Please let us buy Pink Mercy

The secret dies with me… if I ever die.

There are places men should not build.

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The Outer Banks of NC is one of those, then?

I’m glad the Wright Brothers didnt know that, tho

As I read, I can relate. Lost an aunt 6 months after that event from cancer. :pensive: condolences.

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it works, people fall for it, and unless there’s some big callout for companies to stop they will continue doing it.
there’s countless skins in the game that are exclusive because they were tied to a challenge, an event etc. how come no one cries for those? oh right, because they can’t hide their very selfish wants for a skin behind a charity that they can donate to without getting a skin as a reward.

it’s not available anymore, deal with it. buy an account that has it, idk. but stop crying about this skin, it’s starting to sound very delusional.

Like… maybe people calling for these FOMO limited skins to come back?

People do, you can search right on this forum for those requests. I don’t know why you think people don’t. Perhaps a little confirmation bias?

Nobody is crying. There are polite requests with reasonable explanations being posted. It doesn’t sound like you’re actually reading the post, just knee jerk reacting.



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Okay. Well, you sound like you’re really good at reaching and twisting logic and reasoning, so have fun with that, I guess.

The only reason people don’t want it back is because they don’t like donating to charity, simple as.

Who gives a crap if it doesn’t raise as much as it did last time? It’s still going to charity. Why not make an annual charity event where you can get all the past skins and raise money for their respective charities?

At the very least we should be able to link our PayPal (or whatever other payment apps are available), donate to charity, and get the skin. That way more money is being donated and everyone gets the skin if they missed it– whenever they want.

There’s no reason to keep charity things exclusive other than people not wanting to donate or support those in need. I can’t think of any other reason you wouldn’t want it to come back.

In b4 some nerd says I can donate without the reward– I do. A lot. Stop with this pointless argument please. :heart:


huh, this is a time i dont see you baiting. Stunning!

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Also I want to add that Blizzard and BCRF are still in contact with each other and BCRF encourages messages and threads like this to show our support for the skin. I can even show you the email.


Lmao people still complaining about pink mercy?

Do you people not understand what “LIMITED-TIME” even means???

I dont even have it, but i for one couldnt care if i have it, you people wanna hate limited-time items and skins, but yet want a battle-pass in OW that is pretty much all about limited-time cosmetics.

The way this community has their logic for stuff like this, is beyond me.


Yesssssssss please

and this, lol, why do people keep assuming about everyone personal life? like…

In any case, I am very happy a lot of people are participating in this thread, a lot of people have made several suggestions on how to make it better, and how other heroes deserve love too, I agree completely, I understand the negativity on some people about " well, it won’t change anything " but let’s believe it might, let’s show Blizz that we’re interested in more charity events, and maybe they’ll listen :slight_smile:

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are you by any chance the same user that send an E-mail to bcrf asking for the skin?`
This post feels as despreat for a skin as that users post

I don’t see any desperation here…it’s just a good idea that keeps coming up every so often


It is, as every flaking time it ends the same, since what? 3 years?
At one point someone just need to let go, even the Mass rez mercy have let go of that idea.

One is an idea that might help cure cancer, and the other is…mass rez

I think there’s a fairly wide gap in importance and value


Boths valueas are rather smale.
If you want to do something big, you bring out a new skinn, for mercy or genji, limit it to a week, sell it for 30 bucks. Never bring it back.
That way you maximise sells, makeing it more valuable then reselling a mercy skin, something that would hurt further donation sells too.

Or don’t limit it to an event maybe? Maybe just have it around so if you donate $15, you get Pink Mercy. Always. 24/7/365.

Why limit yourself to an event? Make it always up to encourage donations. The more donations the better.


People won’t bother if it’s always available. Humans have no urgency unless they think they’re missing out.

Look at the people still begging for the skin. They missed out years ago and they’re still thirsty for it. I promise some of them would still not have it if it was readily available