Please leave Genji alone

So as someone who understands what it’s like to have their hero neutered, you’re happy another hero is?

That’s actually really hypocritical and an unfortunate mindset to carry. One thing to be okay with where she’s at, another to acknowledge she’s weak and you’re happy she is out of petty.

I don’t like Rein but rallied for his bug fixes, even though I hated playing against him - and now I see him every game. I still don’t want him ruined cause that’s unfair. :man_shrugging:

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That one is correct. They definitively said that was not a bug.

Im not gonna start the glitch wars but bottom line is im sorry your main is sht now, probably does suck and for your case I hope you get her back one day. In my case however I love the fact that I can use my abilities and not get hacked every 8 seconds or getting hacked for 12 seconds straight, cuse as Reinhardt when your hacked it all goes to sht and is the worst feeling in the world, so im sorry but i cannot get behind her revival, but in a perfect world all the heroes would be balanced

Even if they didn’t call it a bug, I still think it was buggy and it was an exploit.

IIRC they fixed it when there were multiple megathreads that had a plethora of video evidence of him deflecting things that he reasonably shouldn’t have (i.e. an Ana sleep grenade from behind him - he never even saw the Ana on his screen.

Basically it got fixed when people compiled a huge list of video clips showing how inaccurate that hitbox was, deflecting things off the screen and way out of his range.

This was posted far after the “Don’t shoot at Genji (;” Jeff comment as well.

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I think that part was unintended.

Genji was never as strong as brig or DVA. Brig erased a whole class and changed a meta 3 times. Dva could basically deny ults with 4 sec matrix

Well, ya wrong, and I really like Tsukuyomis response.

Wasn’t a bugfix, it was a balance change. If you look at the patch notes, it’s clearly not a bugfix. It’s under balance changes, it WOULD be a bugfix should you have mentioned something like dash flinging on ledges to clear insane distances.

I don’t understand this forum sentiment of sombra being screwed? She’s much less effective at lower ranks sure, but she used to be even worse at lower ranks before all the changes she got. She didn’t just require teamwork back then, back then she had less leniency on time to hack, and was basically just an EMP bot, she couldn’t effectively continue to stagger out people and didn’t have the potential to scout as much as she does now, and her primary fire is more offensive than it used to be and her hack doesn’t take as long leaving her less open. She does become very strong in high ranks though, mostly in capturing 2CP maps because of how good a coordinated emp is, it’s a 6 second silence, which can be chained on both sides to silence someone for 18 seconds total with hack, you can effectively stop a main tank from tanking and that’s very powerful.
But she is a hero with a niche, not a hero for always, which is the main thing i see on these forums getting confused thus why they call her bad.

The brig nerf to armor this PTR patch is a big one though yes, but hell, we have a GOATS problem, and it’s her fault for driving that home, an the armor nerf hits that onto everyone in a goats comp so I would say the nerfs are justified, so how was that “Genji mains” faults? Wheres the link?! So it’s just hot air? I thought so.
When has genji ever DRIVEN a team composition in the meta rather than being someone who just gets pulled on for the ride?

And moira is decently balanced, yes. But she’s also quite strong in her specific contexts, aoe 80hps healing (before heal orb) on bunkered up teams, which would show alot more if Orisa was actually a decent hero :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, brig has been super overtuned since her release. She needed the nerfs, genji however? He has gotten some nerfs where almost everyone said, well… why tho? Brig drove a meta, genji didn’t. BIG POINT when you spot the differences.

It’s still worthless. You do understand why anecdotal evidence is the weakest possible evidence right? I thought this was commonly understood.[quote=“Mamalamadoo-1218, post:123, topic:285957”]
And i can definitely say it as well, as you have no proof of it being otherwise.

You can but due to how burden of proof works no one should take you seriously when you say it.

Edit: quote messed up

Well if you don’t like rein thats good for you, that may sound agressive but i dont mean it to be hurtful. I personally just despise sombra and am glad she isnt in my games PERSONALLY meaning thats sinply what i prefer

“Genji isn’t unfair if the whole team focuses him at once!”

That’s exactly the problem.


It’s the weakest, but the only evidence we’ve got.

If I say we cannot prove that lots of Genji mains complained, does that not mean you now have prove that they didn’t? Of course now, that doesn’t work, as you can’t prove that lots of Genji mains didn’t complain, as there is no destinct evidence, which makes anecdotal evidence important. I’m going to make the claim using my anecdotal evidence, you can counter it using yours. This argument is never going to get anywhere, due to the lack of destinct evidence. Have a good day.

I think we should leave Genji and Moira alone, I dunno what the fuss is about.

You’re not gonna get a team of mercy mains every game.

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There you go! You finally got it! That’s the entire reason you don’t bring up anecdotes, because they mean nothing and are pointless in an arguement. Glad you understand that.

But I’m still going to base my argument off of that, as it is the best we have.

You go ahead and do that but just know it makes your entire arguement worthless and easy to break apart.
“But it’s the best we got” that doesn’t mean anything. If you don’t have solid evidence for a claim then just don’t say it i don’t get what’s so hard to understand.

I don’t have solid evidence, but I have evidence from my experience. Also I’m sure it’s not only me who has reached the conclusion that a lot of tracer and Genji mains complained about brig either.

Ok, ok, I gotta ask one more question. This sentence right here that you typed. You absolutely understand why it is one of the dumbest things you can use to defend a claim right? Right?

“I mean, I have no actual evidence the earth is flat but by golly does it look flat to me.”

That is different though.
We have evidence the earth is round, which counters the theory that the earth is flat. We have no such evidence countering that there were many Genji and tracer mains complaining.

Yeah I do, but are you gonna offer up any counter evidence or anecdotal evidence?

K that’s all I needed to hear.

Also I don’t need to counter anything, your arguement is baseless.