Please let us buy Pink Mercy

I wrote a ticket about this and it was suggested to me to make a forum thread, despite my best judgement, I am making this in hope it reaches someone at Blizzard
I feel like there’s no reason not to add this skin again, let us buy it, the money goes to a good cause, and we are all happy, I understand " it should remain exclusive " in games like WoW, where a weapon skin, such as the legion artifacts, remain exclusive, because we had over a year to get it, but this? I have a lot of " exclusive " stuff in other games, and it was never an issue for me if other people got it, so I really don’t understand this point
Not everyone played during that period of time, I personally didn’t take a break, but I was unemployed, and of course, I wasn’t able to buy it, does this mean that I am just screwed? I was going through some pretty difficult times and I had 0 motivation to do absolutely anything in life, now I am in a better place, so, can I have a chance to get it?
I actually don’t think Blizzard is this " evil " company that everyone paints it to be, so I wrote my original ticket, and now I am making this thread, in hopes SOMEONE reads it, I have given feedback to Blizzard about several stuff, and that stuff has changed, I am sure I wasn’t the only person giving feedback, but it changed, so I have some hope for this
I love this skin, I really want to purchase it
I don’t want to be " punished " because I was unemployed, and now remain forever jealous of people who got it
Thanks for reading, please, if you’re going to reply, be civil, give your reasons, help me understand why this shouldn’t come back


I didn’t read the OP. dont have to but i agree with the title. i have the pink mercy icon but not the skin. :(((


Is this a copypasta?


Or do the same charity event, but for a different hero instead of the same one again.


For sure, make a whole event, for a different charity, and add another skin to buy, but let us also buy the Mercy one :slight_smile:
more profits + more people playing OW due to the event = everyone is happy
Blizzard can do it however they want, I just don’t want to crave a piece of digital content just because I was unemployed when it was available :confused:


You can donate to charity without needing a skin.

And when I don’t get a skin, whether it was a something I was too late to get or didn’t want to, was on vacation or something I don’t whine about it. I don’t whine about missing Niore (?) widowmaker. I missed both of Bastion’s sand castle and lego skins. It’s not coming back, stop whining.


I’ve done it? several times? I don’t understand how this is related at all, I didn’t ask for Blizzard to open donations, I asked them to let me buy the skin, they can do whatever they want with the profits, if they donate them to a charity, it’s better

Giving feedback isn’t whining, I am sorry you see it that way, I was asked by a blue to post it on the forums because " there is a chance someone can see it "
And you see, the difference between you and me, is that I don’t care about more people having the Noire Widowmaker available, I have it, I bought three copies of the game for some friends I had so they could also have them


This seems like a very selfish reason for something that was a perk for donating to a charity.

Donating to a charity is a selfless act, or at least it used to be.

I have suggested this many times in the past.

Blizzard should do one of these charities every year. Introduce another pink skin for another hero and provide an option to bundle previous ones. Everyone wins.

But so far no repeats of the charity have happened.

Sometimes things need to be exclusive. Pre order bonuses, items linked to special versions of the game, or its family of titles, event specials, etc.

Some get added anyway later and some remain exclusive. This is one of those items that should be exclusive unless a similar method was introduced to allow it be gained again.

I’m sorry you didn’t have the budget to get it when it was available, but that doesn’t make up for wanting it for the sake of wanting it.

Not everyone is going to get everything in life. I have missed out on stuff, but you don’t see me crying about it. Not going to make my life better all of a sudden.

And this is for virtual items in the game… Anyway.


Why do you need a skin to donate for cancer research? Ridiculous. The reward should be feeling good about yourself donating to a cause. The reward is when they find the solution to get rid of this cancer once and for all thanks to supporters all over the globe.


Sure sounds like whining.

You had money then apparently?

Pre-order is STILL pre-order. That reward is no longer available unless you can find a pre-order copy with a valid redeem code in the box.

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But why stop at just limited edition Mercy skin?

They’ll have to make Noir Widow available too along with all the other event skins.
It’s only…”fair”.


Wait, what? I am not asking for Blizzard to gift me the skin, or to sell it exclusively to me, I am asking it to be made available again, wanting the chance to get something I wasn’t able to is selfish? I don’t want to take it away from someone

I just disagree so much with this, what game does " exclusive " nowadays? even Riot is adding their " Exclusive " prestige skins to an end of the year shop, so if you were not able to purchase an event pass, you still can get it by the end of the year


Do you need a dictionary definition of ‘exclusive’? It doesn’t matter if you disagree with the concept it still doesn’t change it’s presence in marketing.


And that’s the point where you are mistaken.
Making a skin unavailable after the event is over will make more money than keeping it available.

You can think about “Fear of missing out” marketing strategy whatever you want, but at least for a charity event I am perfectly fine with them pulling off all their “dirty tricks” if it results in more money for a good cause :wink:


Welcome to capitalism.


I sincerely hope you don’t get ripped to shreds like I did making a topic about this about a year about. People just see pink mercy- and turn into feral jerks without really reading what is suggested.

My aunt had passed from breast cancer shortly after that skin was released and some screwed up part of me thinks maybe it would have been different if I had done better things.

So after that thread I suggested they do different charity skins for different heroes for different causes.

I think after all is said and find the pink mercy skin should remain exclusive. They should though do a new charity event for a new hero for a new skin. It could be for breast cancer or anything else really. It raises a lot of money.


Just as soon as you and everybody else who has asked for the return of this skin admits that it’s not because you want to do good and donate to a good cause. You only bring it up because you just want the skin.

They are just pixels in a video game. You’ll long forget about the skin when you stop playing and you’ll have saved yourself $15… or not, because you really wanted it to go to charity. If you really wanted to donate you can still do that without needing a carrot on a stick.


I’m so sick of these “I want something because I missed out due to X and not fairness” threads.

I’m thankful that many of the exclusive items remain so. Otherwise there would be no point in marketing something as exclusive if everyone can get it anyway later. Why fork over the money or effort or whatever if its going to be free later on?

I don’t see the sense in that from a marketing perspective and I doubt Blizzard does either.

So some items are going to remain exclusive and you are just going to have to get over it.

This was one of those items.

As I said earlier. If they were to do future pink charity events, I would suggest they introduce a new one, bundle old ones and still gain money for the charity. Win Win for everyone.

But that’s me.


Sorry, I call it whining because multiple people make these same threads, and some have gotten on alts and made multiple threads (at least from what I’ve heard, and I have come across people calling blizzard evil, bit I shouldn’t treat you like them because you were much nicer about it), so for them I would see it as whining. Should’ve been nicer in my reply to someone who has suggested the skin once and was nice about it.

But I really don’t understand what is so cool about a pink version of a character, and why many people are so insistent on limited time/exclusive skins coming back. I just play the game for what it is, I don’t really see any reason to care about skins so much than to gameplay.

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That’s nice on paper, but that’s not how business works. If something is always available, the purchase rate drops because “oh I can get it another time”, “oh, I’ll wait”, “I can always get it later”. Where else something within a limited time frame for a specific event brings in the desired donations.

Not to mention it was a collaboration. If Blizzard says yes, they still need to wait for the foundation to agree. If the foundation says no, then you’re out of luck.