Sounds like Ice Wall is finally get nerfed. I keep saying 400 Health is too much per a wall. Nope, people in game matches or the OW Community said I was wrong.
It’s the hard truth, it too much Health to break an Ice Wall in time and as a support main. She usually kills the tank or whoever is behind the wall before I can break one wall and sometimes people on my team simply don’t break the wall at all unless they are GM level players.
What about symmetra? TP cooldown nerf and overall nerf to her entire kit completely destroyed this hero. She was nerfed to the ground because she was good for 2 weeks in double shield meta.
You misued the word ‘objectively’. You mean ‘subjectively’.
Changes to hanzo have already been confirmed
Easy to execute-creep needs to go down.
This is the single most important sentence any dev needs to read. The root of almost every problem with the game is how much power a player can get with too little effort/skill.
Except it gets very complicated, when two players have to put effort together.
That can be easily noticed with supports: if teammate is good, they don’t need supports. If teammate is bad, supports can’t make them good, and is pointless yet again.
Or with tanks: if your shield protects GM level players, they are likely to handle everything, before enemy makes noticeable dent on your shield. If not, most likely your shield would break and you will die, before anything is accomplished.
Thanks for replying again, it’s always great to have a dev talking in the forums and helping clear things up ![:smiley: :smiley:](
Now take in account hanzo damage
One of the OWL coaches confirmed that Hanzo is getting changes in the January patch (yes the OWL peeps know about changes in advance the dev team likes talking with them for feedback on changes from what I understand)
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that’s my point, hero damage needs to be high because of those healing numbers. If they nerf supports, they need to nerf power. the 2 go hand in hand
Any word on Hanzo? Mans got an ability that turns him into Bastion and ignores his usual slow debuffs.
(Josh, I hope you get a chance to read this reply. It’s not a rant. Read me, sir!
Mei only dropped in pickrate because shields got nerfed and Hanzo is a bit busted, my dude! I do love to see you posting here, though! Communication is how we get things rolling! This is a good approach. You’ll get some positive & some negative feedback. But, that’s how it should be. Mei is too powerful, though. Pick rates aside(due to Hanzo+shield nerf), multifreeze, iceblock with 100% immunity/self healing, a wall to create structures anywhere she wants and 250HP to go along with her right click with no damage falloff.
I’m sure that you above all others go through and take everything into account when making decisions. Mei is a good case of having to peek behind the curtain now. She’s REALLY strong in every aspect of every map because of her kit having no weaknesses. I personally think she was strong way before the pro community found ways to use her. But, you have to remember Dive was king back then and Mei didn’t do well against dive because of their mobility.
We have all of these new heroes in the game that don’t really have weaknesses as well. To quote pro player Chro when it comes to the older heroes in Overwatch ‘These heroes were more defined by their weakness rather than their strength. The new heroes don’t really have a weakness. They’re perfect.’. These are heroes like Orisa, Baptiste, Moira, etc. These heroes are great at EVERYTHING. This is one example of what the community feels is ‘power creep’.
We are a very passionate community and we want Overwatch to be the best it can be for everyone. I’m 100% confident that yourself and the development team want the same thing. We just have to continue to communicate until we get there. ‘Being perfect is impossible. You’ll never be perfect. But, you should strive to be perfect in hopes that one day you’ll reach ‘exceptional’.’ - Good quote!
No, I’m pretty sure I meant objectively
I’m pretty sure you need a dictionary.
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No one cares about ranked anymore, they don’t play boring heroes like Mei
You cannot be saying Mei and Genji are on the same level, please tell me this is a joke
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Objectively is the one that isn’t influenced by personal opinion, no?
Mhmmm 20 characters etc
Or else you can back up your argument with actual data but we both know thats not gonna happen
Yeah exactly, the game is literally worse than when it came out
There’s less counterplay, the game is less about skill and more about hero picks, the game is literally having plats use the broken heroes to get to GM in one season
A far worse product than the original games
Love how you private’s your profile after getting flamed btw, that was hilarious