Please Nerf Power Creep instead of Nerfing Defense/Support

Thanks for the info! Always nice to get insight from the dev team. Especially when it varies from what other sources like this.

I do want to say one thing though

We all know that winrate isn’t necessarily the whole story. Sym and Torb used to have the best winrates all around before either of them were reworked for being so… Situational, to put it nicely.

So while it’s nice to hear that they’re winning a higher-than-average percentage of their games, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re in a good spot.

That said, still appreciate the insight. Always good to get a reminder about how reality may differ from commonly sited “facts” around here.

You have to be joking right? This is the only explanation for your response. Otherwise you are actually just incompetent at your job.

“76 are #6 and #7 in terms of win rate for damage heroes” Soldier and Genji (played .42% and 1.01% respectively) wouldn’t be #6 and #7 in winrate if they were played as often as hanzo or mei (9.75% and 4.63% respectively).

“I think in general being wary of extreme “power creep” is a valid and healthy concern if it’s causing gameplay to become too wildly distorted from the core experience. I don’t feel that we’re currently anywhere close to that with the live game.” How can you not feel that gameplay has been wildly distorted from the core experience in the current meta. When a support hero (Bap) does more dps than a dps hero (soldier) and when Sigma also exists. Both Bap and Sigma perform their respective roles better than any other support and tank respectively and also are better than most of the dps lineup. The only dps you can play rn are Hanzo and Mei becasue Orisa was buffed and is too strong to be killed by any other heroes.
I am waiting for the day Morpheus shows up to Blizz HQ and you guys actually decide to take the red pill. Please stop living in blissful ignorance. You game is dying, you league is dying. And it is mostly the dev teams fault. You response here confirms that.


No, the average forum goer it gold/plat, the dev team is also gold/plat. They have the same flawed understanding of the game. Pros are the only ones who understand the game and should be the ones in constant contact with the dev team to aid in balancing.


I have never loved a Dev post more than I have this one.

No. The pros are even worse at it than silver players. Let’s not go there.

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Damage potential (direct and or indirect) has been increased on almost every single hero in the game regardless of ‘class’.

At launch a common support combo Mercy, Zen would top out at a consistent 80hps combined and now every new support’s potential can match that and they have an additional burst option in their pocket… support duo’s in current OW can output more than 3x that initial 80hps with the use of CDs.

Almost every single hero either has more abilities or additional mechanics attached to those abilities, with all new heroes’ layouts being stacked. There’s considerably more abilities in a single game of OW now on average than at launch.

How would you describe all of this if not ‘power creep’?

Basically, all of the changes I’m alluding to, the general relentless spam and abilities such as Halt, TnT, biotic orb have created so many implications to what used to be considered optimal gameplay or what you might consider the ‘core experience’ that everyone basically has to hug corners and their tanks and or supports at all times.
We get to peak in 600ms increments if we don’t have a shield and if the enemy has Halt, TnT, hook etc. probably don’t even do that, wait for the rest of your team to get a clue and try to accomplish something… and don’t even bother taking to the high ground because it’s going to take you longer to get to that position than it’ll take the enemy to spam you back into the loving FoV of your supports.

Almost everyone has adopted to some homogenized quasi-deathball strategy no matter the heroes they’re playing. If you look at the winrates almost every hero at the top is good in close quarters, on the point/objective due to either their sustain, consistency or a combination of both… heroes like McCree have never been stronger and yet overwhelming statistics show him to be one of the least effective heroes in the game. Do you not think there’s underlying reasons for this?

The game has become too feast or famine, either a DPS or tank eats someone in the 500ms they have to bust a move or they’re shut down with a simple, almost foolproof press of a button. You cranked whack a mole upto 11 and voided the warranty.
Overwatch is in it’s ‘WoTLK’ phase right now, power crept to it’s absolute limit… can’t pre-heal your tank fast enough.
I’m struggling to understand how you don’t see that we’re on our last DBZ saga, we were pushing 9000 years ago and there’s no limit break or new Super Saiyan form that can save Overwatch’s gameplay from itself.

The only thing that hasn’t changed is health pools and the game kinda needs the ‘Cata’ treatment… increase health pools and decrease the upper limits of healing potential (and maybe damage negation) so that base TTK/D (the average time a player lives once engaged without any sort of intervention) goes up a bit while while the overall average TTK remains roughly the same.
You’d need to adjust most heroes due to new damage breakpoints etc. but in the end it’ll be worth it… it’ll alleviate this ‘spiky’ WoTLK gameplay and you’ll have more design space for seemingly outrageous new abilities/mechanics that aren’t suffocating. This seems preferable to decreasing the numbers on everything across the board to the same effect, so players don’t have to relearn the damage of each hero.


I feel it’s important to stress that the dev that posted here is also a top 500 player.


This is the most discouraging post that I have ever seen made by a developer here. This genuinely killed any hope I had left for the game. I really thought greener pastures were just over the horizon in terms of balance, but if we can’t even admit that there’s a problem with power creep (which is self-evident to anyone who has played the game competitively over the years), how can we ever reach a solution?


Well, as an American citizen I respect your right to be wrong.


It’s only evident to people who listen to clueless youtubers. Well that’s my assumption for why such a flawed argument becomes so saturated in the community.

I don’t know what youtubers have to do with this, seems like a bit of a weird dismissal of my point, but okay. I’m not going to waste time arguing with you, but I am curious why, in your estimation, are heroes like Tracer and Winston, despite being the strongest they have ever been individually, throw picks now? After so many seasons of them being S-tier, meta defining heroes (Tracer so much so that professional players were signed to only play her), they’re now being consistently dumpstered in match-ups where they should theoretically have the advantage?

Because the meta shifted? It happens.

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You’re so close. The meta didn’t randomly shift though, did it? These things don’t just happen out of the blue, right?

Balance changes and 222.

We appreciate the communication. It would help if you could make hero stats more transparent to the player base, so we could have a foundation for objective discussion though.

The vast majority of the player base isnt playing in GM, so i wont blame them if they dont experience these heroes having success first hand.


Balance changes like the (almost) universal support buffs all the way back in moth meta so that they could compete with Mercy, the Hanzo rework, the GOATS buffs to Mei/Reaper/McCree, the addition of heroes like Brig, Sigma, and Baptiste, the list goes on, but you’re right, balance changes are what made Winston and Tracer so weak in comparison to almost every other hero. So my final question is how is this not a symptom of power creep? I’m just confused on how we’ve reached opposite conclusions while both acknowledging that balance changes are the reason for the current state of some heroes.


Really? Really?!!?

Are dev’s really that much on another planet with game?


Let me counter your question with another question. Why does it matter?

Skyscrapers are getting taller, Formula 1 cars are getting faster, home computers are getting more powerful. WHEN WILL THIS MADNESS END!?!?!?!?!

I am so sorry but I have to say this again. Most of the OW players are low rank players. They want to enjoy this game. If we don’t exist neither does OW. If you don’t take us into consideration when you balance this game and only balance it for pros and high skilled players, this would be UNFAIR as well as IRRATIONAL, not to mention TURN PEOPLE OFF. Try tanking against Reaper and Mei in gold Rank mr. Developer. Do that for a week without getting mad or losing your mind and I will take my hat off to you mr. Developer. Btw if you really want the miserable experience with %0 chance of winning pick dva against that Reaper or mei. If you read this mr. Developer, Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

So instead of giving me an answer you attempt to move the goalpost? If you don’t have anything productive to add to the conversation, just don’t respond.