you know what’s boring? holding right click 90% of the game
It’s true but this is somehow blasphemous here
The ultimate argument in the Forums.
“Not Fun”
DVAs matrix is crap because the DVA community complained about becoming DM bots, so i doubt that DM will be buffed
Risa is pretty balanced, the only thing she needs is a slight cooldown increase on shield. She should be smart with the shield not just be spamming it just like Reinhardt shouldn’t being letting his shield deplete all of the time.
I am sorry that i love playing reinhardt with or without goats
Note that i only played goats like twice and i still loved playing reinhardt. Until miss orisa came in being literally the most op main tank so far
Actually fun fact the op is not a one trick they play alot of heroes and I have played with and seen it. And if I may add junkrat isnt that spammy anymore and he needs a really good gamesense and awarness to survive (which i bet you dont have )
I fully aggree with you about everything you have listed on how strong orisa is compared to rein
Time for the age old thread.
"X Tank is OP. Must Be Nerfed."
"Just like “Rein was the cause of GOATS” therefore, he must be nerfed… "
“He must be nerfed because he can only counter himself.”
“He must be nerfed because he’s must pick”
“He must be nerfed because his shield blocks too much damage”
I’m getting sick and tired of these nerf tank threads…
What a load of BS. Rein did not enable nor cause GOATS. Lucio and Brigitte did.
Try again.
You should go tell your 9000iq strategies to some owl players im sure theyd like to know.
I’m well aware that Rein didn’t enable or cause GOATS. I’m quoting from threads I saw during the time of Rein’s “Must Pick” nightmare as I like to call the threads from the forum.
If you think orisa is fine, please give a way to objectively determine how OP orisa is apart from pickrate and winrate.
Well not every “nerf thread” is baseless whining. Feel free to add your own constructive reasoning for or against this one. Whether it’s this topic, or the plethora of other topic available on Orisa right now.
It’s definitely a problem, thus the volume of topics.
So tanks can’t be OP? If they can, how would you know if a tank is OP?
Its silly how you & other half of the platchat is calling her op now.
What difference she has now than what she had more than 1 1/5 years ago huh?
Ps. She IS fine.
What’s wrong with it? Shouldn’t OW be fun?
I am sorry I am sorry
But this is really funny.
You are calling them plat chat while you have a hidden profile? Lmfao
Explains alot about your responses. You are probably a diamond player who dropped to plat and stopped play ranked because of it and brag about that lmfao.
P.s rank shamming makes you opinion useless and worthless
Also orisa has been buffed alot over the coutse of her lifetime in overwatch and fun fact nerfs to other heroes usually give certain heroes direct buffs like nerfing lucio was an indirect buff to orisa coz it made rein not valid against her and actually made her one of the best main tanks ever due to how op she is
Did you read what I say?
Orisa has a high pickrate and winrate.
If orisa is not OP, then what makes a hero OP apart from high pick/winrate? Genuinely curious.
You’re actually pepega if you dont understand that platchat is kinda is a meme/term what streamers & pro’s have been using more than a year now.
So I dont get why you need to get so offended to me when I call someone’s platchat.
Ps. I aint rank shaming kinda type cause I hate it too. But people really should think about what’s op and what’s not. And Orisa is far from beeing one.
Also, you’re pretty much rank shaming/profile shaming me more now.
Ps 2. You spelled shaming wrong. Too bad for you then I guess since ''rank shaming makes your* opinion useless and worthelss ‘’