you in a rough spot with this quote, Josh.

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This thread is so deeply disappointing. If you cant understand that power creep isn’t literal power creep, its things like we went from Mercy and ANA being your main healers to BAPTISTE. Bap is the absolute pinnacle of power creep; Sigma is as well. Consider the starting line up of heroes, now think of Sigma, Orisa, and Bap. Who am i to be shocked though, this is from the same dev team that thought nerfing shields would kill double shield.


I’m one of those Genji one-tricks, I can play any hero really well but I mainly just play Genji and despite losing 400sr and falling from GM I have a 56%(? I don’t remember the last time I checked) winrate yet still fell. You shouldn’t have to be the best player around to get value on Soldier/Genji, they’re high skill so it’s reasonable that you have to be great with them but compared to other heroes they’re completely useless in the game with no role that someone else can’t do better with more ease.


Well you have to remember, they have access to the real stats; we don’t.

All we have is Overbuff, which is inaccurate as hell.


Are you serious? I’m 4570 SR peak and you’re denying the extreme power creep that’s going on in the game? You kept buffing Baptiste with his ammo and then his fire rate, now you’ve made an incredibly powercreeped support that outshines Ana and Moira in a huge majority of situations, due to his high AoE healing capabilities and mid range damage that deals more than S76. Then you have tanks like Orisa who LITERALLY HAS 50% DAMAGE REDUCTION FOR 4 SECONDS ON A 8 SECOND COOLDOWN. You nerfed shields in order to reduce their effectiveness, yet you ended up creating another double shield meta since you’d still want another shield to sustain people from the several sources of burst dps and damage amplification that you seem to be incredibly obsessed with.

The general problems of the game are really just damage amplification like Orisa’s ult and Baptisite Amp. window that allow insane amounts of damage output for an entire team. Burst damage from Hanzo and Widow are also a problem due to their incredibly short charge up times and the consistent damage that they provide in most situations.

I doubt that you’d read this post, but take it from me who’s played at a high level for so long and have been through several metas since S1, that this game has suffered through so much power creep due to constant buffing of dps, tanks, and supports that it’s led to unhealthy metas that you yourself might not experience due to your low skill level. If you want healthier metas, start nerfing healing and damage and introduce hero bans so people can start being flexible again and we can avoid mirror metas.


This is why they don’t respond to us smh


Funny that you mention GM states, but never want to take into account any suggestions from GMs/Streamers or Pros when it comes to top-down balancing for Overwatch.

If Overwatch is going to be competitive both from a general gameplay standpoint, or in the Professional Overwatch League, top-down balance needs to happen. Looking at states across ranks will only cloud judgement on the real balancing situations at hand. This is why a lot of Streamers/GMs get fed up on Reddit/Twitter when it comes to the Dev team’s balance decisions/PTR patches.

By focusing on data and ignoring high level player feedback at large and not communicating with those players, and by not focusing on a top-down approach
 people feel like you are out of touch with the game’s state and focusing on the wrong aspects.

I know you guys work so hard and are honestly incredibly talented developers, this game has fundamentally changed my life for the better. However, it’s just a fact at this point that Overwatch suffers from powercreep and has a focus on buffing counters instead of nerfing problems. This is why we keep ending up with mirror metas of 6-7 heroes at best. Looking at stats, sure there may not look like there’s powercreep, but there is.

Not saying player perception isn’t an aspect, it most certainly is. But this is the second or third time the Dev team has dismissed community concerns because of “Player perception”. It’s time to look inward. Communicate with your pro/GM/streamer community, I promise you they’ll be willing to talk and work out what the community wants/needs for this game to become the massive success we all want it to be.


I wish Blizzard could give us a page like overbuff with more detailed stats than that site can provide. (% of players and stats in each rank, find stats within a date range, etc).

You can still deny people looking at profiles that are hidden, but the overall data would include every player’s stat and be more accurate.


They cater balance to them nearly exclusively. Just because they don’t let them decide the exact changes doesn’t mean that the changes they make aren’t specifically designed to alleviate their concerns.

They toss lower ranks a bone now and then but their primary concern is not those players. This is a big reason why I only sometimes take into account the performance of heroes in anything but GM, and pretty much exclusively look at GM stats. It’s not that I’m under the delusion I am a GM. It’s because monitoring that data has helped me to predict which heroes are getting changed and which will be ignored pretty damn easily.

People who think they have been balancing mostly around midranked players have always been incorrect and anyone who keeps an eye on overbuff can see that.

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Supports are wayyy too strong for a game like this.

If their abilities are difficult to execute, that would not be an issue, but they are.

They will need higher skill ceilings for their abilities then we can start nerfing the dps damage

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That’s true to an extent, but some of the changes that were made to counter the tank meta were big thonkers, like all the Mei buffs or the Reaper lifesteal change. I can’t imagine there were many (if any) pro players asking for Mei buffs like she got.

I’m also not convinced that there were any pro/high elo players asking for more sustain, especially after being stuck in Brig jail for a year and a half.

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If this is true can you explain why Orisa can beat every single hero in the game in a duel, most without any skill advantage at all


Whats the pickrate though? Because if its as low as I believe, this stat is meaningless because both heroes feel like garbage and get destroyed by significantly easier heroes.


I’m just confused. We know for a fact Symmetra and Torbjorn had astronomically high pickrates in high tiers even in their 1.0 forms and we also know for a fact that they were bad. I don’t think going by those alone is the power play


and if both are right and the hero is weak at high ranks, then the said hero needs to be made harder.

looking at the 50% life steal reaper i find that hard to believe.


Astronomically high? How high? I knew that Sym 1.0 had good winrates though.

In the 60s
 I consider that pretty dang high lol. Above 55 at the least, I think? It’s been some time. Their winrates were inflated by them being swapped off of when their point A defense crumbled.

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Well I know that they asked for options to deal with tanks, and then Blizz responded by buffing Mei and Reaper. I don’t think pros/GMs were asking for Mei and Reaper buffs in specific, but that is what Blizz decided.

Also they were complaining about the power level of ults and that’s what Immortality Field was meant to address without giving any more healing.

Another good example is that there was also a lot of complaints about Tracer. But a lot of the Tracer players were adamant that she shouldn’t be nerfed and her real problem was a lack of counters. That’s how they got Brigitte in the first place.

Brigitte’s attacks were hard to dodge because Tracer had high dodge. CC to neutralize her mobility. And Repair pack was designed to make it near impossible for her to one clip a support that Brigitte was actively engaged in protecting. Every single aspect of her kit was the anti-Tracer. It had nothing to do with low ranks and they even advertised her specifically to high ranks as solution to their meta problem.

Basically what I am saying is that they are granting these players wishes like a monkey paw, rather than implementing specific suggestions.


When are you guys going to learn that fun is not a quantifiable metric? Pull your heads out of the sand for a second and you’ll see that the unrest is not unfounded.